Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; Optic nerve tortuosity; Orbital magnetic resonance imaging;
مقالات ISI پرفشاری خون چشم (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; ACG; angle-closure glaucoma; CI; confidence interval; CRYO-ROP; Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity; ETROP; Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity; LSV; lens-sparing vitrectomy; OHT; ocular hypertension; ROP; retinopathy of prematurity; VEG
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucome; Glaucome exfoliatif; Syndrome pseudo-exfoliatif; Cataracte; Hypertonie oculaire; Glaucoma; Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma; Pseudoexfoliation syndrome; Cataract; Ocular hypertension;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Microglia; Retina; Contralateral; Early activation; Ocular hypertension; Experimental glaucoma; MHC-II; Iba-1;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Aqueous humor dynamics; Conventional outflow; Glaucoma; Intraocular pressure; Ocular hypertension; Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; DMEM; Dimethyl sulfoxide; DMSO; Fetal bovine serum; FBS; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EDTA; Fibroblast growth factor
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; anti-vascular endothelial growth factor; diabetic macular edema; ocular hypertension; panretinal photocoagulation; steroids;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; aHR; adjusted hazard ratio; aOR; adjusted odds ratio; CI; confidence interval; IOP; intraocular pressure; OHT; ocular hypertension; PAS; peripheral anterior synechiae; SITE; Systemic Immunosuppressive Therapy for Eye Diseases; VA; visual acuity;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Acetazolamide; Chitosan; STPP; Ocular hypertension; Mucoadhesion;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucoma; Dexamethasone; Extracellular matrix; Conventional outflow; Ocular hypertension;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; CCT; central corneal thickness; CDR; cup-to-disc ratio; CI; confidence interval; D; diopter; EHR; electronic health record; ICD-9-CM; International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; IOP; intraocular pressure; KPNC; Kaiser
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; OCT; optical coherence tomography; SC; Schlemm's canal; TM; trabecular meshwork; C57; C57BL/6; IOP; intraocular pressure; DBG; Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline containing 5.5Â mM D-glucose; PBS; phosphate buffered saline; NET; norepinephrine transpo
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Retinal vein pulsation; Intraocular pressure pulsation; Cerebrospinal fluid pressure pulsation; Increased intracranial pressure; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; Mathematical modeling; Constant inflow and variable outflow theory;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; CCT; central corneal thickness; CI; confidence interval; IOP; intraocular pressure; OHT; ocular hypertension; POAG; primary open-angle glaucoma; RR; relative risk;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glucocorticoid; Ocular hypertension; Glaucoma; Intraocular pressure; Steroid glaucoma;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucoma; Schlemm's canal; Trabecular meshwork; Ocular hypertension; Conventional outflow; Aqueous humor
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Ocular hypertension; Experimental glaucoma; Retinal ganglion cells; Pericytes; MicrogliaPC, pericytes; BRB, blood retina barrier; RGC, retinal ganglion cells; IOP, intraocular pressure; OHT, ocular hypertension; i.p., intra peritoneal; i.v., intra venous
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; cytokines; mesenchymal stromal cells; neuroprotection; ocular hypertension; retinal ganglion cells;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Neurodegeneration; Glaucoma; Intraocular pressure; Mitochondria; Ocular hypertension; Normal tension glaucoma;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; age-related macular degeneration; antivascular endothelial growth factor; bevacizumab; glaucoma; intravitreal injections; ocular hypertension; ranibizumab
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; bêtabloquant; étiologie; glaucome à angle ouvert; hypertension oculaire; nerf optiqueaetiology; beta blocker; ocular hypertension; open-angle glaucoma; optic nerve
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Ocular hypertension; Endoplasmic reticulum stress; Neutral sphingomyelinase; Inducible nitric oxide synthase; Protein nitration; Caspase;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Bradykinin; FR-190997; IOP; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension;
