Keywords: روزمرگی; K-B; Klüver-Barrera; LGN; lateral geniculate nucleus; ML; magnocellular layer; PL; parvocellular layer; Diencephalon; Fetus; Mid-gestation; Visual pathway;
مقالات ISI روزمرگی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: روزمرگی; Emotion; Language; Brainstem; Diencephalon; Hippocampus; Orbitofrontal cortex;
Keywords: روزمرگی; Anterior thalamic nucleus; Diencephalon; Gudden's tegmental nuclei; Learning and memory; Mammillary bodies; Mammillothalamic tract;
Keywords: روزمرگی; Emotion; Language; Brainstem; Diencephalon; Hippocampus; Orbitofrontal cortex
Keywords: روزمرگی; ISH; in situ hybridization; PCR; polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR; reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; SV; synaptic vesicle; allg; anterior lateral line ganglion; cep; cerebellar plate; cg; cranial ganglia; d; diencephalon; dt; dorsal thalam
Keywords: روزمرگی; Diencephalon; Hypocretin; Developmental genes; Sonic hedgehog
Keywords: روزمرگی; NMDA receptor; neuroleptics; glutamate; neocortex; diencephalon
Keywords: روزمرگی; Development; Diencephalon; Hypothalamus; Mouse; SONIC hedgehog; Thalamus
Mapping the brain of the chicken (Gallus gallus), with emphasis on the septal-hypothalamic region
Keywords: روزمرگی; Nomenclature; Pallium; Sub-pallium; Diencephalon; Brainstem;
Temporal and spatial expression of fgfbp genes in zebrafish
Keywords: روزمرگی; CNS; central nervous system; Di; diencephalon; ECM; extracellular matrix; FGF; fibroblast growth factor; FGFBP; fibroblast growth factor binding protein; HB; hindbrain; hpf; hour post-fertilization; Li; liver; MB; midbrain; MBT; mid-blastula transition; M
An ontologically consistent MRI-based atlas of the mouse diencephalon
Keywords: روزمرگی; Thalamus; Pretectum; Prethalamus; Segmentation; Diencephalon; MRI;
Distinct requirements for Wntless in habenular development
Keywords: روزمرگی; Wnt signaling; Diencephalon; dbx1b; cxcr4b; Left-right asymmetry; Zebrafish;
Catestatin and orexin-A neuronal signals alter feeding habits in relation to hibernating states
Keywords: روزمرگی; ACS; amino cupric silver stain; AMY; amygdala; ANOVA; analysis of variance; Arc; arcuate nucleus; AROU; arousal phase of hibernators; BlA; basolateral amygdalar nucleus; CA1; cornu ammonis 1; CA3; cornu ammonis 3; CeA; central amygdalar nucleus; CgA; chro
Immunohistochemical analysis of Pax6 and Pax7 expression in the CNS of adult Xenopus laevis
Keywords: روزمرگی; Pax genes; Immunohistochemistry; Segmental organization; Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Brain evolution; A; anterior nucleus of the thalamus; ABB; alar-basal boundary; Acc; accumbens nucleus; al; anterior lobe of the hypophysis; aol; area octavolateralis; a
The ascl1a and dlx genes have a regulatory role in the development of GABAergic interneurons in the zebrafish diencephalon
Keywords: روزمرگی; ascl1a; dlx; gad1b; GABAergic interneuron; Telencephalon; Diencephalon;
Mapping of tyrosine hydroxylase in the diencephalon of alpaca (Lama pacos) and co-distribution with somatostatin-28 (1-12)
Keywords: روزمرگی; 3V; third ventricle; A9; substantia nigra; A10; ventral tegmental area; A11; caudal diencephalic group; A12; tuberal cell group; A13; zona incerta; A14; rostral periventricular nucleus; A15d?; incipient anterior hypothalamic group, dorsal division?; A15v;
Oscillating central motor networks in pathological tremors and voluntary movements. What makes the difference?
