Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Buckling; Egg-shaped shell; External pressure; Geometric imperfection; Rapid prototyping;
مقالات ISI ناقص هندسی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Temporary structure; Lateral stability; Geometric imperfection; Failure mode; Numerical analysis;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Vibro-acoustic characteristics; Static load effect; Geometric imperfection; Two-step theoretical approach; Experimental validation; FEM/BEM validation;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Geometric imperfection; Imperfection size and shape; Length effects; Nonlinear mechanics; Mode interaction; Localized imperfection;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Nanoresonator; Geometric imperfection; Mass detection; Modified couple stress theory; Kelvin-Voigt damping;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Cylindrical shell; Geometric imperfection; Fourier series; Buckling test; Knockdown factor (KDF);
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Geometric imperfection; Sigma sections; Local buckling; Distortional buckling;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Double-wall silo; Multiple bolted joints; Bearing patterns; Internal and external plate; Geometric imperfection;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Composite cylindrical shell; Non-linear vibration; Geometric imperfection; Backbone curve; Frequency-amplitude response;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Thermal post-buckling; Functionally graded beam; Carbon nanotube-reinforced composite; Geometric imperfection; Differential quadrature method;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Geometric imperfection; Random field; Advanced analysis; Reticulated shell; Probabilistic method;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Bending stiffness; Double element method; Geometric imperfection; Joint stiffness; Suspend-dome structures;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Nanomechanics; Nonlinear postbuckling; Geometric imperfection; Boundary layer theory; Size effect
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Functionally graded microbeam; Geometric imperfection; Longitudinal-transverse equations; Flexural frequency; Mode veering; Material length scale parameter; Modified couple stress theory
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Silo stability; Bulk solid; Geometric imperfection; Hypoplasticity; Sand FE analysis
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Lateral buckling; Design; Steel; Geometric imperfection; Nonlinear; Eurocode 3; Bending; Torsion;
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Ritz method; Non-linear static; Geometric imperfection; Composite; Cylinder; Cone
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Buckling; Torsional–flexural; Steel design; Geometric imperfection; Nonlinear analysis
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Nanomechanics; Size effect; Nonlinear buckling; Geometric imperfection; Boundary layer theory
Influence of assumed geometric and material imperfections on the numerically determined ultimate resistance of hot-rolled U-shaped steel members
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; U-shaped members; Channel sections; Geometric imperfection; Residual stresses; GMNIA;
Numerical Studies on the Buckling Behaviour of Cable-stiffened Steel Columns With Pin-connected Crossarm Systems
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Cable-stiffened column; Stability behaviour; Buckling analysis; Geometric imperfection; Imperfection sensitive;
Structural performance of YSt-310 cold-formed tubular steel stub columns
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; YSt 310 cold-formed carbon steel; Microstructure; Microhardness; Tensile coupon test; Corner strength enhancement; Geometric imperfection; Stub column capacity; Direct strength method; Continuous strength method;
Diseño de estructuras metálicas esbeltas susceptibles de pandear. Definición de la imperfección geométrica
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Pandeo; Torsión; Flexión; Diseño; Acero; Imperfección geométrica; No-lineal; EN 1993-1-1Buckling; Torsion; Bending; Design; Steel; Geometric imperfection; Nonlinear; EN 1993-1-1
Nonlinear dynamics of a geometrically imperfect microbeam based on the modified couple stress theory
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Microbeam; Geometric imperfection; Modified couple stress theory; Nonlinear dynamics; Stability
Evaluation of Ayrton–Perry formula to predict the compressive strength of batten columns
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Batten column; Compressive strength; Ayrton–Perry formula; Geometric imperfection
Dynamics of simply supported fluid-conveying pipes with geometric imperfections
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Pipe conveying fluid; Geometric imperfection; Dynamics; Critical flow velocity; Post-buckling behavior; Natural frequency; Vibration
Simulation of geometric imperfections in cold-formed steel members using spectral representation approach
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Cold-formed steel; Geometric imperfection; Spectral representation; Elastic buckling; Finite element model
Effects of geometric imperfections on the aeroelastic behavior of functionally graded wings in supersonic flow
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Geometric imperfection; Functionally graded material; Aeroelastic; Supersonic flow
A nonlinear double-superposition global–local theory for dynamic buckling of imperfect viscoelastic composite/sandwich plates: A hierarchical constitutive model
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Nonlinear dynamic buckling; Global–local; Viscoelastic plate; Thermal; Sandwich plate; Geometric imperfection
Non-linear dynamic thermo-mechanical buckling analysis of the imperfect laminated and sandwich cylindrical shells based on a global-local theory inherently suitable for non-linear analyses
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Non-linear dynamic buckling; Global-local theory; High-order; Thermal; Composite and sandwich shells; Geometric imperfection
Numerical investigation of inelastic buckling of steel–concrete composite beams prestressed with external tendons
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Buckling; Prestressed composite beam; Geometric imperfection; Modified slenderness
Non-linear dynamic thermo-mechanical buckling analysis of the imperfect sandwich plates based on a generalized three-dimensional high-order global–local plate theory
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Non-linear dynamic buckling; Global–local; High-order; Thermal; Sandwich plate; Geometric imperfection
Dynamic bifurcation and sensitivity analysis of non-linear non-planar vibrations of geometrically imperfect cantilevered beams
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Bifurcation; Limit-cycle; Chaos; Sensitivity; Geometric imperfection
Experimental evaluation of elastic critical load in batten columns
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Batten column; Elastic critical load; Geometric imperfection; Southwell plot
Non-linear non-planar vibrations of geometrically imperfect inextensional beams. Part II—Bifurcation analysis under base excitations
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Geometric imperfection; Inextensional beam; Fixed-point; Bifurcation
Nonlinear finite element analysis of grouted and ungrouted hollow interlocking mortarless block masonry system
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Finite element method; Nonlinear analysis; Constitutive relations; Interlocking masonry block; Modelling of dry joint; Geometric imperfection; Block–grout bond
Imperfection sensitivity in the nonlinear vibration of initially stresses functionally graded plates
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Functionally graded plate; Volume fraction; Initial stress; Geometric imperfection
Nonlinear thermomechanical post-buckling of circular FGM plate with geometric imperfection
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Functionally graded materials; Circular plates; Geometric imperfection; Nonlinear post-buckling; Shooting method
Experimental and numerical evaluation of the impact of folds on the pressure rating of CIPP liners
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Water pipes; Longitudinal fold; CIPP liner; Geometric imperfection; QC criteria
Plastic mechanism analysis of fabricated square and triangular sections under axial compression
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Plastic mechanism analysis; Yield line theory; Fabricated square and triangular sections; Geometric imperfection; Complete load-shortening behaviour
Proposal to evaluate the ultimate limit state of slender structures. Part 1: Technical aspects
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Advanced analysis; Geometric nonlinearity; Design; Frames; Geometric imperfection; Ultimate limit state; Slender; Steel; Lateral buckling
Finite element modelling of structural stainless steel cross-sections
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Cross-section; Finite element; Geometric imperfection; Numerical modelling; Residual stress; Stainless steel; Structures; Stub column
Factors affecting the design and construction of Lamella suspen-dome systems
Keywords: ناقص هندسی; Suspen-dome; Buckling; Prestress; Geometric imperfection; Asymmetric loading; Connection rigidity;