Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; ANS; autonomic nervous system; EKG; electrocardiogram; GA; gestational age; HF; high-frequency; HR; heart rate; HRV; heart rate variability; IVH; intraventricular hemorrhage; LF; low-frequency; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; NEC; necrotizing enterocolit
مقالات ISI میانگین مربع ریشه (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; CPV; concentrator photovoltaic; PV; photovoltaic; LIFG; low iron float glass; TIPT; titanium isopropoxide; TEOS; tetraethyl orthosilicate; SDA; structure-directing agent; UV-Vis-NIR; ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared; BEMA; Bruggeman effective medium
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Whole-body vibration (WBV); Exposure duration; Comfort level; Weighted acceleration; Vibration Dose Value (VDV); R.M.S; Root Mean Square; VDV; Vibration Dose Value (m/s1.75); eVDV; Estimated Vibration Dose Value (m/s1.75); WBV; Whole-Body Vibration;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; SAT; System auxiliary transformer; OPC; Open phase condition; OPD; Open phase detection; CT; Current transformer; PT; Potential transformer; DFR; Digital fault recorder; EMTP; Electromagnetic transient programs; UMEC; Unified magnetic equivalent circuit;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; BCC; Body centred cubic; FCC; Face centred cubic; ISE; Indentation size effect; NPL; National Physical Laboratory; RMS; Root mean square; Tungsten; Anisotropy; Nanoindentation; Incipient plasticity;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Vertical forest; Wind-induced responses; Vibration mitigation factor; Wind tunnel test; BRLC; background and resonant load component; DGLF; displacement gust loads factor; DOFs; degrees of freedom; ESWLs; equivalent static wind loads; ETMD; Equivalent Tun
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Active bit vibration; Diamond coring drilling; Drill-off tests (DOTs); Acoustic emission (AE); Drilling performance; Penetration mechanism; Cutting size analysis; AE; Acoustic emission; DOC; Depth-of-cut; DOT; Drill-off test; FFT; Fast Fourier transform;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; AP; anterior-posterior; CC-MB; Clinic Mobility and Balance Application; cvCadence; coefficient of variation for cadence; ICC; IntraClass Correlation Coefficient; IMU; inertial monitoring unit; ML; medial-lateral; NJS; Normalized jerk scores; PD; Parkinson
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Surface accuracy; Uncertainty; Interval analysis; Root mean square; Large spacecraft;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; SHS; superhydrophobic surface; LBM; lattice Boltzmann method; FFT; Fast Fourier Transformation; Sk; skewness; K; kurtosis; Rq; root mean square; EOS; equation of state; SS; silica sol; AFM; atomic force microscope; CA; contact angle; SA; sliding angle; ED
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; BF; borofloat; CAD; computer-aided design; CFD; computational fluid dynamics; HF; hydrofluoric acid; HTP; high-throughput processing; LoC; lab-on-a-chip; MBR; microbioreactor; PDMS; polydimethylsiloxane; PMMA; polymethyl methacrylate; RGB; Red Green Blue
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; ECU; extensor carpi ulnaris; GLM; general linear model; GzLM; generalized linear model; JND; just noticeable difference; LMM; linear mixed model; MVC; maximal voluntary contraction; T; touch; P; muscle proprioception; PL; pollicis longus; PSE; point of su
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; DOS; density of states; EXAFS; extended X-ray absorption fine structure; FT; Fourier transform; MIL; materials of Institute Lavoisier; MOF; metal-organic framework; RIXS; resonant Inelastic X-ray scattering; RMS; root mean square; UiO; Universitetet i O
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; ELF; extremely low frequency; AC; alternating current; TCO; tjänstemännens centralorganisation; ICNIRP; international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection; IEEE; institute of electrical and electronic engineers; CPU; central processing unit;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Total hip replacement; Acceleration; Root mean square;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Cake décor; Tool; Grip force; Hand tool; APDF; Amplitude Probability Distribution Function; APL; Abductor Pollicis Longus; ED; Extensor Digitorum; FDS; Flexor Digitorum Superficialis; MVC; Maximum Voluntary Contraction; RMS; Root Mean Square; RPE; Rate o
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; NVH; Biodiesel blends; Diesel engine; Combustion; Noise; Vibration; deg CA; crank angle degree; NI; noise index; NVH; noise vibration harshness; RMS; root mean square; STFT; short time Fourier transform; UCO; used cooking oil; ULSD; ultra-low sulfur diese