Keywords: روزمرگی; Central networks; Diencephalon; Source analysis; Thalamic stimulation; Voluntary control;
Sex differences in the expression of vasotocin/isotocin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and tyrosine and tryptophan hydroxylase family genes in the medaka brain
Keywords: روزمرگی; aMO; anterior part of the medulla oblongata; AVPV; anteroventral periventrical nucleus; BCIP; 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate; BNST; bed nucleus of stria terminalis; Cb; cerebellum; Die; diencephalon; DIG; digoxigenin; EP; pineal gland; FSH; follicle
Analysis of transcriptional codes for zebrafish dopaminergic neurons reveals essential functions of Arx and Isl1 in prethalamic dopaminergic neuron development
Keywords: روزمرگی; Dopaminergic neuron; Transcription factors; Zebrafish; Diencephalon; Telencephalon; Neuronal specification
High convergence of olfactory and vomeronasal influence in the telencephalon of the terrestrial salamander Plethodon shermani
Keywords: روزمرگی; amphibian; olfaction; vomeronasal; evoked potential; intracellular recording; in vitro brain preparation; AC; anterior commissure; AMY; amygdala; AOB; accessory olfactory bulb; cAMY; caudal amygdala; cPole; caudal pole of the telencephalon; di; diencephal
Fibroblast growth factor signaling in the developing neuroendocrine hypothalamus
Keywords: روزمرگی; FGF signaling; GnRH neurons; Olfactory placode; Ventricular zone; Diencephalon; Oxytocin; Vasopressin; Hypothalamic nuclei
Distal-less-like protein distribution in the larval lamprey forebrain
Keywords: روزمرگی; pallium; subpallium; telencephalon; diencephalon; Petromyzon marinus; evolutionA, amygdala; AB, anterobasal nucleus; AOA, anterior olfactory area; B, nucleus of Bellonci; cp, pallial corticoid plate; CPa, caudal paraventricular area; DLL, drosophila dista
Cognitive, Behavioral, and Systems NeuroscienceResearch PaperIntimate associations between the neuropeptide Y system and the galanin-immunoreactive neurons in the human diencephalon
Keywords: روزمرگی; hypothalamus; NPY; galanin; diencephalon; hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis; immunohistochemistry; ACTH; adrenocorticotrope hormone; DAB; diaminobenzidine; LH; luteinizing hormone; LHRH; luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone; MBH; medial basal hypothalamus; NP
Dopaminergic cell damage and vulnerability to MPTP in Pink1 knockdown zebrafish
Keywords: روزمرگی; Parkinson's disease; Park6; Neurodegeneration; Tyrosine hydroxylase; Dopamine; Translation inhibition; Morpholino-oligonucleotide; Diencephalon
Corticosterone and cortisol binding sites in plasma, immune organs and brain of developing zebra finches: Intracellular and membrane-associated receptors
Keywords: روزمرگی; Avian; Bird; Bursa of Fabricius; CBG; Cerebellum; Diencephalon; Glucocorticoid; GR; Immunosteroid; Liver; Mineralocorticoid; MR; Neurosteroid; Non-genomic; Songbird; Spleen; Stress; Telencephalon; Thymus;
Re-evaluating the role of the mammillary bodies in memory
Keywords: روزمرگی; Diencephalon; Tegmental nucleus of Gudden; Hippocampus; Rat; Spatial memory;
Immunohistochemical localization of DARPP-32 in the brain and spinal cord of anuran amphibians and its relation with the catecholaminergic system
Keywords: روزمرگی; ac; anterior commissure; Ac; caudal subnucleus of anterior nucleus of thalamus; Acc; nucleus accumbens; AOB; accessory olfactory bulb; Av; anteroventral tegmental mesencephalic nucleus; B; neuropil of Bellonci; BST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; C;
Analysis of the hypothalamus in a case of X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia (XLAG)
Keywords: روزمرگی; Lissencephaly; XLAG; ARX gene; Hypothalamus; Diencephalon
Ghrelin modulates fatty acid synthase and related transcription factor mRNA levels in a tissue-specific manner in neonatal broiler chicks
Keywords: روزمرگی; Ghrelin; Chicken; Diencephalon; Liver; Fatty acid synthase; Transcription factors
Expression patterns of the Egr1 and Egr3 genes during medaka embryonic development
Keywords: روزمرگی; Egr1; zif268; NGFI-A; Krox24; Tis8; ZENK; Egr3; Krox20; Medaka; Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Hypothalamus; Retina; Optic tectum; Torus semicircularis; Rhombencephalon; Heart; Pharynx; Pectoral fin
Synchronized diurnal and circadian expressions of four subtypes of melatonin receptor genes in the diencephalon of a puffer fish with lunar-related spawning cycles
Keywords: روزمرگی; Circadian rhythm; Diencephalon; Melatonin receptor; Optic tectum; Retina; Puffer;
