Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Energy balance closure; Eddy covariance; Bowen ratio; Evapotranspiration; Latent heat flux;
مقالات ISI شار گرما نهان (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Lightning; Land use; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Climatology; Remote sensing;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Atmospheric vapor pressure; Latent heat flux; Net radiation; Sensible heat flux; Snowmelt;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Sensible Heat flux; Bulk Transfer equation; Days after transplanting;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Eddy covariance; Information flow; Latent heat flux; Sensible heat flux; Tropical rainforest;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; NRWI; nonrainfall water inputs; ML; microlysimeter; EC; eddy covariance; SLS; surface layer scintillometer; Non-rainfall water inputs; Eddy-covariance; Surface layer scintillometer; Drylands; Latent heat flux; Bare soil;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Solar radiation; Net radiation; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Transpiration model;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Green rooftop; Heat balance components; Latent heat flux; Thermal mitigation; Urban greening; Urban heat island;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Microwave indices; Optical indices; Latent heat flux; Surface conductance; North Australian Tropical Transect; OzFlux;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Ocean Heat Flux; Latent heat flux; Sensible heat flux; Ocean heat content; Scatterometer; Surface wind; Specfic air humidity; OceanSites; Remotely sensed data;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Brazilian savanna; Campo sujo; Climate change; Cerrado; Deforestation; Evapotranspiration; Jarvis-type model; Land use; Land cover change; Latent heat flux;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; BD; soil bulk density; DM; dry matter; EBC; energy balance closure; EC; eddy covariance; ET; evapotranspiration; EWUE; ecosystem water use efficiency; GEP; gross ecosystem productivity; GHG; greenhouse gas; GPP; gross photosynthetic production; HWUE; harv
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; CO2 flux; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Reed wetland; Northeast China;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Eddy covariance; Infrared gas analyzer; Krypton hygrometer; Error analysis;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Net radiation flux; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Thunderstorms;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Land surface temperature; Emissivity; LU/LC change; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Anthropogenic heat flux
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Eddy covariance; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Bowen ratio; Atmospheric stability
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Mass transfer; Bulk transfer coefficients; Water surface temperature;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Surface temperature; Mediterreanean drylands; Two-source model;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Radiation; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Source area; Urban albedo; ClearfLo;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Eddy covariance; Latent heat flux; Sensible heat flux; Available radiation; Bowen-ratio;
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; ET; evapotranspiration; Rn; net radiation; G; soil heat flux; LE; latent heat flux; H; sensible heat flux; RMSE; root mean square error; BREB; Bowen ratio and energy balance method; L; heat of water vaporization; EF; evaporative fraction; WUE; water use e
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Typhoon; Sea surface temperature; Latent heat flux; Sensible heat flux; Precipitation rate; South China Sea;
Modeling transpiration and leaf temperature of urban trees - A case study evaluating the microclimate model ENVI-met against measurement data
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; ENVI-met; Plant vitality; Sap flow; Urban climate; Vegetation; Latent heat flux;
Low and variable atmospheric coupling in irrigated Almond (Prunus dulcis) canopies indicates a limited influence of stomata on orchard evapotranspiration
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Cp; air heat capacity at constant pressure; ea; air vapor pressure; es(Ta); saturated vapor pressure at air temperature; es(Ts); saturated vapor pressure at surface temperature; ETa; actual evapotranspiration; ETo; reference evapotranspiration; G; ground
Spatiotemporal dynamics of leaf transpiration quantified with time-series thermal imaging
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Thermography; Thermal infrared; Latent heat flux; Leaf boundary layer; Heat transfer; Leaf energy balance;
The effect of land cover type and structure on evapotranspiration from agricultural and wetland sites in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; ANN; artificial neural network; DOY; day of year; EBC; energy balance closure; EC; eddy covariance; ET; evapotranspiration; G; ground heat flux; GHG; green house gas; GPP; gross photosynthetic production; H; sensible heat flux; VPD; vapour pressure defici
Validation of two Huanjing-1A/B satellite-based FAO-56 models for estimating winter wheat crop evapotranspiration during mid-season
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; ETc; crop evapotranspiration; Kc; crop coefficient; Kcb; basal crop coefficient; HJ; Huanjing satellite images; VIs-ETo; vegetation indices-reference evapotranspiration method; NCP; North China Plain; Ke; soil-water evaporation coefficient; Ks; stress coe
