Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; aHR; adjusted HR; BRCA2; breast cancer 2, early onset; CIs; confidence intervals; DFS; disease-free survival; ENCODE; encyclopedia of DNA Elements; ERCC1; excision repair cross-complementing group 1; ERG; V-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene re
مقالات ISI بیان صفات صفات کمی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Neuroticism; Genome-wide association study; Expression quantitative trait loci; Gene set enrichment analysis;
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; SSRs; simple sequence repeats; STRs; simple tandem repeats; eQTLs; expression quantitative trait loci; SNPs; single nucleotide polymorphisms; DMEM; Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium; FCS; fetal calf serum; hCALM1; human calmodulin; EGFR; epidermal growth f
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; ATGs; Autophagy-related genes; HR; Hazard ratios; CI; Confidence intervals; eQTL; Expression quantitative trait loci; meQTL; Methylation quantitative trait loci; TCGA; The Cancer Genome Atlas; GTEx; Genotype-Tissue Expression; RSEM; RNA-Seq by Expectation
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Animal models; Expression quantitative trait loci; Gene expression; Lung cancer; Transcriptome; Pas1;
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Normal tissue toxicity; Radiosensitivity; Predictive assay; SNP; Complex trait; Expression quantitative trait loci;
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Genetics; Risk Factors; SNP; GWAS; ARIC; Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study; BioVU; Vanderbilt DNA Biobank; BMI; body mass index; CI; confidence intervals; eSNP; expression single-nucleotide polymorphism; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; F
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; boundary; domain; enhancer; expression quantitative trait loci; position effect; silencer
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; AMD; age-related macular degeneration; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; FPKM; Fragments Per Kilobase of gene per Million mapped fragment; MAQC; MicroArray Quality Control; MR; macular retina; PLIER; Probe Lo
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Chemometrics; Genetic epidemiology; Genome-wide association studies; Multivariate data; Multivariate regression technique; Partial least squares; Principal-component regression; Ridge regression; Single-nucleotide polymorphism; Statistical genetics; ASCA;
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; IBD; Genetic Risk; SNP; Clinical Outcome; B1; inflammatory behavior; B2; stricturing behavior; B3; penetrating behavior; CD; Crohn's disease; CDC; complicated disease course; CI; confidence interval; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS; genom
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; AF; atrial fibrillation; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; FDR; false discovery rate; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; LA; left atrium; MAGNet; Myocardial Applied Genomics Network; RA; right atrium; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; Genet
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Atopic dermatitis; direct RNA sequencing; eczema; filaggrin; gene expression; single molecule; skin; tissue; transcriptome; AD; Atopic dermatitis; CILP; Cartilage intermediate layer protein gene; DRS; Direct RNA sequencing; eQTL; Expression quantitative t
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; ADAR; adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific; AI; allelic imbalance; CEPH; Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; MAE; monoallelic expression; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP);
Genetic variants regulate NR1H3 expression and contribute to multiple sclerosis risk
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Multiple sclerosis; Genome-wide association studies; Expression quantitative trait loci;
Evaluating the association between calpastatin (CAST) gene and keratoconus in the Han Chinese population
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; CAST; calpastatin; KC; keratoconus; SNP; Single nucleotide polymorphisms; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; GWLS; genome-wide linkage studies; CCT; central corneal thickness; MAF; minor allele frequency; OR; odds ratio; CI; confidence interval; HWE;
Functional Polymorphisms at ERCC1/XPF Genes Confer Neuroblastoma Risk in Chinese Children
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Neuroblastoma; Susceptibility; ERCC1; XPF; Polymorphism; GWAS; genome-wide association study; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; NER; nucleotide excision repair; HWE; Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; OR; odds ratio; CI; confidence interval; eQTL; expression
Deep sequencing of a QTL-rich region spanning 128-136Mbp of pig chromosome 15
