Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; BMI; body mass index; CSA; cross sectional area; Dmax; maximal muscle belly displacement; ES; erector spinae; LBP; low back pain; LDS; laser displacement sensor; MMG; mechanomyography; MT; multifidus; TNS; transcutaneous neuromuscular stimulation; SEM; st
مقالات ISI سطح مقطع عرضی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Sural neuropathy; Nerve ultrasound; Cross sectional area; Axonal affection; CSA; cross sectional area; f.e; for example; TSN; traumatic sural neuropathy; SNAP; sensory nerve action potential;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Non localizing ulnar neuropathy; Nerve ultrasound; Electrophysiology; Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow; APB; abductor pollicis brevis; ADM; abductor digiti minimi; CMAP; compound muscle action potential; CSA; cross sectional area; CSA Max; maximal cross sect
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; AFM; absolute fat mass; ALM; arm lean mass; AUC; area under the curve; β2M; beta-2-microglobulin; BCAA; branch chained amino acids; CCTS; Center for Clinical and Translational Science; CD11b; cluster of differentiation 11b; CD68; cluster of differentiati
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Multifidus muscle; Cross sectional area; Ultrasonography; Adolescent; Low back pain;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Aging; Foot; Foot deformities; Foot disease; Quality of life; AbH; Abductor Hallucis; AP; Anteroposterior; CSA; Cross sectional area; DIPJ; Distal interphalangeal joint; EHL; Extensor Hallucis Longus; FDB; flexor digitorum brevis; FHB; flexor hallucis bre
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; AU; arbitrary units; BP; blood pressure; CA; cross sectional area; CapA; capillary area; CKD; chronic kidney disease; ICD; intercapillary distance; ID; inner vessel diameter; OD; outer vessel diameter; PTC; peritubular capillary; RCF; retinal capillary fl
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; CSA; cross sectional area; MPNST; malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor; NCS; nerve conduction study; NF; neurofibromatosis; Nerve ultrasonography; Polyneuropathy; Neurofibromatosis; Neurofibromas; Plexiform; Schwannoma;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Ultrasonography; Neuralgic amyotrophy; Proximal median neuropathy; Anterior interosseous nerve palsy; Hourglass-like appearance; AIN; anterior interosseous nerve; NA; neuralgic amyotrophy; IVIG; intravenous immunoglobulin; CMAPs; compound muscle action po
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Meta-analysis; Prognosis; Redundant nerve roots; Symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis; CI; Confidence interval; CSA; cross sectional area; CSF; Cerebrospinal fluid; JOA; Japanese Orthopedic Association; LSS; Lumbar spinal stenosis; MRI; Magnetic resonance i
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; APB; abductor pollicis brevis muscle; BMI; body mass index; CMAP; compound motor action potential; CSA; cross sectional area; EDB; extensor digitorum brevis muscle; HHD; hand-held dynamometer; HRST; high-resistance strength training; High-resistance stren
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; ATPase; adenosine triphosphatase; CSA; cross sectional area; EDLm; Extensor Digitorum Longus muscle; F2; fascicle 2; F3; fascicle 3; F4; fascicle 4; F5; fascicle 5; F; fast; G; glycolytic; I; intermediate; i. p.; intraperitoneal; NADH-TR; nicotinamide ade
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; RANK; receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B; HSA; hip structural analysis; BMD; bone mineral density; FREEDOM; Fracture Reduction Evaluation of Denosumab in Osteoporosis every 6Â Months; DIRECT; Denosumab fracture Intervention Randomized placebo Co
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; FPAH; Flat Plate Air Heater; RRP; Relative Roughness Pitch; RRH; Relative Roughness Height; Dh; Hydraulic Diameter; Nu; Nusselt Number; Ra; Rayleigh Number; Acr; Cross Sectional Area; Abp; Absorber Plate Area; Artificial roughening; Free convection; Conic
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Cervicogenic headache; Cervical muscles; Cross sectional area; Fat infiltration; Magnetic resonance imaging;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; US; Tendon; Reliability; Cross sectional area; Thickness;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Nerve ultrasound; Carpal tunnel outlet; Cross sectional area; Palm-to-forearm ratio;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; FM; Fish meal; PP; Plant protein; CSA; Cross sectional area; Flatfish nutrition; Solea senegalensis; Muscle cellularity; Texture-related genes; Flesh stiffness;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; a; amplitude; A0; cross sectional area; f; frequency; FF; friction force; FN; normal force; P; power; Q; surface power density; vr; relative speed; μ; friction coefficient; Ï; circular frequency; Orbital friction welding; Linear friction welding; Blisk;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; BMI; body mass index; CAD; coronary artery disease; CSA; cross sectional area; DC; dense calcium; EEM; external elastic membrane; FBS; fasting blood sugar; FF; fibro-fatty; HbA1c; glycated hemoglobin; hsCRP; high sensitivity C-reactive protein; IFG; impai
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Sarcoid neuropathy; Nerve ultrasound; Cross sectional area; Electrophysiology; Functional disability; Echogenity;
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; ACTRIIB; activin receptor type-2B; APC; adenomatosis polyposis coli; APPR; acute phase protein response; ARC; arcuate nucleus; ATP; adenosine-5â²-triphosphate; C-26; colon-26 adenocarcinoma mouse model; CHO; Chinese hamster ovary; COPD; chronic obstructi