Within canopy temperature differences and cooling ability of Tilia cordata trees grown in urban conditions
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Urban trees; Thermal environment regulation; Heat storage; Latent heat flux; Canopy temperature;
Transpiration and stomatal conductance as potential mechanisms to mitigate the heat load in Mexico City
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Energy balance; Green areas; Latent heat flux; Urban landscape; Urban vegetation;
Evaporation from Lake Kinneret, Israel, during hot summer days
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Lake evaporation; Mediterranean Sea Breeze, Lake Kinneret; Atmospheric stability; Latent heat flux; Synoptic variables;
Impact of model structure and parameterization on Penman-Monteith type evaporation models
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Evaporation; Evapotranspiration; Penman-Monteith; Surface resistance; Aerodynamic resistance;
Interannual and seasonal variability in evapotranspiration and energy partitioning over the alpine riparian shrub Myricaria squamosa Desv. on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Bowen ratio; Energy balance; Latent heat flux; Sensible heat flux; Freeze-thaw cycle; Qinghai Lake watershed;
Multi-site evaluation of terrestrial evaporation models using FLUXNET data
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Multi-model intercomparison; Latent heat flux; Energy balance; Penman-Monteith; Advection-aridity; Priestley-Taylor;
A three-source SVAT modeling of evaporation: Application to the seasonal dynamics of a grassed vineyard
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Multi-source; Sparse vegetation; Soil water balance; Seasonal course;
Evapotranspiration in the Pampean Region using field measurements and satellite data
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Net Radiation; Seguin and Itier equation; Pampean Region
An efficient method for global parameter sensitivity analysis and its applications to the Australian community land surface model (CABLE)
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Global sensitivity analysis; Global land surface model; Gross primary production; Latent heat flux;
A GPP assimilation model for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau based on CO2 eddy covariance flux tower and remote sensing data
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Com-MODEL; assimilation model in the three sites; DL; Dali station; DL-MODEL; assimilation model in Dali site; EVI; enhanced vegetation index; fPAR; the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the active vegetation; H; sensible heat fl
Long-term energy flux measurements over an irrigation water storage using scintillometry
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Scintillometer; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Evaporation; Energy budget
MODIS-driven estimation of terrestrial latent heat flux in China based on a modified Priestley–Taylor algorithm
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Evapotranspiration; Priestley–Taylor; MODIS; China
Diversity in nighttime transpiration behavior of woody species of the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Cooling effect; Xylem refilling; Sensible heat flux; Latent heat flux; Sap flow; Micrometeorology
A revised surface resistance parameterisation for estimating latent heat flux from remotely sensed data
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Landsat TM and ETM+; Surface resistance
Relative humidity effects on water vapour fluxes measured with closed-path eddy-covariance systems with short sampling lines
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Eddy-covariance; Closed-path instruments; Latent heat flux; Low-pass filtering; Spectral correction; Relative humidity
Determination of turbulent heat fluxes using a large aperture scintillometer over undulating mixed agricultural terrain
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Complex terrain; Eddy covariance; Large aperture scintillometer; Latent heat flux; Sensible heat flux; Upscaling
How climate and vegetation type influence evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in Canadian forest, peatland and grassland ecosystems
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Canopy conductance; Decoupling coefficient; Eddy covariance; Evaporation; Functional convergence; Latent heat flux; Penman-Monteith equation; Priestley–Taylor alpha; Water use efficiency
Noah-GEM and Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) based downscaling of global reanalysis surface fields: Evaluations using observations from a CarboEurope agricultural site
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Noah; Noah-GEM; Fluxnet; Latent heat flux; CarboEurope; Land Data Assimilation System
Energy partitioning and evapotranspiration of hot pepper grown in greenhouse with furrow and drip irrigation methods
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Furrow irrigation; Drip irrigation; Net radiation; Soil heat flux; Latent heat flux; Greenhouse
Correcting for systematic error in satellite-derived latent heat flux due to assumptions in temporal scaling: Assessment from flux tower observations
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Latent heat flux; Evaporation; Evapotranspiration; Evaporative fraction; Self-preservation; Integration
Variations of Indian summer monsoon rainfall induce the weakening of easterly jet stream in the warming environment?
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; summer monsoon; rainfall; circulation; latent heat flux
Applying a Lagrangian dispersion analysis to infer carbon dioxide and latent heat fluxes in a corn canopy
Keywords: شار گرما نهان; Lagrangian analysis; Net ecosystem CO2 exchange; Latent heat flux; Soil respiration; Turbulence; Canopy