Lines of Danio rerio selected for opposite behavioural lateralization show differences in anatomical left–right asymmetries
Keywords: روزمرگی; Zebrafish; Brain laterality; Eye preference; Selective breeding; Diencephalon; Left–right asymmetry
The expression pattern of Follistatin-like 1 in mouse central nervous system development
Keywords: روزمرگی; Follistatin-like 1; Follistatin; Telencephalon; Cortex; Hippocampus; Cortical hem; Diencephalon; Midbrain; Cerebellum; Spinal cord; Expression pattern; Mouse
Impaired, spared, and enhanced ACh efflux across the hippocampus and striatum in diencephalic amnesia is dependent on task demands
Keywords: روزمرگی; Diencephalon; Microdialysis; Acetylcholine; Spontaneous alternation; T-maze discrimination; Spatial
Expression pattern of Wnt inhibitor factor 1(Wif1) during the development in mouse CNS
Keywords: روزمرگی; Wif1; Wnt; Telencephalon; Cortex; Hippocampus; Cortical hem; Diencephalon; Midbrain; Cerebellum; Spinal cord; Expression pattern; Mouse
Robos are required for the correct targeting of retinal ganglion cell axons in the visual pathway of the brain
Keywords: روزمرگی; Slit; Optic chiasm; Axon guidance; Retinal ganglion cells; Diencephalon
Increasing hippocampal acetylcholine levels enhance behavioral performance in an animal model of diencephalic amnesia
Keywords: روزمرگی; Hippocampus; Diencephalon; Microdialysis; Acetylcholine; Spontaneous alternation; Rat
Forebrain evolution in bony fishes
Keywords: روزمرگی; Diencephalon; Lungfishes; Posterior tubercle; Preglomerular complex; Ray-finned fishes; Telencephalon
[3H] muscimol receptors sites in the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) brain: Binding assay and autoradiographic distribution
Keywords: روزمرگی; AC; anterior commissure; Adc; area dorsalis centralis; Adl; area dorsalis lateralis; Adm; area dorsalis medialis; Av; area ventralis; Ce; cerebellum; Ceg; granular layer of cerebellum; Cem; molecular layer of cerebellum; DIE; diencephalon; Epi; epithalamu
Dynamic expression pattern of Nodal-related genes during left-right development in medaka
Keywords: روزمرگی; Transforming growth factor β; Nodal-related; Lefty; Left-right; Asymmetry; Lateral plate mesoderm; Diencephalon; Medaka
Patterning the developing diencephalon
Keywords: روزمرگی; Forebrain; Diencephalon; Patterning; Anterior–posterior; Dorsal–ventral
Selective septohippocampal – but not forebrain amygdalar – cholinergic dysfunction in diencephalic amnesia
Keywords: روزمرگی; Diencephalon; Hippocampus; Amygdala; Microdialysis; Acetylcholine; Stereology
Expression pattern of BM88 in the developing nervous system of the chick and mouse embryo
Keywords: روزمرگی; Neuroepithelial cells; Neuronal precursors; Chick; Mouse; Embryo; Brain; Differentiation; Proliferation; Ventricular zone; Mantle zone; Spinal cord; Motor neuron; Dorsal root ganglia; Sympathetic ganglia; Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Mesencephalon; Optic
Molecular cloning and tissue expression of chicken AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 complementary deoxyribonucleic acids
Keywords: روزمرگی; Adiponectin; Diencephalon; Pituitary gland; Liver; Kidney; Energy homeostasis; Adipose tissue
The contribution of familiarity to associative memory in amnesia
Keywords: روزمرگی; Associative memory; Recognition; Amnesia; Recollection; Familiarity; Hippocampus; Medial temporal lobe; Diencephalon
Sex Differences in Diencephalon Serotonin Transporter Availability in Major Depression
Keywords: روزمرگی; Diencephalon; major depression; serotonin transporter; SPECT; sex
Retinal, pineal and diencephalic expression of frog arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase-1
Keywords: روزمرگی; Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase; Melatonin; Retina; Pineal organ; Diencephalon; Frog
EphA7 receptor is expressed differentially at chicken prosomeric boundaries
Keywords: روزمرگی; forebrain; diencephalon; pretectum; thalamus; prethalamus; mammillary region; HH; Hamburger and Hamilton stages; p1; prosomere 1; p2; prosomere 2; p3; prosomere 3; UTP; uridine-triphosphate; zl; zona limitans;
Region-, age-, and sex-specific effects of fetal diazepam exposure on the postnatal development of neurosteroids
Keywords: روزمرگی; Development and regeneration, Hormones and developmentProgesterone; Testosterone; 3α,5α-THP; GABAA receptor; Cerebral cortex; Diencephalon
Clonal origin of the mammalian forebrain from widespread oriented mixing of early regionalized neuroepithelium precursors
Keywords: روزمرگی; Cell lineage; Clonal analysis; Diencephalon; Dispersion; Forebrain; laacZ; Mouse embryo; Neural progenitor; Telencephalon;