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; common marmoset; glaucoma; intraocular pressure; ocular hypertension;
7,8,3â²-Trihydroxyflavone ameliorate oxidative stress in vivo and promotes neurite regeneration in vitro in rat retinal ganglion cells
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Reina; THF; Oxidative stress; Ocular hypertension; TrkB; Phosphorylation;
1,3-Oxazole-based selective picomolar inhibitors of cytosolic human carbonic anhydrase II alleviate ocular hypertension in rabbits: Potency is supported by X-ray crystallography of two leads
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors; Multigram synthesis; Isoform selectivity; Picomolar inhibition; Primary sulfonamide; Ocular hypertension; X-ray crystallography;
Trabéculoplastie sélective au laser : effet du nombre de traitements antiglaucomateux topiques préopératoires sur la baisse pressionnelle et le taux de succès
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Trabéculoplastie; Pression intraoculaire; Glaucome primitif à angle ouvert; Hypertonie oculaire; Trabeculoplasty; Intraocular pressure; Primary open angle glaucoma; Ocular hypertension;
Systemic PTEN-Akt1-mTOR pathway activity in patients with normal tension glaucoma and ocular hypertension: A case series
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Normal tension glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; PTEN; Akt1; 4EBP1; S6K; mTOR; Mitochondria;
New furoxan derivatives for the treatment of ocular hypertension
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Nitric oxide; Furoxan; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension;
Caveolins and caveolae in ocular physiology and pathophysiology
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Caveolin; Caveolae; Lipid rafts; Blood-retinal barrier; Vascular permeability; Neuroinflammation; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension;
Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation through acupoints of Pucan (BL 61) and Shenmai (BL 62) on intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma: a randomized controlled trial
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucoma; Intraocular pressure; Ocular hypertension; Acupuncture points; Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; Randomized controlled trial
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Spectralis and Cirrus Reference Databases in Differentiating between Healthy and Early Glaucoma Eyes
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; ADAGES; African Descent and Glaucoma Evaluation Study; BL; borderline; D; diopters; dB; decibels; DIGS; Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study; IDEA; Imaging Data Analysis and Evaluation; IOP; intraocular pressure; OCT; optical coherence tomography; OHT
Apport clinique du latanoprost sans conservateur dans le traitement du glaucome à angle ouvert et de l'hypertension oculaire. Ãtude multicentrique randomisée contrôlée
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Chlorure de benzalkonium; Glaucome; Hyperhémie; Hypertension oculaire; Latanoprost; Sans conservateur; Symptômes oculaires; Benzalkonium chloride; Glaucoma; Hyperemia; Latanoprost; Ocular symptoms; Ocular hypertension; Preservative-free;
Six-Month Intraocular Pressure Reduction with a Topical Bimatoprost Ocular Insert: Results of a Phase II Randomized Controlled Study
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; AE; adverse event; CI; confidence interval; IOP; intraocular pressure; OAG; open-angle glaucoma; OHT; ocular hypertension; PGA; prostaglandin analog;
Glaucoma Risk Alleles in the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; BMES; Blue Mountains Eye Study; CCT; central corneal thickness; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; IOP; intraocular pressure; MAF; minor allele frequency; OHT; ocular hypertension; OHTS; Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study; POAG; primary open-angle gl
The glial cell modulator ibudilast attenuates neuroinflammation and enhances retinal ganglion cell viability in glaucoma through protein kinase A signaling
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Gliosis; Neurodegeneration; cAMP Phosphodiesterase inhibitor; Optic nerve; Ocular hypertension;
Double-masked, Randomized, Dose-Response Study of AR-13324 versus Latanoprost in Patients with Elevated Intraocular Pressure
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; IOP; intraocular pressure; mITT; modified intent to treat; OAG; open-angle glaucoma; OHT; ocular hypertension;
Pression intraoculaire en postopératoire précoce de phakoémulsification chez le sujet normal et glaucomateux
