Keywords: همودینامیک; Vascular stiffness; Blood pressure; Hemodynamics; Carotid arteries; Blood vessels;
مقالات ISI همودینامیک (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: همودینامیک; Duplex sonography; Hemodynamics; Meal ingestion; Renal artery stenosis; Renal blood flow;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Near-Infrared Spectroscopy; Hemodynamics; Pre-Frontal Cortex; Visual Sexual Stimulation; Erectile Dysfunction;
Keywords: همودینامیک; General surgery; Orthopaedics; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; Arterial compliance; Supplement; Post-exercise hypotension;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; NIBP; Spleen; Ultrasound;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Pulsatile flow pump; In-vitro; Hemodynamics; Arduino; Feed forward control;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Electrolytes; Heart failure; Hemodynamics; And chloride;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Obesity; Shock; Vasoactive agents; Catecholamine; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Milk; Dairy products; Postprandial lipemia; Triglycerides; Hemodynamics; Flow-mediated dilation;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Cardiac arrest; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Swine; Advanced cardiac life support; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Allopurinol; Hypertension; Vasodilation; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Stroke; Hemodynamics; Neurosonology; Stem cells; Endothelial Progenitor Cells; Cerebral flow; ACA; Anterior Cerebral Artery; CAC; Circulating Angiogenic Cells; CBF; Cerebral Blood Flow; CFU-EC; Collony Forminf Unit-Endothelial Cells; EGM-2; Endothelial Gr
Keywords: همودینامیک; Juxtarenal aortic aneurysm; Branch artery; Multilayer stent; Stent graft; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; hemodynamics; norepinephrine; vasoplegia;
Keywords: همودینامیک; valvular surgery; hemodynamics; survival; pulmonary hypertension;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Cold pressor test; Stress research; Hemodynamics; Salivary cortisol; Cardiovascular reactivity; Expectation effects;
Keywords: همودینامیک; bendopnea; clinical examination; hemodynamics; jugular venous pressure; prognosis; BP; blood pressure; CI; cardiac index; H&P; history and physical examination; HF; heart failure; HJR; hepatojugular reflux; JVD; jugular venous distention; JVP; jugular ven
Keywords: همودینامیک; congenital heart defect; fibrosis; Fontan; hemodynamics; single ventricle; BSA; body surface area; CFD; computational fluid dynamics; CMR; cardiac magnetic resonance; CO; cardiac output; CVP; central venous pressure; EDV; end-diastolic volume; FALD; Fonta
Keywords: همودینامیک; asphyxia; blood flow; brain injury; echocardiography; electrical velocimetry; hemodynamics; hypothermia; newborn; rewarm; aEEG; Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography; COecho; Cardiac output by echocardiography; COEV; Cardiac output by electrical vel
Keywords: همودینامیک; Cirrhosis; Hemodynamics; Portal hypertension; Inflammation; Hepatic decompensation; Acute on chronic liver failure;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Flow waveform; Aging; Internal carotid artery; Aneurysm; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; Basilar tip aneurysm; BTA model; Bypass; IBTA model;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; LDL transfer; Numerical modeling; Wall shear stress; Atherosclerosis;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Leukocyte capture; Hemodynamics; Time-averaged flow; Instantaneous flow; Direct numerical simulation;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Pulmonary hypertension; Heart catheterization; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Aging; Ultrasound; Biomarkers; Physiology; Hemodynamics; Clinical studies; Atherosclerosis; Vasculardisease;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; Left ventricle; Mitral valve; Right ventricle; Tricuspid valve; Valve replacement; Valve repair; Vortex; A3C view; Apical three-chamber view; Echo-PIV; Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry; ETER; Edge-to-edge repair; KE; Kinetic ener
Keywords: همودینامیک; Suspensions; Simulations; Boundary conditions; Hemodynamics; Biological fluid dynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Chest trauma; Hemodynamics; Thoracoscopy; Thoracotomy;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Leq; equivalent noise level; dBA; A-weighted decibel unit; Blood pressure; Chronology; Hemodynamics; Noise; Vascular resistance;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Endotracheal intubation; Hemodynamics; Fentanyl; Lidocaine;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Cardiogenic shock; Hemodynamics; Temporary mechanical support; Intraaortic balloon pump; Coronary revascularization;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Atrial fibrillation; Atrial fibrillation ablation; Hemodynamics; Stiff left atrial syndrome;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Heart formation; Congenital heart disease; Hemodynamics; Mechanotransduction;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Neural electrodes; Functional imaging; Electrophysiology; Multimodal; Hemodynamics; Stroke;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Bypass; Hemodynamics; Herpes zoster; Intracranial stenosis; Moyamoya; Stroke; CBF; Cerebral blood flow; CTA; Computed tomography angiography; CVR; Cerebrovascular reactivity; DSA; Digital subtraction angiography; HZO; Herpes zoster ophthalmicus; ICA; Inte
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; Intracranial aneurysm/TH; Rupture; Stents/AE; DSA; Digital subtraction angiography; FD; Flow diverter; ICA; Internal carotid artery; PED; Pipeline Embolization Device;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; Sequential therapy; Sildenafil; Riociguat; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Intracranial aneurysm; DSA; Hemodynamics; Morphology; Risk factor of rupture;
Keywords: همودینامیک; LMA; laryngeal mask airway; LPSB; lumbar plexus-sciatic nerve block; ET; endotracheal tube; RA; regional anesthesia; GA; general anesthesia; SBP; systolic blood pressure; DBP; diastolic blood pressure; MAP; mean arterial blood pressure; HR; heart rate; CO
Keywords: همودینامیک; fMRI; V1; Stability; Retinotopy; Precision; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Chronic total occlusion; Percutaneous coronary intervention; Hematoma; Complication; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Logistic-based modeling; Hemodynamics; Pulmonary artery acceleration time; Pulmonary artery pressure; Transthoracic echocardiography;
Keywords: همودینامیک; aortic valve replacement; bioprosthesis; heart valve; hemodynamics; ART; anterior right thoracotomy; AVR; aortic valve replacement; EOA; effective orifice area; FOUNDATION; Assessing Standard oF Care and Clinical Outcomes UsiNg the EDWARDS INTUITY VAlve S
Keywords: همودینامیک; Hemodynamics; pulsatility; right heart failure; right heart catheterization; LVAD;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Pulmonary arterial hypertension; 6-min walk distance; Pharmacokinetics; Pulmonary vascular resistance; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Thrombogenicity; Artificial kidney; Platelet stress accumulation; Hemodynamics;
Keywords: همودینامیک; Blood flow; Hemodynamics; Mass transport; Endothelial cells;