Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; AsA; ascorbic acid; ROS; reactive oxygen species; GMP; GDP-D -mannose pyrophosphorylase; GME; GDP-D-mannose 3â²,5â²-epimerase; GGP; GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase; GPP; L-galactose-1-phosphate phosphatase; GalDH; L-galactose dehydrogenase; GLDH; L-galact
مقالات ISI زمان واقعی PCR کمی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; BAC; bacterial artificial chromosome; CerS; ceramide synthase; CK; cytokeratin; DAG; diacylglycerols; DTA; diphtheria toxin A; ES-cells; embryonic stem cells; FC; fold change; FDR; false discovery rate; FFA; free fatty acids; frt; Flp recognition target;
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; AC; amylose content; DP; Aday post anthesis; ESE; exonic splicing enhancer; ESS; exonic splicing silencer; GBSSI; granule bound starch synthase; HGW; hundred grain weight; HRM; high resolution melting; ISA1, 2, 3; isoamylase 1, 2, 3; LD; limit dextrinase;
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; GCL; granule cell layer; GSK3; glycogen synthase kinase 3; NGS; normal goat serum; NIH; novelty-induced hypophagia; qRT-PCR; Quantitative Real Time-PCR; SGZ; subgranular zone; VEGF; vascular endothelial growth fact
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; AFLPa; mplified fragment length polymorphism; BLAST; basic local alignment search tool; EST; expressed sequence tag; FDA; fluorescein diacetate; LN; liquid nitrogen; MDA; malondialdehyde; MS; Murashige and Skoog [1]; NCBI; National Center for Biotechnolog
Loss of C/EBP-β LIP drives cisplatin resistance in malignant pleural mesothelioma
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; ANOVA; analysis of variance; ATF6; activating transcription factor 6; C/EBP; CAAT/enhancer binding protein; IRE1; inositol-requiring enzyme 1; CHOP/GADD153; C/EBP homologous protein/growth arrest/DNA damage inducible 153; CEA; carcino-embrionic antigen; C
Identification and validation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR under salt stress in a halophyte, Sesuvium portulacastrum
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; Sesuvium portulacastrum; Reference genes; Expression profiling; Real time PCR; Salt stress; qRT PCR; quantitative real time-PCR; EF1-α; elongation factor 1-α; UCE2; ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; TBA; TATA-box binding protein; DNAJ; DnaJ-like protein;
Mixomics analysis of breast cancer: Long non-coding RNA linc01561 acts as ceRNA involved in the progression of breast cancer
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; lncRNA; long non-coding RNA; BrCa; breast cancer; miRNAs; microRNAs; ceRNAs; competing endogenous RNAs; MMP11; Matrix metallopeptidase 11; DEGs; differentially expressed genes; SPLSDA; Stacked Partial Least-Squares Discriminant Analysis; FBS; Fetal Bovine
In vivo RNA interference of BmNHR96 enhances the resistance of transgenic silkworm to BmNPV
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; BmNHR96; RNA interference; Transgenosis; Anti-BmNPV capacity; Bombyx mori; BmNHR96; Bombyx mori nuclear hormone receptors 96; BmNPV; Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus; ODV; occlusion-derived virus; BV; budded virus; qRT-PCR; quantitative real time-PCR;
Downregulation of miR-224 and let-7i contribute to cell survival and chemoresistance in chronic myeloid leukemia cells by regulating ST3GAL IV expression
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; CML; chronic myeloid leukemia; BMMC; bone marrow mononuclear cells; MS; mass spectrometry; qRT-PCR; quantitative real time-PCR; ST3Gal; CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase; TKIs; Tyrosine kinase inhibitors; BCRP; breast
Maternal SENP7 programs meiosis architecture and embryo survival in mouse
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; meiosis I/II; the first/second meiotic division; MI/MII; metaphase I/II; MPF; M-phase promoting factor; Cdk1; Cyclin-dependent kinase 1; APC; anaphase promoting complex; BrdU; bromodeoxyuridine; ATM; ataxia telangiectasia mutated; ATR; ataxia telangiectas
GL2-type homeobox gene Roc4 in rice promotes flowering time preferentially under long days by repressing Ghd7
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; DAG; days after germination; Ehd1; Early heading date 1; Ghd7; Grain number, plant height, and heading date 7; GUS; β-glucuronidase; HD; homeobox domain; Hd3a; Heading date 3a; HD-ZIP IV; Homeodomain leucine-zipper class IV; LD; long day; OsGI; O. sativa
GPNMB/OA protein increases the invasiveness of human metastatic prostate cancer cell lines DU145 and PC3 through MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; PCa; prostate cancer; GPNMB; non-metastatic glycoprotein melanoma protein B; OA; osteoactivin; MMPs; metalloproteinases; TIMPs; tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases; NGF; Nerve Growth Factor; Q-RT-PCR; quantitative real time-PCR; siRNA; small in
Differential gene expression analysis of 'Granny Smith' apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) during fruit skin coloration
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; CHS; chalcone synthase; F3H; flavanone 3-hydroxylase; DFR; Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase; ANS; anthocyanidin synthase; UFGT; flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase; DAFB; days after full bloom; DABR; days after bag removal; qRT-PCR; quantitative real time-PCR; H
Functional differentiation of pheromone-binding proteins in the common cutworm Spodoptera litura
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; Pheromone-binding protein; Quantitative real time-PCR; Male-biased expression; Fluorescence binding assay; Spodoptera litura;
Post-transcriptional gene silencing of the gene encoding aldolase from soybean cyst nematode by transformed soybean roots
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; EST; expressed sequence tag; Dai; days after inoculation; SCN; soybean cyst nematode; J2; second-stage juvenile; eGFP; enhanced green fluorescent protein; FMV; Figwort mosaic virus; qRT-PCR; quantitative real time-PCR; F; forward primer; R; reverse primer
Characterization of defense-related genes in the ‘Qinguan’ apple in response to Marssonina coronaria
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; Apple; Suppression subtractive hybridization; Expressed sequence tags; Quantitative Real Time-PCR; Marssonina coronaria
Post-transcriptional gene silencing of root-knot nematode in transformed soybean roots
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; EST; expressed sequence tag; hai; hours after inoculation; dai; days after inoculation; RKN; root-knot nematode; J2; second-stage juvenile; eGFP; enhanced green fluorescent protein; FMV-sgt; Figwort Mosaic Virus promoter sub-genomic transcript; qRT-PCR; Q
DaTrypsin, a novel clip-domain serine proteinase gene up-regulated during winter and summer diapauses of the onion maggot, Delia antiqua
Keywords: زمان واقعی PCR کمی; SP; serine proteinase; SD; summer diapause; WD; winter diapause; DIG; digoxigenin; RAPD; random amplification of polymorphic DNA; PCR; polymerase chain reaction; Q-RT-PCR; quantitative real time-PCR; RACE; rapid amplification of cDNA ends; HSP; heat-shock