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucome primitif à angle ouvert; Chirurgie de la cataracte; Phakoémulsification; Pression intraoculaire; Hypertonie oculaire; Primary open-angle glaucoma; Cataract surgery; Phacoemulsification; Intraocular pressure; Ocular hypertension;
Hypertonie oculaire après injections intra-vitréennes de corticoïdes, actualisation des connaissances en 2015
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Hypertonie oculaire; Corticoïdes; Injection intra-vitréenne; Ocular hypertension; Steroids; Intravitreal injection;
Laser-induced ocular hypertension in adult rats does not affect non-RGC neurons in the ganglion cell layer but results in protracted severe loss of cone-photoreceptors
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Ocular hypertension; Adult albino rat retinal ganglion cells; Neuronal degeneration; S-cones L-cones; Photoreceptors loss; Displaced amacrine cells; Ganglion cell layer of the retina; Outer retinal layers; Elevated intraocular pressure; Limbar laser photo
Prise en charge thérapeutique d'une hypertonie oculaire post-kératoplastie transfixiante : à propos de 73 cas
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Kératoplastie transfixiante; Hypertonie oculaire; Glaucome; Implant de drainage; Cycloaffaiblissement; Trabéculectomie; Rejet de greffe; Penetrating keratoplasty; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; Glaucoma drainage devices; Trabeculectomy; Cyclodestructive
Research ReportNeuroprotective effect against axonal damage-induced retinal ganglion cell death in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice through the suppression of kainate receptor signaling
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; ApoE; Apolipoprotein E; NC; nerve crush; KA; kainic acid; WT; wild-type; IOP; intraocular pressure; POAG; primary open angle glaucoma; NTG; normal tension glaucoma; RGCs; retinal ganglion cells; LDL; low density lipoprotein; OH; ocular hypertension; IHC;
Pseudo-uvéite sévère associée à l'utilisation de moxifloxacine
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Uvéite; Moxifloxacine; Effet secondaire; Dispersion pigmentaire; Hypertonie oculaire; Uveitis; Moxifloxacin; Drug adverse effect; Pigment dispersion; Ocular hypertension;
Long-term visual and ocular health outcomes of 2 sets of bilaterally aphakic siblings utilizing contact lens correction
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Aphakia; Cataract; Soft contact lens; Rigid gas permeable; Visual acuity; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension;
Fistule carotido-caverneuse : confrontation des aspects cliniques et neuroradiologiques pré- et post-embolisation
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Fistule carotido-caverneuse; Exophtalmie; Hypertonie oculaire; Embolisation; Carotid-cavernous fistula; Proptosis; Ocular hypertension; Embolization;
Safety and efficacy of unpreserved timolol 0.1% gel in patients controlled by preserved latanoprost with signs of ocular intolerance
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; Unpreserved timolol gel; Signs of ocular intolerance; Glaucome; Hypertension oculaire; Gel de timolol non conservé; Signes d'intolérance oculaire;
Glaucoma: implicaciones farmacológicas
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Glaucoma; Glaucoma de ángulo cerrado; Glaucoma de ángulo abierto; Hipertensión ocular; Efectos adversos; Glaucoma; Angle-closure glaucoma; Open-angle glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; Adverse effects;
A molecular mechanism for glaucoma: endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; primary open angle glaucoma; ocular hypertension; myocilin; neurodegenerative disease
Therapeutic uses of prostaglandin F2α analogues in ocular disease and novel synthetic strategies
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; PGF2α analogues; Side effects; Glaucoma; Ocular hypertension; Prostaglandin synthesis; Corey lactone
Intraocular Pressure Monitoring Post Intravitreal Steroids: A Systematic Review
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; ocular hypertension; steroid-induced glaucoma; intravitreal steroid injection; sustained-release intravitreal implants
Comparación de tonómetro de contorno dinámico, Goldmann y neumotonómetro en pacientes con hipertensión ocular y su relación con la paquimetrÃa y amplitud del pulso ocular
Keywords: پرفشاری خون چشم; Tonómetro de contorno dinámico; Tonómetro de Goldmann; Neumotonómetro; Amplitud del pulso ocular; PaquimetrÃa; Hipertensión ocular; Dynamic contour tonometry; Goldmann tonometry; Pneumotonometer; Ocular pulse amplitude; Pachymetry; Ocular hypertensi