Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Medium and high-resolution satellites; Atmospheric correction; Dredging activities; Total suspended solids; Guadalquivir estuary;
مقالات ISI تصحیح اتمسفر (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Imaging spectroscopy; Calibration; Atmospheric correction; Remote sensing;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Uncertainty propagation; Column water vapor; Aerosol optical depth; Adjacency range; Hyperspectral unimixing;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Landsat-8; Atmospheric correction; Remote sensing reflectance; Coral reefs; Ocean color;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Ocean color remote sensing; Atmospheric correction; Radiative transfer; High solar zenith angle; Rayleigh-scattering radiance;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Imaging spectroscopy; Atmospheric correction; Remote sensing; Optimal estimation;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Kernel-driven model; BRDF; HDRF; Hemispherical diffuse irradiance; Atmospheric correction; PROSAIL; RAPID; POLDER; CAR;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Suomi-NPP; JPSS; NASA black marble; VIIRS; Night lights; NTL; Urban dynamics; Long-term monitoring; Lunar BRDF; Albedo; Atmospheric correction;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Ocean color; Satellite remote sensing; Bio-optics; Inherent optical properties; AC; atmospheric correction; ANN; artificial neural network; AOP; apparent optical property; BRDF; bidirection reflectance distribution function; Ca; chlorophyll-a; CDOM; color
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Hyperspectral data; Radiance; Reflectance; FLAASH; QUAC;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Imaging spectroscopy; Coral reefs; Atmospheric correction; Remote sensing;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Multispectral Scanner (MSS); Thematic Mapper (TM, ETM+); Operational Land Imager (OLI); Atmospheric correction; Bare soil line; Simple ratio; NDVI; Leaf area index; Cover photography; Hemispherical photography; Streamflow; Jarrah forest;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Harmful algal blooms; Chlorophyll a; Atmospheric correction; Arabian Gulf; Sea of Oman; Arabian Sea; Dusty climate; Shallow water; Turbid water;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Hyperspectral; Atmospheric correction; Illumination compensation; Reflectance retrieval; Ground based; Robotics;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Ocean color; Atmospheric correction; GOCI; MERIS; Turbid coastal waters;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Adaptive optics; Atmospheric correction; Liquid-crystal devices
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Adaptive optics; Liquid-crystal device; Atmospheric correction; Fitting error;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Landsat; Reservoir; 6S model; Water clarity
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Landsat; MODIS; Thematic Mapper (TM); Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETMÂ +); Operational Land Imager (OLI); Surface reflectance; Visibility; Spectral mixture analysis; MODTRAN; Noise; Atmospheric correction;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Remote sensing; Ocean color; Atmospheric correction; Inverse problem; Bayesian statistics;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Adaptive optics; Vibration rejection; Adaptive control; Atmospheric correction; Ground-based telescope
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Radiometric calibration; Reflectance; Fasat-C; Atmospheric correction; Aerosol; 6S; MODIS;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Aerosol scattering reflectance; Satellite remote sensing; Coastal waters; The ENLF model;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Water quality; Remote sensing; Atmospheric correction; Seagrass;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Geostationary; Ocean colour; Diurnal variability; Tidal variability; Data processing; Atmospheric correction;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Sea-surface temperature; Infrared radiometry; Atmospheric correction; Dry-layers; Anomalous atmospheric effects;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Ocean color; Atmospheric correction; MODIS-Aqua; Optically complex waters; Algal blooms;
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Land surface temperature; Precipitable water vapor; Landsat; Thermal remote sensing; Atmospheric correction; Radiative transfer equation
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Landsat CDR; Surface reflectance; Atmospheric correction; ATCOR-2; Site-specific tuning
Effects of pre-processing methods on Landsat OLI-8 land cover classification using OBIA and random forests classifier
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Remote sensing; Object-based image analysis; Satellite imagery; Pansharpening; Atmospheric correction; Topographic correction; Landsat; Random forests;
Retrieval of suspended sediment concentrations using Landsat-8 OLI satellite images in the Orinoco River (Venezuela)
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Suspended sediment concentration; Funnel effect; Surface Reflectance; Landsat-8; Atmospheric correction; Orinoco River; L8SR;
VIIRS-derived ocean color product using the imaging bands
