Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; APC; allophycocyanin; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BBB; blood brain barrier; CNS; Central Nervous System; CD; cluster of differentiation; FCXM; flow cytometry cross match; FITC; fluorescein; FDA; food and drug administration; GLAST; glutamate aspartate tr
مقالات ISI حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; CNS; central nervous system; ECM; extracellular matrix; TBI; traumatic brain injuries; PDGFRα; platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha; PDGFRβ; platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; MCAO; middle cere
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; Manganese neurotoxicity; Stem cell; Neurodegeneration; Mitochondria; Excitotoxicity; Astrocyte; Oxidative stress; ACTH; adrenocorticotropin hormone; AD; Alzheimer's disease; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CDTA; 1,2-cyclohexylenedinitrilotetraace
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; DA; dopamine; DAT; dopamine transporter; DL; dorsolateral; EAAC1; excitatory amino acid carrier 1; GFAP; glial fibrillary acidic protein; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; GLT-1; glutamate transporter 1; IHC;
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; (2-AG); 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol; (â9-THC); delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol; (AA); Alko Alcohol preferring; (ABHD); alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein; (ADE); alcohol deprivation effect; (AEA); N-arachidonoylethanolamine; (CB1); cannabinoid rece
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; MDD; major depressive disorder; ECT; electroconvulsive therapy; ECS; electroconvulsive shock; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; GLT-1; glutamate transporter 1; Propofol; Electroconvulsive shock; Cytokines; Glutamate transporter; Memory;
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; ANOVA; analysis of variance; CORT; corticosterone; DEX; dexamethasone; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; EPMT; elevated plus maze test; FST; forced swimming test; GFAP; glial fibrillary acidic protein; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; GR; g
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; AQP4; aquaporin 4; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CD44; cluster of differentiation 44; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; Cx; connexin; EAAT; excitatory amino acid transporters; EAE; experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis;
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; SGN; spiral ganglion neuron; IHC; inner hair cell; ISC; inner supporting cell; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; NT3; neurotrophin-3; NRG; neuregulin; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; ERK 1/2; extracellularly regulated kinases 1 and 2; HSP70
The Selective Glucocorticoid Receptor Modulator Cort 113176 Reduces Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation in Wobbler Mice Spinal Cord
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; ALS; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; CD11b; a CD antigen that contains a conserved domain and serves as a marker of microglia; GFAP; glial fibrillary acidic protein; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; GLT-1; glutamate transporter 1; GR; glucocorticoid
Endocannabinoid Signaling in Embryonic Neuronal Motility and Cell-Cell Contact - Role of mGluR5 and TRPC3 Channels
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; 2-AG; 2-arachidonoyl glycerol; [Ca2+]i; intracellular free calcium concentration; Afatinib; N-[4-[(3-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)amino]-7-[[(3S)-tetrahydro-3-furanyl]oxy]-6-quinazolinyl]-4-(dimethylamino)-2-butenamide; AM251; 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(4-iodophe
Inhibitors of the NMDA-Nitric Oxide Signaling Pathway Protect Against Neuronal Atrophy and Synapse Loss Provoked by l-alpha Aminoadipic Acid-treated Astrocytes
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; 2-DG; 2-deoxy-d-glucose; ANOVA; analyses of variance; ATP; Adenosine tri-phosphate; cDMEM; complete Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium; cDNA; complementary deoxyribonucleic acid; CM; conditioned media; cNBM; complete neurobasal A medium; CNS; central nerv
Accumulation of immunoglobulin G against Dermatophagoides farinae tropomyosin in dorsal root ganglia of NC/Nga mice with atopic dermatitis-like symptoms
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; Atopic dermatitis; Dorsal root ganglia; IgG; Itch; Tropomyosin; AD; atopic dermatitis; DRG; dorsal root ganglia; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; SGCs; satellite glial cells;
