GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز

در این صفحه تعداد 489 مقاله تخصصی درباره GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز که در نشریه های معتبر علمی و پایگاه ساینس دایرکت (Science Direct) منتشر شده، نمایش داده شده است. برخی از این مقالات، پیش تر به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده اند که با مراجعه به هر یک از آنها، می توانید متن کامل مقاله انگلیسی همراه با ترجمه فارسی آن را دریافت فرمایید.
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مقالات ISI GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Grass pollen allergy; allergen; Phl p 1; 3-dimensional structure; recombinant allergen fragment; epitope; monoclonal human IgE antibodiesCDR, Complementarity-determining region; Fab, Antibody fragment; FR, Framework region; GST, Glutathione-S-transferase
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; TNP-ATP, 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP)-ATP; EETs, epoxyeicosatrienoic acids; EDHF, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; AA, arachidonic acid; DHET, 11,12-dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisp
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Cys, cysteine; EST, expression sequence tag; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; IPTG, isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside; NO, nitric oxide; ORF, open reading flame; Prx, peroxiredoxin; PVDF, polyvinyliden difluoride; RACE, rapid ampli
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Iba1, ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1; H-Iba1, human Iba1; M-Iba1, mouse Iba1; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; r.m.s.d., root-mean-square deviationX-ray structure; calcium-binding protein; EF-hand; microglia
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Bundle sheaths; Chloroplasts; Electron microscopy; Mesophyll; Ndh complex; PS II; Zea maysBS, bundle sheath; cyt b559, cytochrome b559, α subunit; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; IgGs, immunoglobulins; LHC, light-harvesting complex; MS, mesophyll; Ndh com
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; BSA, bovine serum albumin; DOPC, 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; GFP, green fluorescent protein; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HMA, 2-hydroxy myristic acid; LANCL2, lanthionine synthetase component C-l
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; LH2, D-firefly luciferin; LH2-AMP, D-luciferyl-O-adenosine monophosphate; Lit WT, recombinant Luciola italica luciferase containing the additional N-terminal peptide GlyProLeuGlySer-; Luc, Photinus pyralis luciferase (E.C.
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; IFI-200, interferon-inducible p200 family; Cdk, cyclin-dependent kinase; CAK, Cdk-activating kinase; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; 53BP, p53-binding protein; Miz1, c-Myc-interacting zinc-finger protein 1; AIM2,
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; CDS, coding sequences; gDNA, genomic DNA; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; MBP, myelin basic protein; Mt, Meloidogyne artielliaMeloidogyne artiellia; Fusion protein; Plant parasitic nematode; Ras-MAPK pathway
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; STAT, Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription; IP, immunoprecipitation; JAK, Janus kinase; SH2, Src homology 2; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; TCL, total cell lysate; GST, Glutathione-S-transferase; SDS-PAGE, SD
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; glutathione transferase; T1-1; protein X-ray crystallography; protein–ligand interactionGSH, glutathione; G-site, binding site for glutathione; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; GSHex, S-hexyl-glutathione; H-site, binding site for hydrophobic substrates; r.
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Arm, armadillo; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HP-RNase, human pancreatic ribonuclease; IBB, importin β-binding; N1N2, N1N2 phosphoprotein; NLS, nuclear localization signal; Rb, human retinoblastoma proteinhuman pancreatic ribonuclease; NLS; importin α;
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's minimal essential medium; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; IEF, isoelectric focusing; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; RC, regulatory complex; siRNA, small interfering RNAproteasome; protein degradation; cell adhesion; GP11
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; BT, bongkrekic acid; DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's Medium; GSH, glutathione; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; MRP, multidrug resistance protein; MDR1, multidrug resistance-associated protein; NAC, N-acetyl-cysteine; Pgp, P-glycoprotein; S.E., standard
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; AICAR, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-ribofuranoside; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; GSH, glutathione; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HA, hemagglutinin epitope; NES, nuclear export sequence; NF-κB, nuclear factor-kappa B; PBS, phosphate-buffer
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; ACO, acyl CoA-oxidase; CAT, catalase; GEM, gemfibrozil; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; GR, glutathione reductase; GSH, reduced glutathione; TGSH, total glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; KPB, potassium–phosphate buffer
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Arf, ADP-ribosylation factor; CC, coiled-coil domain; FBH, forebrain homogenate; GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; MALDI-TOF MS, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization reflector time-of-flight mass spectrometry;
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; hnRNP, heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein; r15-LOX, reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase; DICE, differentiation control element; 3′UTR, 3′ untranslated region; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; NOE, nuclear Overhauser effectKH domain; hnRNP K; hnRNP E1; RNA binding; t
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; SeMet, selenomethionine; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; PEG, polyethylene glycolN-acetylglucosamine kinase; crystal structure; domain rotation; induced fit; sugar kinase
