Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Smart grid; Offline co-simulation; Cyber security; Control; Testbed design and implementation; Cyber-physical systems;
مقالات ISI امنیت سایبری (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cybermatics; Cyber-physical systems; Cyber-social networks; Cyber-enabled applications; Cyber security; Cyberization; Cyberspace;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; AES-128; Cyber Security; Encryption; Field Programmable Gate Array; I&C;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Proactive secure scheme; Privacy protection; Mobile cloud computing; Cyber security; Financial industry;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Critical Infrastructure Protection; Legal Framework; Cyber Security; Interdependence; Critical Information Infrastructure;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber hygiene; Cyber security; Age;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Discrete-event systems; Supervisory control; Cyber security; Attack under bounded sensor reading alterations; Partial observation; Controllability;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Big-data; Data stream; Evolving clustering; Cauchy density; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber-physical system; Cyber security; Intrusion detection; CPS testbed; Smart grid; ADS; Anomaly detection system; ADA; Advanced distribution automation; AMI; Advanced metering infrastructure; AMR; Automatic meter reading; ANSI; America National Standard
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Human factors; Simulator study; Pilots; Trust; Workload; Eye-tracking;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Virus propagation; Vehicle-to-vehicle communications; Connected vehicles; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Phishing; Organisational behavior; Human factors; Cyber security; Employee susceptibility; Social engineering;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber physical production system; Cyber security; Human-robot collaboration;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Responsibilization; Neoliberalism; Risk regulation; Hierarchism; Risk management;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Multi-agent systems; Cyber security; Network forensics;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Game theory; Cyber security; Vulnerability Quantification; Social IoT;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; cyber security; security assessment; critical infrastructures; smart grid;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Data breaches; Security breaches; Cyber security; Data protection; Network and information security; Cloud computing; Data security breaches;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Cybercrime; Risk assessment model; Fuzzy logic inference; Risk factors evaluation;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Cyber forensics; Traceback; Trust; Marking probability; Network lifetime;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; National security; Legislation; Key information infrastructure; International cooperation;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Smart City; Big Data; Internet of Things (IoT); Communication security; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cloud computing; Fog computing; Cloud storage; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; IoT; Smart Home; Cyber-Physical Attacks; Cyber crime; Privacy;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Preventative maintenance; Cyber security; Markov decision processes; Parametric uncertainty;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Information security; Cyber security; Cyberterrorist; Cyberterrorism; Fear appeals; Resilience;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Distributed intrusion detection system; Cloud computing; Internet of things;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Mobile phishing; Smartphones; Cyber security; Social engineering; Mobile malware; Machine learning;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Vehicles; Cyber Security; CAN; Connected Car; Network;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Nuclear power plants; Cyber security; Terrorism; Safety;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Influence; Individual differences; Cyber security; Online scams; Phishing;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Complex networks; Robustness; Percolation; Random attacks; Dependent attacks; Adaptive attacks; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Information sharing; Cyber incident reporting; Security operation center; Cyber incident handling;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Cyber terrorism; Social network analysis; Analysis of cyber terrorist communities; SNA measures;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Information Security Awareness (ISA); Information security (InfoSec); Cyber security; Personality; Risk; Individual differences;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Security architecture; System architecture; SME; Charity; Home users; Supply chain;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Clock synchronization; Sensor networks; Cyber security; Resilient consensus;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Ensemble; Data mining; Cyber security; Missing features
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Anomaly detection; Computer network defense; Cyber security; Likelihood ratio detection; ROC analysis; Model misspecification
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Smart grid; Cyber security; Co-simulation
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber resiliency; Cyber security; System design; Fault and intrusion tolerance; Identification and authentication services; Network access control
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Probing; Malware; Darknet preprocessing; Big data correlation; Cyber security; Cyber intelligence
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Survey; Cyber security; Information sharing; Cyber incident reporting; Organizational aspects; Standardization
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Software vulnerability; Time between vulnerability disclosures; Distribution fitting; Time series analysis; Information security; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; National critical infrastructure protection efforts; Turkey; Developing countries; Maturity model; Grounded theory; Delphi survey;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Text mining; Financial applications; FOREX rate prediction; Stock market prediction; Customer relationship management; Cyber security;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Information security management framework (ISMF); Information security management system (ISMS); South Australian Government; Whole of government approach
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Activity-quality; Architecture analysis; Bayesian network; Reactor protection system; Research reactor;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Knowledge; Dynamic decision-making; Intrusion-detection system; Expertise;
Keywords: امنیت سایبری; Cyber security; Vulnerabilities; Security metrics; Expert judgment; Common Vulnerability Scoring System