Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده ارزش خالص فعلی
مقالات ISI ارزش خالص فعلی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Cloud computing; Software service platform; Interoperability; Portability; Value creation model; Computational economics; Simulation; Value analysis; Net present value; Return on investments; Investment assessment;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Shipping; Marine Policy; Particulate matter; Net present value; Incentive scheme; Ship emissions;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; China; Feed in tariff; Photovoltaic; Discounted Payback Period; Net Present Value; The Internal Rate of Return;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Intelligent Manufacturing Enterprise; Growth Option; Net Present Value; R&D Investment value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Zero liquid discharge; Reverse osmosis; Forward osmosis; Landfill leachate; Full scale upgrading; Net Present Value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Forest subsidising policy; Normal forest; Working class; Regeneration; Net present value; Soil expectation value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; District heating; Gas turbine; Cogeneration; Technical and economic optimization; CB; coal-fired water boiler; CCHP; combined cooling, heating, and power; CHP; cogeneration of heat and power; DH; district heating; GB; gas boiler; HRB; heat recovery boiler
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Breakeven point; Feasibility; Internal rate of return; Nano cement; Nanotechnology; Net present value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Photovoltaic system; Gable roof; Life cycle cost; Life cycle CO2; Net present value; Saving-to-investment ratio;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Economic input-output life cycle assessment model; Net present value; Rainwater harvesting; Urine diverting composting toilet;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; ALA; Advanced Lead-Acid; BAU; Business as Usual; BMU; Balancing Mechanism Unit; BSUoS; Balancing Services Use of System; CFD; Contracts for Difference; Cr; Charge rate; Dem; annual domestic demand; DFFR; Dynamic Firm Frequency Response; DG; Distributed Ge
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Ethyl benzene; Distillation; Dividing-wall column; Net present value; Total capital investment;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; B&S; Black and Scholes model; CCGT; Combined cycle gas turbine; CCS; Carbon capture and storage; DCF; Discounted cash flows; DP; Dynamic programming; FIT; Feed-in tariff; GBM; Geometric Brownian motion; EIA; Energy Information Administration; IEEE; Instit
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Project scheduling; Net present value; Capital; Metaheuristics;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; C61; D92; E22; G31; Investment timing; Stopping; Irreversible investment; Reversible investment; Capital budgeting; Net present value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Treated wastewater; Water productivity; Net present value; Water savings;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Inguinal hernia; Open tension-free repair; Laparoscopic repair; Expectant management; Observation; Net present value
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Building envelope; Energy analysis; Trnsys simulations; Simple payback time; Net present value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Harvest control rule; Bioeconomic modeling; Limit reference point; Net present value; Lobster fishery management;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Recovery factor; Net present value; Enhanced oil recovery; Least square support vector machine; Data assignment
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Net present value; Intern return rate; Annualized profitability index;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Cost-benefit analysis; Green roof; Monte Carlo simulation; Net present value; Payback period;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Net Present Value; Deteriorating inventory; Finite production rate; Shortages;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Post-combustion CO2 capture; Solar thermal energy; System integration; Levelized cost of electricity; Net present value; Payback time
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Energy and economic optimization; Waste heat recovery; Sewage sludge drying; Natural gas; BF; biofilter unit; CHP; cogeneration of heat and power; CS; cooling scrubber; ChS; chemical scrubber; DPB; discounted payback time; DS; dried sludge; G; electricity
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Wind turbine; Economic optimization; Net Present Value; Mass-cost-model; Power curve
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Net present value; Payment models; Resource-constrained project scheduling; Metaheuristics
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Consequence; Trade credit; Annualized cost; Optimal quantity; Net present value
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Economic evaluation; Genetic gain and profit; Net present value; Progeny test
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Return On Investment; Net present value; Uncertainty; Ranking; Rate;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Min. requirements; nZEB; Cost optimality; Low energy building; Energy efficiency measures; Net present value
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Project scheduling; Uncertainty; Net present value; Alternative technologies; Stochastic activity durations
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Engineering economics; Objective function; Net present value; Single-objective optimization; Multi-objective optimization
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; New product development; Direct digital manufacturing; Risk management; Additive manufacturing; Hybrid production method; Net present value
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Zero energy house; Photovoltaics; Wind power; Batteries; Energy; Efficiency; Optimization; Net present value
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Wave interaction; Wave energy converter; Internal rate of return; Net present value; Uncertainty
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Internalizing environmental externality; Project evaluation; Lifecycle; Net present value
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Benefit-cost ratio; Difference project; Equivalent annuity; Internal rate of return; Net present value; Project appraisal;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Supply chain; Reverse logistics; Material requirements planning; Laplace transform; Input-output analysis; Lead time; Net present value; Extended producer responsibility; Transportation matrix;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Benefit-cost; Land use; Opportunity cost; Sensitivity analysis; Net present value;
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; SROI; social return on investment; WPCP; Water Pollution Control Plant; NPV; net present value; SWAT; Soil and Water Assessment Tool; NSC; Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient; TN; total nitrogen; TP; total phosphorous; Wetland conservation; Phosphorous removal; Ec
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Plant conceptual design; Profitability/risk; Discounted cash flow; Net present value; Financing/leveraging
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Irrigation; Efficiency; Net present value; Profitability; Surge irrigation
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Capital budgeting; cash flow estimation; Monte Carlo simulation; net present value; risk analysis
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; G310G310G310Criterios de evaluación financiera; Valor del dinero en el tiempo; Valor presente neto; Tasa interna de retorno; Relación beneficio/costoCapital budgeting; Time value of money; Net present value; Internal rate of return; Benefit/cost ratioCrit
Investment, financing and the role of ROA and WACC in value creation
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Value creation; Net present value; Return on assets; WACC; Weighted mean
Bedside ROP screening and telemedicine interpretation integrated to a neonatal transport system: Economic aspects and return on investment analysis
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; BIO; binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy; DRI; digital retinal imaging; km; kilometer; ROP; retinopathy of prematurity; NICU; neonatal intensive care unit; NPV; net present value; PCA; Peter Cerny Ambulance Service; PERP; Premature Eye Rescue Program; Retin
Comparison of process technologies for chitosan production from shrimp shell waste: A techno-economic approach using Aspen Plus®
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; TEA; techno-economic analysis; CAPE; computer-aided process engineering; PC; physical-chemical; FPC; fermentative and physical-chemical; CDA; chemical deacetylation; DD; deacetylation degree; FTIR; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; prot; protei
Optimal decisions on investments in Urban Energy Cogeneration plants - Extended MRP and fuzzy approach to the stochastic systems
Keywords: ارزش خالص فعلی; Urban Energy Cogeneration Systems; Closed-Loop Supply Chain; Extended MRP Theory; Reverse logistics; Net present value; Municipal solid waste;