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; ACh; acetylcholine; AChE; acetylcholinesterase; Dia; diaphragm; ERM; the engagement of respiratory muscle index; FiO2; fraction of inspired oxygen; IMS; intermediate syndrome; MV; mechanical ventilation; OC; organophosphorus compounds; PaO2; partial press
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; AGFI; Adjusted Goodness of fit index; AVE; Average variance extracted; CFI; Comparative fit index; CIF; Cost, insurance and freight; CR; Construct reliability; C.R.; Critical value; DF; Degree of freedom; EIA; Energy Information Administration; EU; Europe
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; AF488; Alexafluor 488; APC; allophycocyanin; BP; bandpass; BSA; bovine serum albumin; BV421; Brilliant Violet 421; FCM; flow cytometry; IFC; imaging flow cytometry; ISX; Amnis Imagestreamx; LPA; leukocyte-platelet aggregate; MFI; median fluorescence inten
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; 3D; 3-dimensional; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BOLD; blood oxygen level dependent; cd; candela; cpd; cycles per degree; D; diopters; fMRI; functional magnetic resonance imaging; FOV; field of view; GLM; general linear model; IOL; intraocular lens; MRI; m
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Reduced graphene oxide (r-GO); Transparent conductive electrodes; Chemical reduction; Thermal reduction; Organic device; Optoelectronics; PEDOT: PSS; Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with poly(styrene sulfonate); GO; Graphene oxide; r-GO; Reduced g
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Remaining useful life; Multistate deterioration; Nonlinearity; Hyper-parameter optimization; Complex equipment; ADL; Average deterioration level; BIC; Bayesian information criterion; DL; Deterioration level; GKPCA; Greedy kernel principal components analy
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; AC; air conduction; AGC; automatic gain control; ANN; artificial neural network; ANSI; American National Standards Institute; ASHA; American Speech-Language Hearing Association; BTE; behind the ear; DSL I/O; desired sensation level input/output; HL; heari
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; GA; gait analysis; SD; standard deviation; RoM; Range of Motion; RMS; root mean square; CP; Cerebral Palsy; GDI; Gait Deviation Index; GPS; Gait Profile Score; GVS; Gait Variable Score; LFM; Linear Fit Method; MAP; Movement Analysis Profile; MCID; Minimal
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; BEM; boundary element method; CI; confidence interval; CSD; cross-spectral density; DBS; Deep Brain Stimulation; DICS; Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources; DPSS; discrete prolate spheroidal sequences; EDC; Musculus extensor digitorum communis; EMG; Electr
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Impinging jet; High speed particle image velocimetry; Infrared thermography; Lobed nozzles; 6L; Relative to six-lobe injection; 4L; Relative to four-lobe injection; MP; Major plane (see figure 1d and figure 9); mP; Minor plane (see figure 1d and figure 9)
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; ACN; acetonitrile; ADMET; adsorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity; DAD; diode array detector; GPCR; G protein-coupled receptor ligand; HCA; hierarchical cluster analyses; LR; linear regression; LOO; leave-one-out method; MeOH; methano
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Stuttering; Magnetoencephalography; Phase-locking factors; Phase-locking values; Synchronization; AEF; auditory event-related field; DAF; delayed auditory feedback; ECD; equivalent current dipole; fMRI; functional magnetic resonance imaging; HCs; healthy
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; SNR; Signal-Noise Ratio; SVD; Singular Value Decomposition; SV; Singular Value; FC; Center Frequency; CSMW; Complex Shifted Morlet wavelet; EWMA; Exponentially Weight Moving Average; MSPC; Multivariate Statistical Process Control; MM; Mathematical Morphol
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Electromyography; Muscle fatigue; Muscle strength; Quadriceps muscle; Rehabilitation; BF; biceps femoris; MFIS; Modified Fatigue Impact Scale; MS; multiple sclerosis; MVIC; maximal voluntary isometric contraction; NME; neuromuscular efficiency; RF; rectus
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; EEG; electroencephalogram; EMG; electromyography; LLR; long-latency response; mANG; maximal angle movement; MEPs; motor-evoked potentials; MLR; medium-latency response; PNS; peripheral nerve stimulation; RMS; root mean square; SICI; short-interval intraco
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; 2D; Two-Dimensional; 2DEG; Two-Dimensional Electron Gas; 2DPS; Two-Dimensionally-Periodic Slab; 3D; Three-Dimensional; AES; Auger Electron Spectroscopy; AFM; Atomic Force Microscopy; ARUPS; Angle-Resolved Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy; B3LYP; Bec
