Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; a-C; amorphous Carbon; a-Si; amorphous silicon; a-Si:H; hydrogenated amorphous silicon; AgNC; silver nanocomposite; AgNW; silver nanowires; APTES; 3-Aminoproplytriethoxysilane; AZO; aluminium zinc oxide; BLG; bilayer graphene; BIPV; building integrated ph
مقالات ISI اکسید قلع ایندیوم (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Optical fiber sensor; Long-period fiber gratings; Refractive index sensing; Thin film; Indium tin oxide; Electrochemistry;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Densification; Secondary cold isostatic pressing; Oxygen exchange;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Thin film solar cells; Picosecond laser; Indium tin oxide; Periodic surface structures;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Dark solitons; Indium tin oxide; Nonlinear absorption properties; Saturable absorber; Ultrafast photonics;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Proton irradiation; Glass; Polyethylene-terephthalate; Indium tin oxide; Degradation;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Crystallization; Flexible substrate; Indium tin oxide; Laser thermal processing; Thin film;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Waste liquid crystal display; Indium tin oxide; Colour filter; Glass substrate; Grinding; Flotation;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium oxide; Indium tin oxide; Indium lung disease; Pulmonary alveolar Proteinosis; Semiconductors;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Nanotubes; Formaldehyde; Oxygen vacancies; Electrospinning;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Transparent conductive electrode; Optoelectronic devices; Indium tin oxide; Metal nanotubes; Conducting polymers; Graphene;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; DET; direct electron transfer; Eo; reduction potential; EES; enzyme electrosynthesis; EFC; enzymatic fuel cell; FTacV; Fourier-transformed ac voltammetry; ITO; indium tin oxide; MET; mediated electron transfer; RR; Resonance Raman; SAMs; self-assembled mo
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; AA; ascorbic acid; ACh; acetylcholine; ADR; adrenaline; ADSV; adsorptive differential pulse stripping voltammetry; AFM; atomic force microscopy; Ala; alanine; Amp; amperometry; ASDPV; anodic stripping differential pulse voltammetry; Asp; aspartate; AuNPs;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; a-Si; amorphous silicon; BIPV; building integrated photovoltaic; BOS; balance of system; CdTe; cadmium telluride thin film; CIS; copper indium selenide thin film; DSSC; dye sensitized solar cell; EG-silicon; electronic silicon; EPBT; energy payback time;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; 2D; two-dimensional; MOF; metal-organic framework; COFs; covalent-organic frameworks; IN; isonicotinato; HOPG; highly oriented pyrolytic graphite; AFM; atomic force microscopy; DMS; 2,2-dimethylsuccinate; DMF; N,N-dimethylformamide; bpy; 4,4â²-bipyridine
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Perovskite solar cells; Nanoimprint lithography; Indium tin oxide; Zinc oxide; Diffused transmittance; Hexagonal array pattern; Micro-convex nanostructure;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Aqueous sol-gel; Sheet resistance; Transmittance; Annealing temperature;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Direct current pulsed waveform; Sputtering power density; Preferred orientation; Optical and electrical property;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Magnetron sputtering; Texture coefficient; Nanorods; Bandgap and figure of merit;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; EB; electron beam; EBL; electron-beam lithography; ICP; inductively coupled plasma; ITO; indium tin oxide; NIL; nanoimprint lithography; RF; radio frequency; SEM; scanning electron microscopy; UV; ultraviolet; Nanotransfer printing; Silver ink; Stretchabl
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; TCEs; Transparent conductive electrodes; ITO; indium tin oxide; AAO; anodic aluminum oxide; NW; nanowire; MNWs; metal NWs; CNaOH; NaOH concentration; td; dissolution time; Rs; sheet resistance; T; transparency; FOM; figure of merit; Transparent conductive
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Alq3; tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum(III); BCP; bathocuproine; BHJSCs; bulk heterojunction solar cells; BAlq-13; bis(2-methyl-quinolin-8-olato)(2,6-diphenylphenolato)aluminum(III); Bphen; bathophenanthroline; bpy; 2,2â²-bipyridine; bq; 2,2â²-biquin
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; ACVD; aerosol chemistry vapor deposition; AM; air mass; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; CNT; carbon nanotubes; DCBQ; 2,5-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone; DDM; n-dodecyl-b-d-maltoside; DET; direct electron transfer; DMCU; 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea; DS
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Polyaniline; Biomaterials; Electrical conductivity; Biocompatibility; Electrical stimulation; aECM; artificial extracellular matrix; AFM; atomic force microscopy; ALP; alkaline phosphatase; APS; ammonium persulfate; [BMIM][BF4]; 1-butyl-3-methylimidazoliu
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Conducting polymers; PEDOT-Based materials; Nanomaterials; Electrochemical sensors; 1-m-4-MP; 1-methyl-4-mercaptopyridine; AAT; acetic acid thiophene; AChE-ChO; acetylcholinesterase-choline oxidase; AlcDH; alcohol oxidase; AMP; amperometric; AO; ascorbate
