Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
10250345 | Forest Ecology and Management | 2011 | 9 Pages |
ⶠDeer were introduced into 2 enclosures (LD: 4 deer kmâ2, HD: 16 deer kmâ2) for 3 years. ⶠDeer reduced aboveground biomass of undergrowth without affecting leaf N content. ⶠSoil microbial biomass and NH4 pool were reduced by deer in LD, but not in HD. ⶠNonetheless, total N mineralization potential wasn't affected in both enclosures. ⶠThe stability of N mineralization may allow long-term persistence of undergrowth.
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Shigeru Niwa, Lucero Mariani, Nobuhiro Kaneko, Hiroaki Okada, Kazunori Sakamoto,