Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
892399 Personality and Individual Differences 2008 7 Pages PDF

Recent revisions of Gray’s reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST) have important implications for self-report measures of approach and avoidance behaviours and how Gray’s model relates to other personality models. In this paper, we examine the revised RST by comparing Carver and White’s (1994) original one-factor solution of the BIS scale with two alternative two-factor solutions separating BIS-Anxiety and FFFS-Fear. We also examine the relationships between Eysenck’s PEN and revised RST factors. Two hundred and twelve participants completed Carver and White’s BIS/BAS scales and Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire-Revised. Confirmatory factor analyses of the original BIS scale showed that the hypothesized two-factor model of BIS-Anxiety and FFFS-Fear was the best fit to these data. Associations between the revised RST and Eysenck’s PEN were examined using path analysis. In line with theoretical predictions, Psychoticism was related to revised BIS-Anxiety and BAS, Neuroticism to revised BIS-Anxiety and FFFS-Fear, and extraversion to BAS and FFFS-Fear. Distinctions between BAS subscales and their associations to BIS, N and P were made in terms of past, present and future focus. Possible explanations for mixed findings in the literature and implications for future research are discussed.

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