Highly stable covalently-bonded organic-inorganic materials: Synthesis and electrochromic properties
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Surface; Chemical bonding; Polymer; Electrochromic film;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; abc; ATRP; atom transfer radical polymerization; bpy; 2,2â²-bipyridine; BE; bipolar electrode; CNT; carbon nanotube; ECL; electrogenerated chemiluminescence; ITO; indium tin oxide; MOF; metal-organic framework; NIPAM; N-isopropylacrylamide; PEDOT; poly(3
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; CE; counter electrode; CZTS; Cu2ZnSnS4; ITO; indium tin oxide; PTFE; polytetrafluoroethylene; RE; reference electrode; SLS; solution-liquid-solid; VLS; vapor-liquid-solid; WE; working electrode; A. germanium; A. branched structures; A. ionic liquid; B. el
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; rf-MS technique; X-ray diffraction; Thin films; Structural and optical properties;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; AFM; atomic force microscopy; (B)Chl; (bacterio)chlorophyll; BChl-1; methyl pyrobacteriopheophorbide a; BChl-2; methyl bacteriopheophorbide a; BCP; bathocuproine; Chl-1; methyl pyropheophorbide a; Chl-2; methyl pheophorbide a; CV; cyclic voltammogram; D/A
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Telomerase activity; G-quadruplex; Methylene blue; Electrochemistry; Indium tin oxide; Label-free;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Nanoparticle; Membrane-free; Mediator-free; Transparent enzymatic fuel cell;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; AFM; Atomic Force Microscopy; a-Si; H: hydrogenated amorphous silicon; IBC; Interdigitated Back Contact Solar Cell; ITO; Indium Tin Oxide; J(V); current density - voltage; KPFM; Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy; SE; Secondary Electrons; SEM; Scanning Elect
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; 61.80.Jh; 61.82.âd; 61.72.Ww; 61.46.+w; Ion beams; Defects in solids; Nanoparticles; Optical techniques; Lithium niobate; Alkali iodides; Silicon; Indium tin oxide;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Organic solar cells; UV-ozone treatment; Indium tin oxide; Surface treatment; Repetitive illumination stress; Device degradation;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; 2D; Two dimension; OSC; Organic solar cell; PSC; Perovskite solar cell; HTL; Hole transport layer; ETL; Electron transport layer; PCE; Power conversion efficiency; Jsc; Current density; Voc; Open circuit voltage; PEDOT, PSS; Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophen
Recent advances in Prussian blue and Prussian blue analogues: synthesis and thermal treatments
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; CPs; coordination polymers; MOFs; metal-organic frameworks; PCPs; porous coordination polymers; PB; Prussian blue; PBAs; Prussian blue analogues; 1D; one-dimensional; 2D; two-dimensional; 3D; three-dimensional; PVP; polyvinylpyrrolidone; CTAB; cetlytrim
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Immunosensors; Superresolution fluorescence microscopy; Single molecule localisation microscopy; Self-assembled monolayers; Indium tin oxide;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Roll to roll sputtering; Roll temperature; Outgassing;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Electrocatalyst; Nanoporous; Indium Tin Oxide; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; PA; organophosphonic acid; 3PA; propylphosphonic acid; PhPA; phenylphosphonic acid; TiP; titanium organophosphonate; TiPP; titanium propylphosphonate; ITO; Indium Tin Oxide; SAMs; self-assembled monolayers; CaHAP; Calcium Hydroxyapatite; DRIFT; diffuse re
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Transparent conductive electrodes; Transmittance; Vertical out-coupling; Light-emitting diodes;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Reactive magnetron sputtering; Indium tin oxide; Aluminium-doped zinc oxide; Tube target; Hysteresis; Film property distribution;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Nitrogen doping; Magnetron sputtering; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; High resolution transmission electron microscope; Gallium nitride based light emitting diodes;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Flash lamp annealing; Indium tin oxide; Polyimide substrate; Flexible display; Electrical resistivity; Thermal expansion mismatch;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; AA; Ascorbic Acid; Ab; Antibody; AFM; Atomic Force Microscopy; AFP; α-Fetoprotein; AgNPs; Silver Nanoparticles; APTES; 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane; AuNCs; Gold Nanocubes; AuNPs; Gold Nanoparticles; BN; Boron Nitride; BNS; Boron Nitride Nanosheets; BSA;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Indium tin oxide; Excimer laser annealing; Spectroscopic ellipsometry; Sol–gel
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Silicon heterojunction; Transparent conducting oxide; Indium Tin Oxide; Hydrogen effusion
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Ruthenium; Doped indium oxide; Transparent conductive oxide; Effective work function; Indium tin oxide; Bilayers;
Keywords: اکسید قلع ایندیوم; Poly (methylene blue); Indium tin oxide; Pulse galvanostatic method; Nanoparticle; Nanostructure;