Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; AA; Aquatic Acidification; AE; Aquatic Ecotoxicity; AEU; Aquatic Eutrophication; C; Carcinogen; CdTe; Cadmium-Telluride; CIS; Copper-Indium-Selenide; CUT; cut-off value; EPBT; Energy Payback Time; GA; Genetic Algorithms; GW; Global Warming; IR; Ionizing R
مقالات ISI زمان بازپرداخت انرژی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; a-Si; amorphous silicon; BIPV; building integrated photovoltaic; BOS; balance of system; CdTe; cadmium telluride thin film; CIS; copper indium selenide thin film; DSSC; dye sensitized solar cell; EG-silicon; electronic silicon; EPBT; energy payback time;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Photovoltaic system; Multi-Si; Life cyle assessment; Energy payback time;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Carbon credit earned; Embodied energy; Energy payback time; Greenhouse dryer; Thermal modelling;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Energy payback time; Net energy ratio; Life cycle carbon emission rate; Normalised solar irradiation; Primary energy;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Energy Payback time; Life-cycle analysis; BIPV thermal system; Solar insolation; Modified HDKR model;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Photovoltaic modules; Solar cell technology; Contact technology; Interconnection technology; Energy payback time; Power conversion efficiency; Fatigue life;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle assessment; Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission; Energy payback time; Grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power generation; Crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar modules;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Wind turbine; Wind power plant; Sustainability; Wind energy; Energy payback time;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Energy payback time; Exergy; PVT array; Annualized uniform cost
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; BIPV products; Life cycle assessment; GHG emission rate; Energy payback time; Feed in tariff
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; AHO; annual hours of operation; ADO; annual days of operation; P1; biogas plant 1; P2; biogas plant 2; CO2-eq.; carbon dioxide equivalent; CMC; carbon dioxide mitigation costs; CHP; combined heat and power plant; constr; construction; C; costs; m3; cubic
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Earth-air heat exchanger; Embodied energy; Energy payback time (EPBT); Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER); Carbon credit potential; EAHE; earth-air heat exchanger; COP; coefficient of performance; ICEM; integrated computer-aided engineering and m
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Water footprint; Water use; Life cycle approach; Quantity and quality of water; Inventory indicators; CED; Cumulative Energy Demand; CWD; Cumulative Water Demand; CWU; Cumulative Water Use; DWU; Degradative Water Use; EPBT; Energy PayBack Time; HDPE; High
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Organic photovoltaics; Tandem solar cells; Multi-junction solar cells; Roll-to-roll; Life-cycle assessment; Energy payback time
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle assessment; Energy payback time; Carbon footprint; Crystalline silicon; Thin-film; Photovoltaic systems;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life-cycle assessment; p-type multicrystalline silicon technologies; PERC cell technology; Frameless double-glass PV module; Energy payback time; Greenhouse gas emissions;
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Conjugated block copolymer; Organic photovoltaic; Energy payback time; Stability;
Life cycle assessment of the 3.2â¯kW cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaic system in composite climate of India
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Performance assessment; Photovoltaic systems; Life cycle assessment; CdTe; Carbon credit; Energy payback time;
Relative impacts of methylammonium lead triiodide perovskite solar cells based on life cycle assessment
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; EOL; end of life; EPBT; energy payback time; HTC; human toxicity, cancer; HTN-C; human toxicity, non-cancer; ET; Ecotoxicity; WDP; water depletion potential; CED; cumulative energy demand; GWP; global warming potential; S1; scenario 1; S2; scenario 2; S3;
A framework for building overhang design using Building Information Modeling and Life Cycle Assessment
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; ADP Elements; Abiotic Depletion Of Elements Potential [kg Sb-Eq.]; ADP Fossil; Abiotic Depletion Of Fossil Potential [MJ]; AP; Acidification Potential (kg SO2- Eq.]; BIM; Building Information Modeling; BoQ; Bill Of Quantities; BPS; Building Performance Si
Building-integrated solar thermal system with/without phase change material: Life cycle assessment based on ReCiPe, USEtox and Ecological footprint
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle assessment (LCA); Building-integrated solar thermal (BIST) system; Phase change material (PCM); ReCiPe midpoint/endpoint; USEtox (human toxicity, ecotoxicity); Ecological footprint; BA; Building-added; BI; Building-integrated; BIST; Building-in
Solar-PV energy payback and net energy: Meta-assessment of study quality, reproducibility, and results harmonization
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Solar-PV; Solar energy; Energy Payback Time; Net Energy Ratio; Study quality; Harmonization; Review; Technological change;
