Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
8890819 LWT - Food Science and Technology 2018 7 Pages PDF
This study aims to investigate the effects of various levels (0-3%) of snakehead (Channa striata) protein hydrolysate (CSPH) on the physicochemical properties and oxidative stability of fish emulsion sausage from shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma). The addition of CSPH at various levels does not affect the proximate composition of the shortfin scad emulsion sausage, except for a slight decrease in moisture content with the addition of 2 and 3% CSPH. Proximate compositions were measured for moisture content (66.5-73.3%), ash (1.7-2.6%), protein (18.83-19.59%) and fat (7.91-9.07%). The addition of CSPH slightly increased the hardness, cohesiveness and springiness of the sausage (p < 0.05). A microstructure study found finer fat globules in the sausage with CSPH at higher concentrations (3%). In general, the incorporation of CSPH at all levels had no impact on the L*, a*, and b* values of sausages during storage. The lipid oxidation of fish emulsion sausage was successfully retarded by 3% CSPH during 12 days storage, as evidenced by lower PV (2.67-3.00 mg of lipid peroxide/kg sample) and TBARS (23.27-26.86 μg MDA/ml) values. Thus, CSPH may help retard lipid oxidation during the refrigerated storage of cooked fish emulsion sausage.
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