کد مقاله کد نشریه سال انتشار مقاله انگلیسی نسخه تمام متن
156398 456931 2011 16 صفحه PDF دانلود رایگان
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله ISI
Quantifying sub-grid scale (SGS) turbulent dispersion force and its effect using one-equation SGS large eddy simulation (LES) model in a gas–liquid and a liquid–liquid system
موضوعات مرتبط
مهندسی و علوم پایه مهندسی شیمی مهندسی شیمی (عمومی)
پیش نمایش صفحه اول مقاله
Quantifying sub-grid scale (SGS) turbulent dispersion force and its effect using one-equation SGS large eddy simulation (LES) model in a gas–liquid and a liquid–liquid system
چکیده انگلیسی

The one-equation SGS LES model has shown promise in revealing flow details as compared to the Dynamic model, with the additional benefit of providing information on the modelled SGS-turbulent kinetic energy (Niceno et al., 2008). This information on SGS-turbulent kinetic energy (SGS-TKE) offers the possibility to more accurately model the physical phenomena at the sub-grid level, especially the modelling of the SGS-turbulent dispersion force (SGS-TDF). The use of SGS-TDF force has the potential to account for the dispersion of particles by sub-grid scale eddies in an LES framework, and through its use, one expects to overcome the conceptual drawback faced by Eulerian–Eulerian LES models. But, no work has ever been carried out to study this aspect. Niceno et al. (2008) could not study the impact of SGS-TDF effect as their grid size was comparable to the dispersed bubble diameter. A proper extension of research ahead would be to quantify the effect of sub-grid scale turbulent dispersion force for different particle systems, where the particle sizes would be smaller than filter-size. This work attempts to apply the concept developed by Lopez de Bertodano (1991) to approximate the turbulent diffusion of the particles by the sub-grid scale liquid eddies. This numerical experimentation has been done for a gas–liquid bubble column system (Tabib et al., 2008) and a liquid–liquid solvent extraction pump-mixer system (Tabib et al., 2010 and Tabib and Schwarz, 2010). In liquid–liquid extraction system, the organic droplet size is around 0.5 mm, and in bubble columns, the bubble size is around 3–5 mm. The simulations were run with mesh size coarser than droplet size in pump-mixer, and for bubble column, two simulations were run with mesh size finer and coarser than bubble diameter. The magnitude of SGS-TDF values in all the cases were compared with magnitude of other interfacial forces (like drag force, lift force, resolved turbulent dispersion force, force due to momentum advection and pressure). The results show that the relative magnitude of SGS-TDF as compared to other forces were higher for the pump-mixer than for the coarser and finer mesh bubble column simulations. This was because in the pump-mixer, the ratio of “dispersed phase particle diameter to the grid-size” was smaller than that for the bubble column runs. Also, the inclusion of SGS-TDF affected the radial hold-up, even though the magnitudes of these SGS-TDF forces appeared to be small. These results confirms that (a) the inclusion of SGS-TDF will have more pronounced effect for those Eulerian–Eulerian LES simulation where grid-size happens to be more than the particle size, and (b) that the SGS-TDF in combination with one-equation-SGS-TKE LES model serves as a tool to overcome a conceptual drawback of Eulerian–Eulerian LES model.

Database: Elsevier - ScienceDirect (ساینس دایرکت)
Journal: Chemical Engineering Science - Volume 66, Issue 14, 15 July 2011, Pages 3071–3086
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