Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Endometriosis; pregnancy outcomes; placenta previa; caesarean delivery;
مقالات ISI زایمان سزارین (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; prosthetic valve thrombosis; pregnancy; heart surgery; fibrinolysis; caesarean delivery;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Bronchiolitis; Apnoea; Infants; Caesarean delivery; Logistic regression model; Bronquiolitis; Apnea; Lactantes; Cesárea; Modelo de regresión logÃstica;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Bronquiolitis; Apnea; Lactantes; Cesárea; Modelo de regresión logÃstica; Bronchiolitis; Apnoea; Infants; Caesarean delivery; Logistic regression model;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Eclampsia; preeclampsia; neurological complications; seizures; maternal mortality; MgSO4; CD; Caesarean delivery; PRES; posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; SBP; systolic blood pressure;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; External cephalic version; spontaneous cephalic version; Caesarean delivery; instrumental vaginal birth; aOR; adjusted odds ratio; ECV; external cephalic version; EECV; Early External Cephalic Version [Trial]; RR; risk ratio; SCV; spontaneous cephalic ver
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; MS; Multiple Sclerosis; PRIMS; Pregnancy In Multiple Sclerosis; EDSS; Expanded Disability Status Scale; DMT; disease modifying therapy; IVIg; intravenous immunoglobulin; GA; glatiramer acetate; INF; interferon; IM; intramuscular; EA; epidural analgesia; C
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; labour dystocia; inter-hospital variation;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Epidermolysis bullosa; Regional anaesthesia; Caesarean delivery;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Nefopam; Lactation; Caesarean delivery;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Burn; Pregnancy; Management; Caesarean delivery;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Spinal anaesthesia; Ultrasound; Caesarean delivery; Obstetric anaesthesia;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Enhanced recovery; Caesarean delivery; Neuraxial anaesthesia; Audit; Quality process; Multidisciplinary;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; abortion; caesarean delivery; fetal risk management; informed refusal;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Gestational age; Culture; Childbirth; Obstetric deliveries;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Ultrasound; Spinal anaesthesia; Caesarean delivery;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Pregnancy; pregnancy complications; third trimester; hyperparathyroidism; Caesarean delivery; parathyroid neoplasms;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Postpartum haemorrhage; Fibrinogen; Vaginal delivery; Caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Head elevated ramped position; Head elevated laryngoscopy position; Block height; Combined spinal-epidural; Caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; hypotension; spinal anaesthesia; caesarean delivery; preload; coload; crystalloids; colloids; HES; volume; obstetrics;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Acupressure; Opioid; Pain; Nausea; Vomiting; Caesarean delivery;
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Spinal anaesthesia; Pregabalin; Opioid consumption; Postoperative analgesia
ATLANTIC DIP: Despite insulin therapy in women with IADPSG diagnosed GDM, desired pregnancy outcomes are still not achieved. What are we missing?
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Insulin; Medical nutritional therapy, gestational diabetes; IADPSG; Weight gain; Pregnancy outcomes; American Diabetes Association; ADA; ante-partum haemorrhage; APH; appropriate weight gain; AWG; ATLANTIC Diabetes in Pregnancy Group; ATLANTIC DIP; caesar
Intrathecal clonidine as an adjuvant for neuraxial anaesthesia during caesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Spinal anaesthesia; Clonidine; Safety; Alpha-2 adrenoreceptor agonist;
Prématurité induite dans une maternité de type 3Â : étude de pratiques
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Prématurité; Prématurité induite; Déclenchement du travail; Césarienne; Morbidité néonatale; Prematurity; Indicated preterm birth; Labour induction; Caesarean delivery; Neonatal morbidity;
La césarienne naturelle
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Césarienne; Naissance naturelle; Information préopératoire; Peau à peau; Soins centrés sur la patiente; Caesarean delivery; Natural birth; Preoperative information; Skin-to-skin contact; Patient-centred care;
Césarienne et post-partum. Recommandations pour la pratique clinique
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Césarienne; Post-partum; Thromboprophylaxie; Sonde vésicale; Réalimentation; Antalgiques; Antiémétiques; Lever précoce; Caesarean delivery; Post-partum; Thromboprophylaxis; Bladder catheter; Early feeding; Postoperative analgesia; Enhanced recovery;
Gut microbiota biomodulators, when the stork comes by the scalpel
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; B; Bifidobacterium; CS; Caesarean section; C; Clostridium; CAMPs; commensal associated molecular patterns; DCs; dendritic cells; EPS; exopolysaccharide; ESPACI; European Society for Paediatric Allergology and Clinical Immunology; ESPGHAN; European Society