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; EDTA; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GEBV; genomic estimated breeding value; GWAS; genome-wide association study IMF - intramuscular fat; INDEL; insertion or the deletion of bases in the DNA of an organism; lncR
Genetic variants in ALDH2 predict risk of ischemic stroke in a Chinese population
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; GWAS; genome wide association studies; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; ALDH2; aldehyde dehydrogenase 2; NSRP; Nanjing Stroke Registry Program; TOAST; Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment; mRS; modified Rankin Scale; OR; Odds ratios; CI; confi
The functional polymorphisms of ARID5B and IKZF1 are associated with acute myeloid leukemia risk in a Han Chinese population
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; ALL; acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML; acute myeloid leukemia; GWAS; genome-wide association study; 3â²UTR; 3â² untranslated region; IKZF1; IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (Ikaros); ARID5B; AT rich interactive domain 5B (MRF1-like); HSCs; hematopoietic ste
Integration of summary data from GWAS and eQTL studies identified novel causal BMD genes with functional predictions
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; BMD; bone mineral density; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; SMR; summary data-based Mendelian randomization; HEIDI; heterogeneity in dependent instruments; LD; linkage disequilibrium; WGCNA; weighted gene co
Analysis of Genes Associated With Monogenic Primary Immunodeficiency Identifies Rare Variants in XIAP in Patients With Crohn's Disease
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Candidate Gene Approach; Mendelian Disorder; Complex Trait; CD; Crohn's disease; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS; genome-wide association study; HTS; high-throughput seq
Role of the IL-12/IL-35 balance in patients with Sjögren syndrome
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; IL-35; IL-12; regulatory T cell; regulatory B cell; Sjögren syndrome; AIM; Ancestry informative marker; ASSESS; Atteinte Systémique et Evolution des patients atteints de Syndrome de Sjögren primitive; BAFF; B cell-activating factor of the TNF family;
Potential effect on molecular pathways in different targeted genes in the VEGF family in retina - From the genomic point of view
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Expression; Gene network; Expression quantitative trait loci; Recombinant inbred; Vascular endothelial growth factor; AMD; age-related macular degeneration; BXD; C57BL/6J X DBA/2J; CNV; choroidal neovascularization; DME; diabetic macular edema; DR; diabet
A variant on chromosome 2p13.3 is associated with atopic dermatitis in Chinese Han population
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; AD; atopic dermatitis; GWAS; genome-wide association study; EAGLE; EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GTEx; Genotype-Tissue Expression; LCs; Langerhans cells; Atopic dermatitis; Single-nucleotide polymorp
A Gene Module-Based eQTL Analysis Prioritizing Disease Genes and Pathways in Kidney Cancer
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; RCC; Renal cell cancer; ccRCC; Clear cell renal cell carcinoma; eQTL; Expression quantitative trait loci; SVM; Support vector machine; TCGA; The Cancer Genome Atlas; KEGG; Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; DEG; Differentially expressed gene; DGM; D
Polymorphisms in DENND1B gene are associated with asthma and atopy phenotypes in Brazilian children
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; BDCA; markers for distinct subsets of dendritic cells in human peripheral blood; CI; confidence interval; DENN; differentially expressed in normal and neoplastic cells domain; DENND1B; DENN domain containing 1B; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; e
Colonic transcriptional response to 1α,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 in African- and European-Americans
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Vitamin D; Gene transcription; Expression quantitative trait loci; Colorectal cancer; Health disparities;
Association of Ribonuclease T2 Gene Polymorphisms With Decreased Expression and Clinical Characteristics of Severity in Crohn's Disease
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; SNP; Prognosis; Genetics; Risk Factor; CD; Crohn's disease; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS; genome-wide association study; IBD; inflammatory bowel diseases; ICAM1; intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IFNG; interferon gamma; IIBDGC; Intern
Gene signatures of postoperative atrial fibrillation in atrial tissue after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery in patients receiving β-blockers
