Non-economic motivations for organizational citizenship behavior in construction megaprojects Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2020
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System analysis and contributions to the consolidation under exploitation of surface elements Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2018
Big data analytics and application for logistics and supply chain management Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2018
Artificial intelligence solution for managing a photovoltaic energy production unit Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2018
Terrestrial laser scanning harnessed for moisture detection in building materials - Problems and limitations Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2018
Technology transfer, adoption of technology and the efficiency of nations: Empirical evidence from sub Saharan Africa Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2018
Timing of sales commitment in a supply chain with manufacturer-quality and retailer-effort induced demand Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2018
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Effect of product lifecycle management on new product development performances: Evidence from the food industry Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2018
From Morphological Analysis to optimizing complex industrial operation scenarios Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2018
A review of short-term event studies in operations and supply chain management Fulltext Access 55 Pages 2018
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Teaching Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) for Workplace Design in Learning Factories Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2017
What makes tourists feel negatively about tourism destinations? Application of hybrid text mining methodology to smart destination management Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2017
The co-evolution of supplier relationship quality and product quality in the U.S. auto industry: A cultural perspective Fulltext Access 43 Pages 2017
The use of artificial neural networks for modeling air void content in aggregate mixture Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2016
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Australia's Cooperative Research Centre Program: A transaction cost theory perspective Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2016
Science and Technology Parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2016
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iSports: A web-oriented expert system for talent identification in soccer Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2016
An object-oriented approach for multi-objective flexible job-shop scheduling problem Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2016
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Strategy and business model design in dynamic telecommunications industries: A study on Italian mobile network operators Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2015
Group multi-criteria supplier selection using combined grey systems theory and uncertainty theory Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2015
Identifying organizational variables affecting project management office characteristics and analyzing their correlations in the Iranian project-oriented organizations of the construction industry Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2015
Application of information technology in creative economy: Manufacturing vs. creative industries Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2015
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Business intelligence in banking: A literature analysis from 2002 to 2013 using text mining and latent Dirichlet allocation Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
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Imperialist competitive algorithm with PROCLUS classifier for service time optimization in cloud computing service composition Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
Integrated roadmaps and corporate foresight as tools of innovation management: The case of Russian companies Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
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Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project management Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
Technology foresight for sustainable production in the German automotive supplier industry Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
Stakeholder management studies in mega construction projects: A review and future directions Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
Plans versus people: Comparing knowledge management approaches in IT-enabled business projects Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
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How European public sector agencies innovate: The use of bottom-up, policy-dependent and knowledge-scanning innovation methods Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
Shareholder value creation on deregulated transportation sector: Focus on North American railway freight Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
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Sustainable procurement disclosure practices in central public sector enterprises: Evidence from India Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2015
“It worked for manufacturing…!”: Operations strategy in project-based operations Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2015
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Toward a model for forming psychological safety climate in construction project management Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2015
Planning and managing intermodal transportation of hazardous materials with capacity selection and congestion Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2015
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Project management and its effects on project success: Cross-country and cross-industry comparisons Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2015
Project to improve knowledge management and key business results through the EFQM excellence model Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2015
Developing an approach to evaluate stocks by forecasting effective features with data mining methods Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
Expert video-surveillance system for real-time detection of suspicious behaviors in shopping malls Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
Financial benefits and risks of dependency in triadic supply chain relationships Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
Relationships between a project management methodology and project success in different project governance contexts Fulltext Access 16 Pages 2015