The application of machine learning for evaluating anthropogenic versus natural climate change Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2017
Design and development of a generic spatial decision support system, based on artificial intelligence and multicriteria decision analysis Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2017
Spatial characterization of cretaceous Western Interior Seaway paleoceanography using foraminifera, fuzzy sets and Dempster-Shafer theory Fulltext Access 85 Pages 2017
Soil legacy data rescue via GlobalSoilMap and other international and national initiatives Fulltext Access 54 Pages 2017
A re-evaluation of the basal age in the DSDP hole at Site 534, Central Atlantic Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2017
Glacial-interglacial contrasts revealed by n-alkanes in sediments of the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the last 300,000 years Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2017
Recent climate warming and the Varas rock glacier activity, Cordillera Oriental, Central Andes of Argentina Fulltext Access 47 Pages 2017
Presence of charcoal as evidence of paleofires in the Claromecó Basin, Permian of Gondwana, Argentina: Diagenetic and paleoenvironment analysis based on coal petrography studies Fulltext Access 28 Pages 2017
Rock magnetism and geomagnetic field strength of the rare Iron Age (300-500 BC) artifacts from Tamilnadu: The first Virtual Axial Dipole Moment determination from India Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2017