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; C-NLS, COOH-terminal nuclear localization and retention signal; EAD, EWS transcriptional activation domain; EWS, Ewing sarcoma; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HEK 293 T cells, human embryonic kidney 293 T cells; hnRNP, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleopro
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; MMA(V), monomethylarsonate; MMA(III), methylarsonous acid; DMA(V), dimethylarsinic acid; DMA(III), dimethylarsinous acid; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; As(V), arsenate; As(III), arsenite; KO, knockout; WT, wild-type; HPLC, high-performance liquid chroma
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; HTLV-I, human T-cell leukemia virus type-I; ATL, adult T-cell leukemia; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; IFN-γ, interferon gamma; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocytes; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; HLA, hu
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; APC, adenomatous polyposis coli; CRC, colorectal cancer; DP1, deleted in polyposis 1; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HCCR, human cervical cancer oncogene; HEK, human embryonic kidney; LOH, loss of heterozygosity;
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; MAPKKK; nuclear magnetic resonance; sterile alpha motifEH, end-helix; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HSQC, heteronuclear single quantum coherence; MAP, mitogen-activated protein; MAPKKK, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase; ML, mid-loop; Ni-NT
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; protein kinase C; phorbol ester; phorbol binding; PKC activation; regulatory domainDAG, diacylglycerol; PKC, protein kinase C; PDBu, phorbol dibutyrate; PMA, phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate; GST, glutathione-S-transferase
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; 14-3-3; calcium channel; calmodulin; Rad; RemIRES, internal ribosomal entry site; RGK, Rad/Gem/Kir; wt, wild-type; GFP, green fluorescent protein; VDCC, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; CaM, calmodulin
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; phosphotyrosine recognition; immune signaling; protein NMR; isotope-filter NOESY; induced-fit bindingPLCC, C-terminal SH2 domain of PLCγ; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; BCR, B cell receptor; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; NOE, nuclear Overhauser e
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; CIDR, cysteine-rich interdomain region; DBL, Duffy-binding like; EBA, erythrocyte binding antigen; E. coli, Escherichia coli; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; pRBC, Plasmodium falciparum parasitized red blood cell;
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; P67, eukaryotic initiation factor 2-associated 67-kDa glycoprotein; eIF2α, α-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2); GST, glutathione-S-transferase; AD, activation domain (VP16); DB, LexA DNA binding domain; UTL, uracil, tryptophan, and leucine;
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; transcription; chromatin; homeodomain; oligomerisation; PRHPRH, Proline Rich Homeodomain; HDC, PRH Homeodomain and C terminus; PML, Promyelocytic Leukaemia protein; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; AD, activation domain; DBD, GAL4 DNA-binding domain
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; SULT, sulfotransferase; PST, phenol sulfotransferase; PAPS, phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate; UGT, uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyl transferase; UDP-GA, uridine diphosphate-glucuronic acid; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; Oat, organic anion transporter; Oa
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; BCAP, B cell adaptor for PI3-kinase; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; PCR, polymerase chain reactionc-Abl; v-Abl; Adaptor; Abi-1; B cell adaptor for PI3-kinase; Phosphorylation; trans-acting regulation
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; UGT, UDP–glucose:glycosyltransferase; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonanceGlycosyltransferase; Lignin; Monolignol; Coniferyl aldehyde; Sinapyl aldehyde
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; eIF, eukaryotic initiation factor; TOR, target of rapamycin; ORF, open reading frame; GAAC, general amino acid control; 4E-BP, eIF4E-binding protein; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; 3AT, 3-aminotriazole; eIF2α[pS51], eIF2α phosphorylated at Ser-51; SC-Ura
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; At, Arabidopsis thaliana; βCD, β-cyclodextrin; Hs, Homo sapiens; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; MORN, membrane occupation and recognition nexus; PtdOH, phosphatidic acid; PtdInsP, phosphatidylinositol phosphate; PtdIns4P, phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; SOCS, suppressor of cytokine signaling; ASB, ankyrin repeat and SOCS box; Cul, Cullin; DTT, dithiothreitol; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; IPTG, isopropyl-β-d(−)-thiogalactopyranoside; P
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; DTT, dithiothreitol; GAPD, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; GNIP, glycogenin-interacting protein; GS, glycogen synthase; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HEPES, N-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-N′-(2-ethanesulfonic acid); MW, molecular weight; PAGE,
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; APx, ascorbate peroxidase; ASH, ascorbate; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; GR, glutathione reductase; GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; Gly I, glyoxalase I; Gly II, glyoxalase II; MG, methylglyoxal; NADP, n
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ERGIC/VTC, ER–Golgi-intermediate compartment/vesicular tubular carriers; GFP, green fluorescent protein; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; HA, hemagglutinin; mAb, monoclonal antibody; RNAi
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Keywords: GST، گلوتاتیون S-ترانسفراز; Coffee diterpenes; Cafestol; Kahweol; N-nitrosodimethylamine; PhIP; Metabolic enzymes; Antimutagenicity; Micronucleus; HepG2; AFB1, aflatoxin B1; B(a)P, benzo[a]pyrene; C + K, cafestol and kahweol; CDNB, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene; CYP, cytochrome P-45