Concentrating solar systems: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and environmental issues
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; BA; Building-added; BI; Building-integrated; BICPV; Building-integrated concentrating photovoltaic; BOS; Balance of system; CED; Cumulative energy demand method; CML; CML method; CO2.eq; CO2.equivalent; CPV; Concentrating photovoltaic; CPVT; Concentrating
Exergoeconomic analysis of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) mixed mode greenhouse solar dryer
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Embodied energy; Energy payback time; Exergy; Greenhouse dryer; Heat transfer coefficient; Thermal modelling;
Rebuttal: “Comments on 'Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants' - Making clear of quite some confusion”
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; EROI (energy returned on invested); EROEI (energy returned on energy invested); Energy intensity; EPBT (Energy Pay-Back Time); Energy payback time; Life cycle assessment;
Performance assessment of rooftop PV systems in Abu Dhabi
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Photovoltaics; Performance; Final yield; Capacity factor; Energy payback time;
Environmental analysis of a Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant hybridised with different fossil and renewable fuels
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life Cycle Assessment; Hybrid; Solar; Biomass; Fossil; Energy Payback Time
Energy payback time (EPBT) and energy return on energy invested (EROI) of solar photovoltaic systems: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Energy payback time; PV; Energy return on energy invested; Embedded energy;
Life-cycle assessment of multi-crystalline photovoltaic (PV) systems in China
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life-cycle assessment; Multi-Si PV system; Energy payback time; Environmental impacts; Environmental management
Active Solar Thermal Facades (ASTFs): From concept, application to research questions
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; ASTFS; Active Solar Thermal Facades; BIM; building information modeling; CFD; computational fluid dynamics; CPD; construction products directive; CPR; construction products regulation; CPBT; cost payback time; DHW; domestic hot water; EC; embodied carbon;
Lifetime performance of semi-transparent building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) glazing systems in the tropics
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; BIPV; building-integrated photovoltaic; CdTe; cadium telluride; CED; cumulative energy demand; CI(G)S; copper indium gallium selenide; EPBT; energy payback time; EROEI; energy returned on energy invested; GHG; greenhouse gas; LCA; life cycle assessment; m
Environmental analysis of geothermal heat pump and LPG greenhouse heating systems
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Greenhouse heating systems; Life cycle assessment; Energy payback time; Emissions payback time
The evolution of the dye sensitized solar cells from Grätzel prototype to up-scaled solar applications: A life cycle assessment approach
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Dye sensitized solar cells; Photovoltaic; Photosensitizers; Life cycle assessment; Energy Payback Time;
Investigation on the development potential of rooftop PV system in Hong Kong and its environmental benefits
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Building-integrated photovoltaic; Potential of rooftop PV systems; Energy payback time; Greenhouse-gas emissions rate; Levelized cost of energy; Carbon credits;
Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; ERoEI; EROI; Energy return on invested; Energy intensity; Energy payback time; Life cycle assessment7.020; 7.050; 8.080; 21.070; 22
Life cycle assessment of two different 2 MW class wind turbines
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle assessment; LCA; Wind turbine; Turbine materials; CO2; Energy payback time
LCA of a solar heating and cooling system equipped with a small water–ammonia absorption chiller
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle assessment; Solar heating and cooling system; Absorption chiller; Primary energy; Energy payback time; Emission payback time
Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) double slope active solar still
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Hybrid photovoltaic thermal; Double slope solar still; Energy payback time
Life-cycle assessment of a photovoltaic system in Catalonia (Spain)
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle analysis; Solar cells; PV systems; Energy payback time; Greenhouse emissions; Sensitivity analysis
Life cycle assessment and evaluation of energy payback time on high-concentration photovoltaic power generation system
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; High-concentration photovoltaic power generation system; Life cycle assessment; Energy payback time; Gobi desert
Permanently dispelling a myth of photovoltaics via the adoption of a new net energy indicator
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Energy yield ratio; Energy payback time; Photovoltaics; Solar cells
Embodied energy analysis of photovoltaic (PV) system based on macro- and micro-level
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Embodied energy; Photovoltaic system; Energy payback time
Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector: sensitivity analysis, energy and environmental balances
Keywords: زمان بازپرداخت انرژی; Life cycle assessment (LCA); Solar thermal collector; Energy payback time; Sensitivity analysis;