Sustainable management of deep sea mineral activities: a case study of the development of national regulatory frameworks for the Republic of the Marshall Islands Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2018
Heavy metal pollution assessment in relation to sediment properties in the coastal sediments of the southern Caspian Sea Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Preserved echinoderm gametes as a useful and ready-to-use bioassay material Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2014
Morphologic, physiological and immunological changes of haemocytes from Litopenaeus vannamei treated by lipopolysaccharide Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2009
Effects of Rutin from Toona sinensis on the immune and physiological responses of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) under Vibrio alginolyticus challenge Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2008
Species-specific wet-dry mass calibrations for dominant Northeastern Pacific Ocean macroalgae and seagrass Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2019
Influence of the light spectrum on the daily rhythms of stress and humoral innate immune markers in pikeperch Sander lucioperca Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2019
Comparative study on cellular and molecular responses in oyster sperm revealed different susceptibilities to cryopreservation Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2019
Target groups for fish from aquaculture: Consumer segmentation based on sustainability attributes and country of origin Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2019
Comparative analysis of sperm freezability of sex-reversed female brook trout and sex-reversed female rainbow trout semen Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2019
Temperature-dependent growth and consumption of young-of-the-year sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria: Too hot, too cold or just right? Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2019
Dietary fructooligosaccharide can mitigate the negative effects of immunity on Chinese mitten crab fed a high level of plant protein diet Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2019
Efficacy of depletion models for estimating abundance of endangered fishes in streams Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2019
Acoustic telemetry array evolution: From species- and project-specific designs to large-scale, multispecies, cooperative networks Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2019
Life Cycle Assessment of fish fed with insect meal: Case study of mealworm inclusion in trout feed, in France Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2019
Evaluation of Florida stone crab life history and management scenarios using spawning potential ratios Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2019
Integrated ecosystem analysis in Irish waters; Providing the context for ecosystem-based fisheries management Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2019
Modelling dispersal of juvenile krill released from the Antarctic ice edge: Ecosystem implications of ocean movement Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2019
A comparison of age- and size-structured assessment models applied to a stock of cisco in Thunder Bay, Ontario Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019
Dissolved and particulate trace metal fluxes through the central English Channel, and the influence of coastal gyres Fulltext Access 22 Pages 2019
Micro-elemental retention in rotifers and their trophic transfer to marine fish larvae: Influences of green algae enrichment Fulltext Access 22 Pages 2019
Pacific white shrimp and Nile tilapia integrated in a biofloc system under different fish-stocking densities Fulltext Access 25 Pages 2019
Effects of green turtle grazing on seagrass and macroalgae diversity vary spatially among seagrass meadows Fulltext Access 25 Pages 2019
Comparative analysis of spleen transcriptome detects differences in evolutionary adaptation of immune defense functions in bighead carp and silver carp Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2019
The effects of a catastrophic forest fire on the biomass of submerged stream macrophytes Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2019
Skin mucus metabolites and cortisol in meagre fed acute stress-attenuating diets: Correlations between plasma and mucus Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2019
Effect of dietary selenium on immuno-biochemical plasticity and resistance against Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria in fish reared under multiple stressors Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2019
Protected forms of sodium butyrate improve the growth and health of Nile tilapia fingerlings during sexual reversion Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2019
The clotting system in decapod crustaceans: History, current knowledge and what we need to know beyond the models Fulltext Access 31 Pages 2019
The effect of resource quality on the growth of Holothuria scabra during aquaculture waste bioremediation Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2019
Seasonal dynamics of bacterial pathogens of Nile tilapia farmed in a Brazilian reservoir Fulltext Access 36 Pages 2019
Effect of dietary protein to energy ratio on performance of nile tilapia and food web enhancement in semi-intensive pond aquaculture Fulltext Access 38 Pages 2019
Altered levels of shorter vs long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in commercial diets for market-sized Atlantic salmon reared in seawater - Effects on fatty acid composition, metabolism and product quality Fulltext Access 39 Pages 2019
Does solar heated structure mimicking greenhouse effective to impede winter growth reduction of some tropical fishes? Fulltext Access 41 Pages 2019
Inferring the functional properties of bacterial communities in shrimp-culture bioflocs produced with amaranth and wheat seeds as fouler promoters Fulltext Access 42 Pages 2019
Insect meal based diets for clownfish: Biometric, histological, spectroscopic, biochemical and molecular implications Fulltext Access 51 Pages 2019
Environmental changes reflected by sedimentary geochemistry for the last one hundred years of a tropical estuary Fulltext Access 52 Pages 2019
