Lyapunov stability of systems of lineargeneralized ordinary differential equations Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
View Transformation in Visual Environments applied to Algebraic High-Level Nets Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
A Formal Approach for the Evaluation of Network Security Mechanisms Based on RBAC Policies Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
Polymorphic Systems with Arrays, 2-Counter Machines and Multiset Rewriting Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
Efficient implementations of the randomization method with control of the relative error Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
A computational study of Benders decomposition for the integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
Experimental evaluation of solution approaches for the K-route maximum flow problem Fulltext Access 26 Pages 2005
Interactive Computation: Stepping Stone in the Pathway From Classical to Developmental Computation Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2005
On the simulation of portfolios of interest rate and credit risk sensitive securities Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2005
Testing from Structured Algebraic Specifications: The Veritas Case Study Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2005
Beam-ACO-hybridizing ant colony optimization with beam search: an application to open shop scheduling Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2005
An individual-based, stochastic and spatial model to simulate the ramification of grass tillers and their distribution in swards Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2005
Cross-entropy-based adaptive optimization of simulation parameters for Markovian-driven service systems Fulltext Access 27 Pages 2005
What Level of Mathematical Reasoning can Computer Science Demand of a Software Implementer? Fulltext Access 28 Pages 2005
Theoretical and computational aspects of multivariate interpolation with increasingly flat radial basis functions Fulltext Access 28 Pages 2005
Queueing systems with leadtime constraints: A fluid-model approach for admission and sequencing control Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2005
A combinatorial approximation algorithm for concurrent flow problem and its application Fulltext Access 29 Pages 2005
Expansion: the Crucial Mechanism for Type Inference with Intersection Types: A Survey and Explanation Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2005
Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Narrowing and its Application to Verification of Cryptographic Protocols Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2005
Constant-sign periodic and almost periodic solutions of a system of difference equations Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2005
Simulated annealing and tabu search for multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling with positive discounted cash flows and different payment models Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2005
Bounded and periodic in a strip solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic systems with two independent variables Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2005
Continuous and timed Petri nets for the macroscopic and microscopic traffic flow modelling Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2005
Manufacturing lead-time rules: Customer retention versus tardiness costs Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2005
Optimal and heuristic solutions for a scheduling problem arising in a foundry Fulltext Access 32 Pages 2005
Issues in the Analysis of Proof-Search Strategies in Sequential Presentations of Logics Fulltext Access 33 Pages 2005
Einstein's special relativity: Unleashing the power of its hyperbolic geometry Fulltext Access 35 Pages 2005
Performance evaluation based on system modeling using Statecharts extensions Fulltext Access 35 Pages 2005
Heterogeneous Reasoning with Euler/Venn Diagrams Containing Named Constants and FOL Fulltext Access 35 Pages 2005
The topological structure of fractal tilings generated by quadratic number systems Fulltext Access 47 Pages 2005
Inside Every Model of Abstract Stone Duality Lies an Arithmetic Universe Fulltext Access 50 Pages 2005
OpenMOLE, a workflow engine specifically tailored for the distributed exploration of simulation models Fulltext Access 10 Pages 1990
The combination of self-organizing feature maps and support vector regression for solving the inverse ECG problem Fulltext Access 10 Pages 1990
Modelling of biomass prices for bio-energy market in the Czech Republic Fulltext Access 11 Pages 1956