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Endotracheal tube; Subglottic stenosis; Cricoid; Cross sectional area; Sizing; Options
Reducing phosphorus (P) losses from drained agricultural fields with iron coated sand (- glauconite) filters
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Water quality; Water framework directive; Phosphorus; Eutrophication; Tile drainage; Phosphorus sorbing materials; P; Phosphorus; WFD; Water Framework Directive; PSM; Phosphorus sorbing material; SSA; Specific surface area; Ksat; Saturated hydraulic condu
Angiotensin-II-induced Muscle Wasting is Mediated by 25-Hydroxycholesterol via GSK3β Signaling Pathway
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; ang II; angiotensin II; CC; cardiac cachexia; Ch25h; 25-hydroxylase; WT; wild type; TNFR1KO; TNF alpha type 1 receptor knockout; 25-OHC; 25-hydroxycholesterol; 20-OHC; 20α-hydroxycholesterol; 22-OHC; 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol; IR; ischemia reperfusion inj
Transplantation of Allogeneic PW1pos/Pax7neg Interstitial Cells Enhance Endogenous Repair of Injured Porcine Skeletal Muscle
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; allogeneic progenitor cells; growth factors; PICs; porcine preclinical model; regeneration; skeletal muscle; BrdU; 5-bromo-2â²-deoxyuridine; CM; pPIC conditioned medium; CSA; cross sectional area; CSC; cardiac stem cell; CTRL; control; CTX; cardiotoxin;
Quantitative Dixon MRI sequences to relate muscle atrophy and fatty degeneration with range of motion and muscle force in brachial plexus injury
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; BPI; brachial plexus injury; CSA; cross sectional area; CT; computed tomography; DASH; disability of the arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire; FOV; field of view; ICC; intraclass correlation coefficient; MR; magnetic resonance; MRC; medical research counc
Ultrasound pattern sum score, homogeneity score and regional nerve enlargement index for differentiation of demyelinating inflammatory and hereditary neuropathies
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; AIDP; acute immune-mediated demyelinating neuropathy; AUC; area under the curve; CIDP; chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CMAP; compound muscle action potential; CMT; Charcot Marie Tooth (1a, 1b, X); CSA; cross sectional area; CSF; cerebro
The interfascicular matrix enables fascicle sliding and recovery in tendon, and behaves more elastically in energy storing tendons
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; CDET; common digital extensor tendon; CSA; cross sectional area; IFM; interfascicular matrix; PBS; phosphate buffered saline; SDFT; superficial digital flexor tendon.; Viscoelastic; Fatigue; Mechanics; Structure-function; Fascicle; Endotenon;
The Ultrasound pattern sum score - UPSS. A new method to differentiate acute and subacute neuropathies using ultrasound of the peripheral nerves
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; AIDP; acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; AMAN; acute motor axonal neuropathy; CIDP; chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CIP; critical illness polyneuropathy; CMAP; compound muscle action potential; CSA; cross sectional area; C
Does measuring the median nerve at the carpal tunnel outlet improve ultrasound CTS diagnosis?
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Ultrasound; Cross sectional area; Carpal tunnel inlet; Carpal tunnel outlet; Nerve ultrasound;
Nerve ultrasound score in distinguishing chronic from acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Bochum ultrasound score; Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; Guillain–Barre syndrome; Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; Cross sectional area
Validity of trunk extensor and flexor torque measurements using isokinetic dynamometry
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; Muscle strength; Erector spinae; Rectus abdominis; Cross sectional area; EMG; GRRAS
EHD1 mediates vesicle trafficking required for normal muscle growth and transverse tubule development
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; CSA; cross sectional area; T-tubule; transverse tubule; SR; sarcoplasmic reticulum; EHD; Eps15 homology domain; EHD proteins; Fer1L5; T-tubule; Myoblast fusion; Muscle growth;
Maximising value of electrical networks for wave energy converter arrays
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; WEC; wave energy converter; Capex; capital expenditure; XLPE; cross linked polyethylene; CSA; cross sectional area; RTTR; real time thermal rating; DTS; distributed temperature sensing; Wave Energy Converter; Electrical Network; Array; Submarine Cable; Dy
The cytoskeletal regulatory scaffold protein GIT2 modulates mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and osteoblastogenesis
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; GPCR; G protein-coupled receptor; GRK; GPCR kinase; GIT; GRK-interacting protein; ARF-GAPs; ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating proteins; GEF; guanine nucleotide exchange factor; MSC; mesenchymal stem cell; qCT; quantitative micro-computed tomograph
Echocardiographic Assessment of Valve Stenosis: EAE/ASE Recommendations for Clinical Practice
Keywords: سطح مقطع عرضی; AR; aortic regurgitation; AS; aortic stenosis; AVA; aortic valve area; CSA; cross sectional area; CWD; continuous wave Doppler; D; diameter; HOCM; hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy; LV; left ventricle; LVOT; left ventricular outflow tract; MR; mitra