Effects of repeated cocaine exposure and withdrawal on voluntary ethanol drinking, and the expression of glial glutamate transporters in mesocorticolimbic system of P rats
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; GLT-1; glutamate transporter type 1; xCT; cystine/glutamate transporter; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; NAc; nucleus accumbens; P; alcohol preferring; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; GLT-1; xCT; GLAST; mGluRs; mPFC; NAc;
ReviewExpression and cellular function of vSNARE proteins in brain astrocytes
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; AQP4; aquaporin 4 water channel; BoNT; botulinum toxin; dnSNARE; dominant negative SNARE; EM; electron microscopy; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; GLT-1; glutamate transporter 1; GPCR; G protein-coupled receptor; KO; knockout; miniSOG; mini single
The afferent signaling complex: Regulation of type I spiral ganglion neuron responses in the auditory periphery
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; Cochlea; Inner hair cells; Type I spiral ganglion neurons; Lateral olivocochlear efferents; Ion channels and transporters; Neurotransmitter receptors; Postsynaptic density; Auditory neuropathy and synaptopathy; ABR; auditory brainstem response; ACh; acety
Quiescent neural stem cells exit dormancy upon alteration of GABAAR signaling following radiation damage
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; Dcx; Doublecortin; FUCCI; Fluorescence Ubiquitination Cell Cycle Indicator; GFAP; Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein; GLAST; Glutamate Aspartate Transporter; LeX; Lewis X; NSC; Neural stem cell; SVZ; Subventricular zone; TAC; Transit-amplifying cell;
Effects of arsenite on glutamate metabolism in primary cultured astrocytes
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; Arsenite; Astrocytes; Glutamate; Glutamine synthetase; Glutamate aspartate transporter; Glutamate transporter-1;
Neuroimmunophilin GPI-1046 reduces ethanol consumption in part through activation of GLT1 in alcohol-preferring rats
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; ANOVA; analysis of variance; DMSO; dimethylsulfoxide; ER; endoplasmic reticulum; FKBP12; FK506 binding protein 12; GDNF; glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; GLT1; glutamate transporter 1; GPI-1046; 3-(3-pyr
Toll-like receptors in chronic pain
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; TLRs; Toll-like receptors; ERK; extracellular signal-regulated kinase; JNK; c jun N-terminal kinase; IL; interleukin; TNF-α; tumor necrosis factor-α; PGE2; prostaglandin E2; GLT1; glutamate transporter 1; GLAST; glutamate aspartate transporter; LPS; lip
Expression, distribution and glutamate uptake activity of high affinity-excitatory aminoacid transporters in in vitro cultures of embryonic rat dorsal root ganglia
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; peripheral nervous system; [3H] l-glutamate; dorsal root ganglia; immunoblotting; immunofluorescence; β-counter analysis; DHK; dihydrokainate; DRG; dorsal root ganglia; EAAC1; excitatory aminoacid transporter 1; EAATs; excitatory aminoacid transporters;
Minocycline prevents impaired glial glutamate uptake in the spinal sensory synapses of neuropathic rats
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; glutamate transporters; glutamate receptors; spinal sensory processing; nociception; glia; pain; aCSF; artificial cerebrospinal fluid; DHK; dihydrokainic acid; DNQX; 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; EPSCs; excitatory postsynaptic currents; GFAP; glial fi
Regulation of brain aquaporins
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; ANP; atrial natriuretic peptide; AQP; aquaporin; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BSE; bovine spongiform encephalopathy; CaMKII; calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; cGMP; cyclic gua
Protein kinase C-dependent trafficking of glutamate transporters excitatory amino acid carrier 1 and glutamate transporter 1b in cultured cerebellar granule cells
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; glutamate transporters; trafficking; vesicle populations; neurites varicosities; mouse; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CGC; cerebellar granule cell; Cy2; carbocyanine; Cy3; indocarbocyanine; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; EAAC1; excitatory amino acid carrier 1; ED
Excitatory amino acid transporters expressed by synovial fibroblasts in rats with collagen-induced arthritis
Keywords: حمل و نقل آسپارتات گلوتامات; A.B.; Alcian Blue; AMPA; dl-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxasole-4-propionate; BrdU; 5-bromo-2â²-deoxyuridine; CIA; collagen-induced arthritis; EAAC1; excitatory amino acid carrier-1; EAAT; excitatory amino acid transporter; GAPDH; glyceraldehydes-3-phos