Grassland degradation and restoration: a conceptual framework of stages and thresholds illustrated by southern Brazilian grasslands Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2015
The ecosystem service approach and its application as a tool for integrated coastal management Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Another blown in the wind: bats and the licensing of wind farms in Brazil Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2015
How to avoid fish introductions in Brazil: education and information as alternatives Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2015
Measuring the variability of the drosophilid assemblages associated with forests of the Brazilian savanna across temporal and spatial scales Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2015
Burning management mediates the coexistence of plant species in a semi-natural grassland Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Assessing the importance of riparian zones conservation for leaf decomposition in streams Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2015
Illegal hunting and fishing in Brazil: a study based on data provided by environmental military police Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Pulling the plug: strategies to preclude expansion of dams in Brazilian rivers with high-priority for conservation Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2015
The effects of habitat availability and quality on small mammals abundance in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2015
Protected areas effectiveness in maintaining viable giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) populations in an agricultural frontier Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Species extinction risk might increase out of reserves: allowances for conservation of threatened butterfly Actinote quadra (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) under global warming Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015