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; AF; atrial fibrillation; BB; β-blocker; CABG; coronary artery bypass grafting; CPB; cardiopulmonary bypass; EGFR; epidermal growth factor receptor; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; ES; enrichment score; FAM126B; family with sequence similarity 1
Functional variants of 17q12-21 are associated with allergic asthma but not allergic rhinitis
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; ORMDL3; 17q21; allergic asthma; allergic rhinitis; Singapore Chinese; IgE; eosinophil counts; AR; Allergic rhinitis; eQTL; Expression quantitative trait loci; GSDMB; Gasdermin B; HDM; House dust mite; IKZF3; IKAROS family zinc finger 3 (Aiolos); OR; Odds
Original ResearchFull Report: Basic and Translational-Alimentary TractVariants in TRIM22 That Affect NOD2 Signaling Are Associated With Very-Early-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; VEOIBD; NF-kB; Antiviral and Antibacterial Networks; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS; genome-wide association study; MDP; muramyl dipeptide; NF-κB; nuclear factorâκB; NOD2; nucleotide binding oligomerization domain containing 2; RSV; to
The role of the IL-33/IL-1RL1 axis in mast cell and basophil activation in allergic disorders
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; BMMCs; bone marrow-derived murine mast cell; ECM; extracellular matrix; eQTLs; expression quantitative trait loci; ERK; extracellular signal-regulated kinases; GATA1; globin transcription factor 1; GATA2; globin transcription factor 2; GI tract; Gastroint
Decrease in APP and CP mRNA expression supports impairment of iron export in Alzheimer's disease patients
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; ACO1; acotinase 1; AD; Alzheimer's disease; ANCOVA; univariate analysis of co-variance; APP; amyloid-beta precursor protein; Aβ; amyloid-beta; CDR; Clinical Dementia Rating; Cp; ceruloplasmin; CPO; Cp oxidase activity; eQTLs; expression quantitative trai
Trans-omics pathway analysis suggests that eQTLs contribute to chondrocyte apoptosis of Kashin–Beck disease through regulating apoptosis pathway expression
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; KBD, Kashin–Beck disease; eQTLs, expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS, genome-wide association study; GSEA, gene set enrichment analysisKashin–Beck disease; Expression quantitative trait loci; Pathway; Apoptosis
Association analysis of putative cis-acting polymorphisms of interleukin-19 gene with schizophrenia
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; GWAS; genome-wide association study; HWE; Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; LD; linkage disequilibrium; IL-19; interleukin-19; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; eQTL; Haplotype; IL-19; Schizophrenia; SNP;
Inhaled corticosteroid treatment modulates ZNF432 gene variant's effect on bronchodilator response in asthmatics
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Asthma; bronchodilator response; lung function; inhaled corticosteroids; single nucleotide polymorphisms; zinc finger proteins; ZNF432; AC9; Adenylate cyclase 9; ADRB2; β2-adrenergic receptor; BDR; Bronchodilator response; CAMP; Childhood Asthma Manageme
Genetic evidence for a pathogenic role for the vitamin D3 metabolizing enzyme CYP24A1 in multiple sclerosis
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Multiple sclerosis; Genetics; Vitamin D; CYP24A1; Expression quantitative trait loci; Genome-wide association studies;
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay: Inter-individual variability and human disease
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay; Inter-individual NMD efficiency; Regulation of NMD; Expression quantitative trait loci; Copy number variation; Staufen-mediated mRNA decay; miR-128; miR-125;
Original ResearchFull Report: Basic and Translational-Alimentary TractExpression Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis Identifies Associations Between Genotype and Gene Expression in Human Intestine
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; SNPdb; IBD; Transcriptomics; Systems Biology; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; eSNP; expressed single nucleotide polymorphism; FDR; false discovery rate; GC; GenCall; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; IBD; inflammatory bowel disease; kb; kil
SNPs affecting serum metabolomic traits may regulate gene transcription and lipid accumulation in the liver
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; GWAS; genome-wide association studies; HLC; hepatic lipid content; eQTL; expression quantitative trait loci; LD; linkage disequilibrium; FADS1; fatty acid desaturase 1; ELOVL2; ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2; ACADS; acyl-
Allelic and phenotypic spectrum of plasma triglycerides
Keywords: بیان صفات صفات کمی; ABL; abetalipoproteinemia; ANGPTL3; angiopoietin-like 3; ANGPTL4; angiopoietin-like 4; APOA4; apolipoprotein A-IV; APOA5; apolipoprotein A-V; APOB; apolipoprotein B; APOC2; apolipoprotein C-II; APOC3; apolipoprotein C-III; APOE; apolipoprotein E; CAD; cor