Complexity in Technology Management: Theoretical Analysis and Case Study of Automobile Sector in Japan Fulltext Access 16 Pages 2000
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A strategic alignment approach for effective business process reengineering: linking strategy, processes and customers for competitive advantage Fulltext Access 13 Pages 1997
Precedence theorems and dynamic programming for the single-machine weighted tardiness problem Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2019
Algorithmic sign prediction and covariate selection across eleven international stock markets Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2019
Role of specific energy in decomposition of time-invariant least-cost reservoir filling problem Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2019
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A matheuristic based on Lagrangian relaxation for the multi-activity shift scheduling problem Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2019
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the two-stage capacitated facility location problem Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2019
Rationalising the use of Twitter by official organisations during risk events: Operationalising the Social Amplification of Risk Framework through causal loop diagrams Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2019
Natural disaster topic extraction in Sina microblogging based on graph analysis Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2019
A hybrid adaptively genetic algorithm for task scheduling problem in the phased array radar Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2019
A Deep Active Survival Analysis approach for precision treatment recommendations: Application of prostate cancer Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2019
Vehicle engine classification using normalized tone-pitch indexing and neural computing on short remote vibration sensing data Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2019
Optimal trade-in strategy of business-to-consumer platform with dual-format retailing model Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2019
Solving the Weighted Capacitated Planned Maintenance Problem and its variants Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2019
Measuring the logistics performance of internal hospital supply chains - A literature study Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2019
Geometric one-class classifiers using hyper-rectangles for knowledge extraction Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2019
Assessing the performances of different neural network architectures for the detection of screams and shouts in public transportation Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2019
Hierarchical network systems: An application to high-technology industry in China Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2019
News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for interpretable predictions Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2019
A general framework for pricing Asian options under stochastic volatility on parallel architectures Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2019
Subjective data arrangement using clustering techniques for training expert systems Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019
Distributionally robust scheduling on parallel machines under moment uncertainty Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019
Improved state space relaxation for constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting problems Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019
Sentiment analysis based on rhetorical structure theory:Learning deep neural networks from discourse trees Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019
A data analytic benchmarking methodology for discovering common causal structures that describe context-diverse heterogeneous groups Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019
Optimised buffer allocation to construct stable personnel shift rosters Fulltext Access 16 Pages 2019
Optimizing source and receiver placement in multistatic sonar networks to monitor fixed targets Fulltext Access 16 Pages 2019
A flexible transfer learning framework for Bayesian optimization with convergence guarantee Fulltext Access 17 Pages 2019
Finding a representative nondominated set for multi-objective mixed integer programs Fulltext Access 17 Pages 2019
Supply chain network equilibrium with strategic financial hedging using futures Fulltext Access 17 Pages 2019
Tensor decomposition processes for interpolation of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging Fulltext Access 17 Pages 2019
Ultrasound image segmentation using a novel multi-scale Gaussian kernel fuzzy clustering and multi-scale vector field convolution Fulltext Access 18 Pages 2019
Differentiating users by language and location estimation in sentiment analisys of informal text during major public events Fulltext Access 18 Pages 2019
Emerging topic detection in twitter stream based on high utility pattern mining Fulltext Access 19 Pages 2019
Multiple instance learning for histopathological breast cancer image classification Fulltext Access 20 Pages 2019
Balanced connected task allocations for multi-robot systems: An exact flow-based integer program and an approximate tree-based genetic algorithm Fulltext Access 20 Pages 2019
An exact static solution approach for the service parts end-of-life inventory problem Fulltext Access 20 Pages 2019
A text summarization method based on fuzzy rules and applicable to automated assessment Fulltext Access 21 Pages 2019
A novel and efficient data point neighborhood construction algorithm based on Apollonius circle Fulltext Access 21 Pages 2019
A stochastic programming model for outpatient appointment scheduling considering unpunctuality Fulltext Access 21 Pages 2019
The value of entrant manufacturers: A study of competition and risk for donor-funded procurement of essential medicines Fulltext Access 21 Pages 2019
Distributionally robust single machine scheduling with the total tardiness criterion Fulltext Access 21 Pages 2019
Designing coalition-based fair and stable pricing mechanisms under private information on consumers' reservation prices Fulltext Access 22 Pages 2019
Prescriptive analytics for human resource planning in the professional services industry Fulltext Access 23 Pages 2019
Intelligent web-phishing detection and protection scheme using integrated features of Images, frames and text Fulltext Access 23 Pages 2019
Examining Pareto optimality in analytic hierarchy process on real Data: An application in public transport service development Fulltext Access 24 Pages 2019
A deep learning approach for real-time detection of atrial fibrillation Fulltext Access 24 Pages 2019
A two-stage solution approach for the Directed Rural Postman Problem with Turn Penalties Fulltext Access 25 Pages 2019
The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem: Stronger bounds in pseudo-polynomial time Fulltext Access 25 Pages 2019
A method for modelling operational risk with fuzzy cognitive maps and Bayesian belief networks Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2019
Column generation for vehicle routing problems with multiple synchronization constraints Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2019
Edge-based compression and classification for smart healthcare systems: concept, implementation and evaluation Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2019
A new edge detection approach via neutrosophy based on maximum norm entropy Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2019
New solution approaches for the capacitated supplier selection problem with total quantity discount and activation costs under demand uncertainty Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2019
Vendor Management Inventory with consignment contracts and the benefits of cooperative advertising Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2019
Decision-making for financial trading: A fusion approach of machine learning and portfolio selection Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2019
Robustness analysis of multi-criteria collaborative filtering algorithms against shilling attacks Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2019
Optimal production, replenishment, delivery, routing and inventory management policies for products with perishable inventory Fulltext Access 31 Pages 2019
A precision pump schedule optimization for the water supply networks with small buffers Fulltext Access 31 Pages 2019
Joint pricing and production decisions for new products with learning curve effects under upstream and downstream trade credits Fulltext Access 31 Pages 2019
Applying mutual information for discretization to support the discovery of rare-unusual association rule in cerebrovascular examination dataset Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2019
Vendor managed inventory contracts - coordinating the supply chain while looking from the vendor's perspective Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2019
A flexible multicriteria decision-making methodology to support the strategic management of Science, Technology and Innovation research funding programs Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2019
An integrated imputation-prediction scheme for prognostics of battery data with missing observations Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2019
Merging plans with incomplete knowledge about actions and goals through an agent-based reputation system Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2019