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Ocean color remote sensing; Atmospheric correction; Data processing; VIIRS;
Exploring the potential of Rayleigh-corrected reflectance in coastal and inland water applications: A simple aerosol correction method and its merits
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; MODIS; Surface reflectance; Rrc; Atmospheric correction; Ocean color; Shortwave infrared;
Advancing retrievals of surface reflectance and vegetation indices over forest ecosystems by combining imaging spectroscopy, digital object models, and 3D canopy modelling
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Imaging spectroscopy; Remote sensing; Atmospheric correction; Shadow; APEX; Diffuse and direct irradiance; DOM; DART; NDVI; PRI; Chlorophyll; Carotenoids;
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar atmospheric correction using a GPS-based iterative tropospheric decomposition model
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; InSAR; GPS; Tropospheric delay; Atmospheric correction; Performance indicator; Station spacing;
Atmospheric correction of geostationary Himawari-8 satellite data for Total Suspended Sediment mapping: A case study in the Coastal Waters of Western Australia
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Total suspended sediments; Water quality; Landsat; MODIS; Geostationary satellite; Himawari; Coastal water;
Sunglint correction of the Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI)-SENTINEL-2 imagery over inland and sea waters from SWIR bands
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Sentinel-2; Sunglint; Atmospheric correction; Ocean color; Water color; CAMS data; AERONET; AERONET-OC;
Comparison of two atmospheric correction approaches applied to MODIS measurements over North American waters
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; POLYMER; SeaDAS; MODIS; Ocean color;
Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Sentinel-2 images in Mediterranean landscapes
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Sentinel 2A-MSI; Atmospheric correction; SEN2COR; MAJA; 6S; iCOR; Field spectrometry; Mediterranean shrub and grasslands;
Atmospheric correction for hyperspectral ocean color retrieval with application to the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO)
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Water vapor; Ocean color; Hyperspectral remote sensing; Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Ocean (HICO); Vicarious calibration; Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE);
ICARE-VEG: A 3D physics-based atmospheric correction method for tree shadows in urban areas
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Radiative transfer; Hyperspectral; High spatial resolution; Tree shadows; Urban areas;
Evaluation of satellite-derived MODIS chlorophyll algorithms in the northern Antarctic Peninsula
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Phytoplankton; Chlorophyll algorithm; Remote sensing reflectance; Atmospheric correction; Antarctic Peninsula;
Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) data processing for aquatic science applications: Demonstrations and validations
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Sentinel-2A; Atmospheric correction; Aquatic science applications; Calibration/validation;
Recovering low quality MODIS-Terra data over highly turbid waters through noise reduction and regional vicarious calibration adjustment: A case study in Taihu Lake
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Ocean color; Remote sensing; Atmospheric correction; Shortwave infrared; Noise reduction; Remote sensing reflectance; MODIS; Taihu Lake; Chaohu Lake;
Landsat 8 remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) products: Evaluations, intercomparisons, and enhancements
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Landsat 8; Aquatic science; Ocean color; Atmospheric correction; Calibration; Coastal/inland waters;
Atmospheric correction issues for retrieving total suspended matter concentrations in inland waters using OLI/Landsat-8 image
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Inland water; Water quality; Eutrophic environment;
Subpixel urban impervious surface mapping: the impact of input Landsat images
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Impervious surface; Random forest; Atmospheric correction; Seasonality; Multi-temporal images; Landsat;
Radiometric validation of atmospheric correction for MERIS in the Baltic Sea based on continuous observations from ships and AERONET-OC
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Atmospheric correction; Baltic Sea; Remote sensing reflectance; MERIS; AERONET-OC; Shipborne radiometry;
Impacts of dust aerosol and adjacency effects on the accuracy of Landsat 8 and RapidEye surface reflectances
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Landsat; RapidEye; FieldSpec; Surface reflectance; Validation; NDVI; Red-edge; Aerosols; Adjacency effects; Atmospheric correction; 6SV; Desert dust; T-matrix;
The new Landsat 8 potential for remote sensing of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
Keywords: تصحیح اتمسفر; Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM); Dissolved organic matter (DOM); fluorescent fraction of CDOM (fDOM); EO-1; Landsat 8; Advanced land imager; Operational land imager; Absorbance; Reflectance; Fluorescence; Remote sensing; Atmospheric correction;