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; CC; correlation coefficient; ECG; electrocardiogram/electrocardiographic; PVC; premature ventricular complex; RMS; root mean square; SOO; site of origin; VA; ventricular arrhythmia; Pace mapping; Intramural ventricular arrhythmias; Ablation; Ventricular a
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; NCC; nanocellulose crystals; AFM; atomic force microscopy; RMS; root mean square; MCC; microcrystalline cellulose; cmc; critical micelle concentration; Nanocellulose crystals (NCC); Zeta potential; Colloidal stability; Hofmeister effect; Film roughness;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; AMIT; agonist maximum isometric torque; CoP; center of pressure; DF; dorsal flexors; EF; elderly fallers; EMG; electromyographic; ENF; elderly non-fallers; MVC; maximum voluntary contraction; MIT; maximum isometric torque; PF; plantar flexors; RMS; root m
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Non-negative matrix factorization; Muscle activation; Mean frequency; Root mean square
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; ACC; acceleration; CCT IR; total amount of dirt particles in the process medium - Fe; ENV; Envelope acceleration; FFT; Fast Fourier Transform; gE; Unit of Envelope Acceleration; HFD; High Frequency Detection; PLP; Percent of Large Particles; PPM; Parts
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; BAL; blood alcohol level; EtOH; ethanol; FASD; fetal alcohol spectrum disorder; FFT; Fast-Fourier Transform; LFP's; local field potentials; r.m.s.; root mean square; SWS; slow-wave sleep; fetal alcohol disorder; sleep fragmentation; slow-wave sleep; ins
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; EMR; Energetic Macroscopic Representation; EMS; energy management strategy; EV; electric vehicle; H-ESS; hybrid energy storage system; SC; supercapacitor; SoC; State of Charge; RMS; root mean square; Energy management; Electric vehicle; Optimisation; Real
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Output-only modal analysis; Integration tests; Electrical submersible pump; β; Autoregressive Coefficients; Ît; Finite Time Difference; ξ; Damping Factor; Ï; Quadratic Mean Value; λ; Characteristic Equation Roots; λu; Dynamic Poles in u Mode; μ; Me
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; EMG; Electromyographic; EMGMAX; Maximal electromyographic activity; MVC; Maximal voluntary contraction; RMS; Root mean square; SIEMG; Slope of the curve between TA shear modulus and EMG activity; SITORQUE; Slope of the curve between TA shear modulus and n
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; MLI; multilevel inverter; PV; photovoltaic; THD; total harmonic distortion; CHBMLI; cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter; MPPT; maximum power point tracking; P&O; perturb and observer; STC; standard test condition; MNRE; Ministry of New and Renewable Ene
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Fusion; Image registration; MRI; X-ray; Cardiac resynchronization therapy; 2D; Two dimensions; 2DTRE; Two dimensional target registration error; 3D; Three dimensions; 3DTRE; Three dimensional target registration error; AHA; American heart association; CMR
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; AES; auger electron spectroscopy; AFM; atomic force microscopy; APDBs; antiphase domain boundaries; CEMS; conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy; CTR; crystal truncation rod; DBT; distorted bulk truncation; DFT; density functional theory; DFT+U; dens
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; 2D; two-dimensional; AF4; asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation; AFM; atomic force microscopy; AMP; amylopectin; AMY; amylose; API; active pharmaceutical ingredients; AUC; analytical ultracentrifugation; BHT; butylated hydroxytoluene; BSA; bovine ser
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; NIRS; Faeces; Repeatability; Digestibility; Intake; Botanical composition; ANOVA; analysis of variance; DMVI; dry matter voluntary intake; FNIRS; near infrared reflectance spectroscopy applied to faeces; NIRS; near infrared reflectance spectroscopy; OMD;
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; Speech ABR; speech auditory brainstem response; AEP; auditory-evoked potential; ASSR; auditory steady-state response; SNR; signal-to-noise; F0; fundamental frequency; dB SPL; decibel sound pressure level; dB HL; decibel hearing level; EEG; electroencephal
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; OR; omission-related response; MEG; magnetoencephalography; HG; Heschl's gyrus; STG; superior temporal gyrus; MMN; mismatch negativity; ISI; inter-stimulus interval; AC; auditory cortex; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; RMS; root mean square; ANOVA; analy
Keywords: میانگین مربع ریشه; BIC; Bayesian information criterion; BMI; body mass index; CI; confidence interval; IRR; incidence rate ratio; MS; mean sensitivity; Nm; Newton meters; RMS; root mean square; SAP; standard automated perimetry; STD; standard deviation of the torque moments