Keywords: نوار نقطه; Ephemeral stream; Meandering; Curvature ratio; Point bar; Bankfull discharge; Dryland;
مقالات ISI نوار نقطه (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Extreme flood; Meandering river; Point bar; Floodplain; Fluvial sedimentology; South Saskatchewan River;
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Point bar; Mud drape; Meandering channel; Sedimentary architecture; Connectivity; Reservoir model; Facies model; Stochastic model;
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Sinuosity; Braiding; Point bar; Channel bar; Flood discharge; Uinta Basin;
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Drone; Point bar; Jurassic; Photogrammetry; Orthomosaic; Point cloud;
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Point bar; Abandoned channel; Meandering; Sandstone; Connectivity; Fluvial reservoir; Reservoir compartment; Fluvial aquifer;
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Fluvial geomorphology; Meandering; Point bar; Hydraulic modelling; Mobile laser scanning; Terrestrial laser scanning
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Submarine channel; Turbidity current; Gravity current; Point bar; Helical flow; Sedimentation
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Continental slope; Offshore West Africa; 3D seismics; Turbidite; Meandering; Levée; Point bar; Lateral accretion package; Channel-bend mound
From conventional outcrop datasets and digital outcrop models to flow simulation in the Pont de Montanyana point-bar deposits (Ypresian, Southern Pyrenees)
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Point bar; Meandering rivers; Tremp-Graus basin; Outcrop reservoir characterisation; Facies heterogeneity; High-resolution 3D geocellular facies model; Flow simulation; Recovery efficiency;
SAGD Pad performance in a point bar deposit with a thick sandy base
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Steam-assisted gravity drainage; SAGD; Point bar; Inclined heterolithic strata; Oil sand; Athabasca oil sands;
Controls on sinuosity in the sparsely vegetated Fossálar River, southern Iceland
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Meander; Point bar; Remote sensing; Skaftá;
A 3D forward stratigraphic model of fluvial meander-bend evolution for prediction of point-bar lithofacies architecture
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Fluvial meander; Point bar; Counter-point bar; Forward stratigraphic model; Sedimentology;
Orientation of a pad of SAGD well pairs in an Athabasca point bar deposit affects performance
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage; SAGD; Point bar; Inclined heterolithic strata; Oil sands; Athabasca;
Comparison of vertical hydraulic conductivity in a streambed-point bar system of a gaining stream
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Vertical hydraulic conductivity; Gaining stream; Point bar; Fine particle transport; Gas ebullition
Tidal rhythmites in a mixed-energy, macrotidal estuarine channel, Gomso Bay, west coast of Korea
Keywords: نوار نقطه; tidal rhythmite; tidal channel; point bar; mixed energy environment; inclined heterolithic stratification;
Leaf-jams - A new and unique leaf deposit in the ephemeral Hoanib River, NW Namibia: Origin and plant taphonomic implications
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Leaf deposits; Point bar; Ephemeral river; Taphonomy;
Facies and architectural element analysis of a meandering fluvial succession: The Permian Warchha Sandstone, Salt Range, Pakistan
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Fluvial; Meandering; Salt Range; Pakistan; Lateral accretion; Point bar
Flow processes and sedimentation in submarine channel bends
Keywords: نوار نقطه; Gravity current; Point bar; Submarine channel