Nutrient and carbon dynamics under the water mass seasonality on the continental shelf at the South Brazil Bight Fulltext Access 53 Pages 2019
Obstacle negotiation attempts by leaping cyprinids indicate bank-side spawning migration routes Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
An evaluation of whale skin differences and its suitability as a tissue for stable isotope analysis Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Moving maritime clusters to the next level: Canada's Ocean Supercluster initiative Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Marine introduced species in Australia, where to from here? A personal perspective from a practising taxonomist Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Live autochthonous benthic diatoms on the lower depths of Arctic continental shelf. Preliminary results Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Effects of temperature and host species on the life cycle of Cryptocaryon irritans Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Exploring the potential of high-density cultivation of cyanobacteria for the production of cyanophycin Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Evaluation of tagging and substrate refuges in release of juvenile sea urchins Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Marine animal forests as useful indicators of entanglement by marine litter Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Plastic debris collars: An underreported stressor in tropical reef fishes Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Aquatic interfaces and linkages: An emerging topic of interdisciplinary research Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Acute toxicity test of copper pyrithione on Javanese medaka and the behavioural stress symptoms Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Efficacy of seawater for washing oiled birds during an oil spill response Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Tracing the source of marine debris on the beaches of northern New South Wales, Australia: The Bottles on Beaches program Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Biogeographic vulnerability to ocean acidification and warming in a marine bivalve Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Micro-plastic ingestion by waterbirds from contaminated wetlands in South Africa Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
The fishing economy in ancient times: Goods and amphorae for the Adriatic trade Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Hygienic and commercial issues related to the illegal fishing and processing of sea cucumbers in the Mediterranean: A case study on over-exploitation in Italy between 2015 and 2017 Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
From problem to crisis to interdisciplinary solutions: Plastic marine debris Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
Stocking density for the seahorse Hippocampus reidi in the pelagic phase and insights on the benthic phase in culture conditions Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2018
From banana fields to the deep blue: Assessment of chlordecone contamination of oceanic cetaceans in the eastern Caribbean Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Potential risk of mercury to human health in three species of fish from the southern Caspian Sea Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
The effect of different light regimes on diatom frustule silicon concentration Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Effect of light spectrum on isolation of microalgae from urban wastewater and growth characteristics of subsequent cultivation of the isolated species Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Confirmation that pulse and continuous peracetic acid administration does not disrupt the acute stress response in rainbow trout Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Palmitate induces nitric oxide production and inflammatory cytokine expression in zebrafish Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Risk-taking and risk-avoiding behaviors by hermit crabs across multiple environmental contexts Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Effect of light intensity and wavelength on the in-water orientation of olive ridley turtle hatchlings Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Expanding the “shell exchange market” hypothesis for clustering behavior in intertidal hermit crabs: Mating and tide as proximate factors Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Structural and functional measures of marine microbial communities: An experiment to assess implications for oil spill management Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
A preliminary study on coastal debris in Nallathanni Island, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, Southeast coast of India Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Composition and abundance of benthic marine litter in a coastal area of the central Mediterranean Sea Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Food selection of a generalist herbivore exposed to native and alien seaweeds Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Loricate ciliates as an indicator of eutrophication status in the estuarine and coastal waters Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Chasing phthalates in tissues of marine turtles from the Mediterranean sea Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Baseline concentrations and distributions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in surface sediments from the Qatar marine environment Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Evolution of the theory of rational fishing. The case study of the North Sea Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
On the accuracy of simulating mixing by random-walk particle-based mass-transfer algorithms Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
Rapid biomass and size-frequency estimates of edible jellyfish populations using drones Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018
The evolution of fisheries in Portugal: A methodological reappraisal with insights from economics Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2018