Keywords: سیل فلش; Propagation of water and sediment; Debris flow; Flash flood; Hydraulic model tests; Flow width;
مقالات ISI سیل فلش (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Information-seeking; Information behaviour; Slow flood; Communication; Disaster;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Debris flow; Rainfall-triggered landslide; Hazard; Germany;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Groundwater; Trace metals; Flash flood; Pollution indices; Baysh basin; Saudi Arabia;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Grid-based hydrological model; Flash flood; Peak discharge control; Runoff-contributing area; Radar rainfall; Mediterranean climate;
Keywords: سیل فلش; flash flood; urban development; water retention; mitigation measures;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Middleware; Internet of thing; Solution for natural disaster in Bangladesh; Low cost distributed System; Flash flood prevention;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Hyper-arid; Spatial analysis; Long-term monitoring; Acacia trees; Flash flood; Water availability; Population dynamics; NDVI;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Swift water; Technical rescue; Precipitation intensity; Population growth;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; GIS; Green roof; Modelling; Stormwater management; Sustainability;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Urban flood; Logistic regression; Flood susceptibility; Athens; Greece;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Anticipation; Flash flood; Scales; Anticipatory actions; Timeliness; Crisis network;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Severity scale; Extreme weather;
Keywords: سیل فلش; River; Flash flood; Peak discharge; Channel slope; Stream power; Geomorphic changes
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Risk; Emergency management plan; Social resilience; Central Spain;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Rainfall spatial variability; Flash flood guidance; Hydrological response; Physical based model;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Hydrology; Dynamics; Water column;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Regional analysis; Dendrogeomorphology; Tree rings; Managed forest; Guadarrama Mountains;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Heavy rainfall; Humerical models; Orography; Convection; Flash flood;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Commuters' daily exposure; Traffic model; Road flooding risk; Flash flood;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Precipitation; Hydrologic model; Detection;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Probabilistic; NWP; Distributed modeling;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Causes; Damages; Risk reduction; GPS; GIS;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Event; Rainfall intensity; Flash flood; Mediterranean; Ephemeral streams; Semi-arid;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Hazard zones; Disaster management; Krueng Teungku watershed
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Vulnerability; Logistic regression; Damage probability; Risk; Arequipa;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Historical hydrology; Multidisciplinary approach; Flash flood; Remarkable flood; Comparative analysis; Cascade effect;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Uttarakhand; Himalaya; Hazard; Disasters; Traditional practices; Landslide; Earthquake; Flash flood; Drought;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Social and physical vulnerability; Flood vulnerability index; Strategic plan;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Rainfall spatial statistics; Rainfall organisation; Basin morphology; Hillslope;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Ensemble quantitative precipitation forecast; Early warning system;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Paleohydrology; Flash flood; Tree ring; Dendrogeomorphology; Hydrometeorological triggers; Sierra de Guadarrama
Keywords: سیل فلش; Deforestation-disaster linkage; Extreme precipitation; Himalayan disaster; Glacier debris; Flash flood; Alpine ecosystem.;
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Debris flows; Early warning systems; Flood risk management; Climate change; Hydrogeomorphology
Keywords: سیل فلش; Geomorphic change detection; Sediment budget; Flash flood; Headwater geomorphology; Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS);
Basin-scale analysis of the geomorphic effectiveness of flash floods: A study in the northern Apennines (Italy)
Keywords: سیل فلش; Channel widening; Bed level changes; Stream power; Channel confinement; Flash flood; Flood geomorphic hazard;
Multi-hazard vulnerability of structures and lifelines due to the 2015 Gorkha earthquake and 2017 central Nepal flash flood
Keywords: سیل فلش; Multi-hazard vulnerability; Earthquake; Flash flood; Structures; Lifelines;
Post-earthquake denudation and its impacts on ancient civilizations in the Chengdu Longmenshan region, China
Keywords: سیل فلش; Debris flow; Flash flood; Denudation; Migration; Humid mountainous regions;
The flash flood of the Bisagno Creek on 9th October 2014: An “unfortunate” combination of spatial and temporal scales
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Probabilistic downscaling; Catchment hydrology; Flood forecast;
Spatial interpolation of GPS PWV and meteorological variables over the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia during 2013 Klang Valley Flash Flood
Keywords: سیل فلش; GPS water vapor; Flash flood; Klang Valley; Thin plate spline (tps); Ordinary kriging (Krig)
Geospatial risk assessment of flash floods in Nuweiba area, Egypt
Keywords: سیل فلش; Geographic information systems; Remote sensing; Flash flood; Morphometric analyses; SCS; Nuweiba area; Wadi Watir
A high resolution coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model (HiResFlood-UCI) for flash flood modeling
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; HiResFlood-UCI; HL-RDHM; BreZo; Coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model; Distributed model;
Frequency, predisposition, and triggers of floods in flysch Carpathians: regional study using dendrogeomorphic methods
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Regional reconstruction; Dendrogeomorphology; Flysch;
Flash Flood Hazard Mapping Using Satellite Images and GIS Tools: A case study of Najran City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Keywords: سیل فلش; DEM; Flash flood; ArcMap; Flood hazard index; Satellite image; Remote sensing; AHP
Reconstructing flash flood magnitudes using 'Structure-from-Motion': A rapid assessment tool
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Structure-from-Motion (SfM); Digital Elevation Model (DEM); Hydraulics; Post flood analysis;
Analysis and hindcast simulations of an extreme rainfall event in the Mediterranean area: The Genoa 2011 case
Keywords: سیل فلش; Deep convection; Numerical modeling; Flash flood;
Spatially distributed flood forecasting in flash flood prone areas: Application to road network supervision in Southern France
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Forecast; Distributed model; Event management; Ungauged watershed
Supplementing flash flood reports with impact classifications
Keywords: سیل فلش; Flash flood; Database; Impact classification; Forecast verification
Landslide-amplified flash floods—The June 2008 Panay Island flooding, Philippines
Keywords: سیل فلش; Landslide dam; Flash flood; Hydrologic modeling; Typhoon Fengshen; Philippines
Simulating 2D open-channel flows through an SPH model
Keywords: سیل فلش; Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics; Inflow/outflow boundary conditions; Open-channel flows; Laminar flow; Hydraulic jump; Flash flood;