Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
2049341 | FEBS Letters | 2009 | 4 Pages |
Two phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) kinase genes (PPCk1 and PPCk2) are present in the Arabidopsis genome; only PPCk1 is expressed in rosette leaves. Homozygous lines of two independent PPCk1 T-DNA-insertional mutants showed very little (dln1), or no (csi8) light-induced PEPC phosphorylation and a clear retard in growth under our greenhouse conditions. A mass-spectrometry-based analysis revealed significant changes in metabolite profiles. However, the anaplerotic pathway initiated by PEPC was only moderately altered. These data establish the PPCk1 gene product as responsible for leaf PEPC phosphorylation in planta and show that the absence of PEPC phosphorylation has pleiotropic consequences on plant metabolism.
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Life Sciences
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Plant Science
Patrice Meimoun, Aurélie Gousset-Dupont, Bénédicte Lebouteiller, Françoise Ambard-Bretteville, Evelyne Besin, Caroline Lelarge, Caroline Mauve, Michael Hodges, Jean Vidal,