The effect of intravenous ondansetron on maternal haemodynamics during elective caesarean delivery under spinal anaesthesia: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Ondansetron; Spinal anaesthesia; Hypotension; Caesarean delivery
Randomized comparison of closed-loop feedback computer-controlled with manual-controlled infusion of phenylephrine for maintaining arterial pressure during spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean deliveryâ
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; anaesthesia, spinal; arterial pressure, hypotension; Caesarean delivery;
Réhabilitation après césarienne. Pas seulement une réhabilitation postopératoire
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Enquête; Analyse des pratiques; Césarienne; Réhabilitation; Post-partum; Survey; Practices; Caesarean delivery; Enhanced recovery; Postpartum;
To estimate the minimum effective dose of oxytocin required to produce adequate uterine tone in women undergoing elective caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Anaesthesia; Caesarean delivery; Oxytocin bolus
How UK obstetric anaesthetists assess neuraxial anaesthesia for caesarean delivery: National surveys of practice conducted in 2004 and 2010
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Sensory level; Spinal; Epidural
The impact of spinal anaesthesia for caesarean delivery on coagulation assessed by thromboelastography
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Blood coagulation; Thromboelastography; Spinal anaesthesia
Efficacy and safety of intraoperative intravenous methadone during general anaesthesia for caesarean delivery: a retrospective case-control study
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; General anaesthesia; Methadone; Patient-controlled analgesia
Haemodynamic effects of glycopyrrolate pre-treatment before phenylephrine infusion during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean section; Caesarean delivery; Anaesthesia; Spinal; Arterial blood pressure; Hypotension
Anesthésie pour césarienne à la phase aiguë d'un infarctus du myocarde par dissection coronaire
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Dissection coronaire spontanée; Grossesse; Infarctus myocardique; Césarienne; Angioplastie; Spontaneous coronary dissection; Pregnancy; Myocardial infarction; Caesarean delivery; Angioplasty;
Multidisciplinary management of an obstetric patient with glycogen storage disease type 3
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Glycogen storage disease; Anaesthesia; Pregnancy; Caesarean delivery
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous ketorolac following caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Pharmacokinetics; Pregnancy; Postpartum; Ketorolac; Caesarean delivery; Postoperative pain
Perioperative management of a parturient with hyponatraemia due to carbamazepine therapy
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Hyponatraemia; Epilepsy; Carbamazepine; Pregnancy; Caesarean delivery; Perioperative management
Low-dose intravenous ketamine improves postoperative analgesia after caesarean delivery with spinal bupivacaine in African parturients
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Spinal anaesthesia; Postoperative pain; Ketamine
Influence of preoperative anxiety on hypotension after spinal anaesthesia in women undergoing Caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; anaesthesia; anxiety; bupivacaine; Caesarean delivery; complications, hypotension; intrathecal; spinal;
Rising rates of caesarean deliveries at full cervical dilatation: a concerning trend
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean section; Caesarean delivery; Full dilatation; Second stage of labour;
Anaesthetic management of caesarean delivery in a parturient with malaria
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Caesarean delivery; Malaria; General anaesthesia
Secondary recurrent miscarriage is associated with previous male birth
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Secondary recurrent miscarriage; Male pregnancy; Thrombophilia; Caesarean delivery; Maternal age
Serum oxytocin concentrations in elective caesarean delivery: a randomized comparison of three infusion regimens
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Oxytocin; Caesarean delivery; Enzyme immunoassay
Modalités d'accouchement et risque de rupture utérine après césarienne réalisée avant 32 semaines d'aménorrhée
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Rupture utérine; Césarienne; Utérus cicatriciel; Prématurité; Essai d'accouchement par voie basse; Caesarean delivery; Uterine rupture; Prior preterm caesarean; Vaginal birth after caesarean;
Estimation of infant dose and exposure to pethidine and norpethidine via breast milk following patient-controlled epidural pethidine for analgesia post caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Pethidine; Norpethidine; Caesarean delivery; Breast milk; Neonatal exposure; Relative infant dose
Oral hypoglycaemic agents during pregnancy: The evidence for effectiveness and safety
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; gestational diabetes; oral hypoglycaemic agents; neonatal hypoglycaemia; medical treatment; glyburide; caesarean delivery
Transient left ventricular ballooning (tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy) soon after intravenous ergonovine injection following caesarean delivery
Keywords: زایمان سزارین; Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy; Transient left ventricular ballooning; Stress cardiomyopathy; Caesarean delivery; Ergonovine