Keywords: تعامل; Media richness; Interactivity; Physical activity; College student; Web-based health intervention
مقالات ISI تعامل (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Communication, interactivity, and satisfaction in B2B relationships
Keywords: تعامل; Personal communication; Digital communication; Impersonal communication; Interactivity; Satisfaction; Business-to-business relationships;
Effects of interactivity in E-textbooks on 7th graders science learning and cognitive load
Keywords: تعامل; E-Textbook; Cognitive load; Interactivity; Perceived learning;
Questions + answers + agency: Interactive touchscreens and Children's learning from a socio-emotional TV story
Keywords: تعامل; Children; Educational TV; Interactivity; Touchscreen; Transfer; Learning;
La fidélité envers la marque de « Deal » à travers une atmosphère inter@ctive : une étude qualitative exploratoire « Le cas d'achat groupé en ligne »
Keywords: تعامل; Atmosphère en ligne; Interactivité; Satisfaction; Fidélité en groupe; Achat groupé; Deal; Online Atmosphere; Interactivity; Satisfaction; Group loyalty; Online buying group; Deal;
Measuring with Murray: Touchscreen technology and preschoolers' STEM learning
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Touchscreens; STEM education; Informal learning; Preschoolers;
Marcas de luxo na web: interação com o consumidor no ambiente virtual
Keywords: تعامل; Luxo; Marcas; Internet; Interatividade; Ferramentas de comunicação; Luxury; Brands; Internet; Interactivity; Communication tools;
Behavioural intention in cloud-based VLE: An extension to Channel Expansion Theory
Keywords: تعامل; Cloud-based virtual learning environment (c-VLE); Channel Expansion Theory; Cloud computing; Interactivity; Content design; Instructional effectiveness;
Dialogism and the Distributed Language Approach: a rejoinder to Steffensen
Keywords: تعامل; Dialogism; Distributed Language Approach; Interactivity; Sense-making; Individuality; Organism-environment systems;
Using 3D visualization methods in landscape planning: An evaluation of options and practical issues
Keywords: تعامل; Landscape visualization; Realism; Interactivity; Immersion; Public participation; Evaluation;
Designing effective eLearning for healthcare professionals
Keywords: تعامل; Education; Interactivity; Delivery; Accessibility; Flexibility
Impacto y repercusiones de los materiales interactivos en el aula de primaria
Keywords: تعامل; TIC; PDI; Interactividad; Educación primaria; ICT; IWB; Interactivity; Primary Education;
Gaze fluctuations are not additively decomposable: Reply to Bogartz and Staub
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Gaze; Fixations; Saccades; Multifractal
The impact of Social Multimedia Systems on cyberlearners
Keywords: تعامل; Learning analytics; Social learning; Ubiquity; Interactivity; Motivation; Students’ success
Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: An exploratory analysis
Keywords: تعامل; Consumer engagement; Brand; Online community; Co-created value; Interactivity; Netnography
Effect of interactivity on learner perceptions in Web-based instruction
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Web-based instruction; Learner perception
Perceived Ubiquity in Mobile Services
Keywords: تعامل; Flow; Interactivity; Measurement development; Mobile marketing; Telepresence; Ubiquity
Interactivity and the Invisible: What Counts as Writing in the Age of Web 2.0
Keywords: تعامل; Comics; Electronic Literature; Gaming; Interactivity; Web 2.0; Writing; Writing Ecologies
Novel Weighted Averages versus Normalized Sums in Computing with Words
Keywords: تعامل; Computing with Words; Fuzzy Weighted Average; Interval Weighted Average; Interactivity; Linguistic Weighted Average; Novel Weighted Average
Web technologies applied to virtual heritage: An example of an Iberian Art Museum
Keywords: تعامل; Cultural heritage; Iberian art; Interactivity; Virtual museum; Virtual reality; Web application
An interactive software tool for system identification
Keywords: تعامل; System identification education; Interactivity; Experimental design; Prediction-error estimation; Model validation; Engineers training
The tussle with trust: Trust in the news media ecology
Keywords: تعامل; Journalism; Online news media; Trust; Quality; Devaluation; Dematerialisation; Interactivity; User participation; Authenticity; Contextual integrity; Reconciliation
Anthropomorphism of computers: Is it mindful or mindless?
Keywords: تعامل; Anthropomorphism; Interactivity; Human-like agent; Social presence; Information credibility
Interactivity in health care: bodies, values and dynamics
Keywords: تعامل; Distributed language; Distributed cognition; Interactivity; Problem solving; Values realisation; Health care
Evaluation methods and strategies for the interactive use of classifiers
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Classification; Uncertainty sampling; Evaluation models
Some people just want to read: The roles of age, interactivity, and perceived usefulness of print in the consumption of digital information products
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Age; Digital information products; e-Books; Digital native
Resolving unwanted couplings through interactive exploration of co-evolving software entities – An experience report
Keywords: تعامل; Software; Evolution; Interactivity; Co-evolution; Assessment; Visualization
Factors of problem-solving competency in a virtual chemistry environment: The role of metacognitive knowledge about strategies
Keywords: تعامل; Assessment; Complex problem solving; Interactivity; Scientific problem solving; Virtual reality
Care and conversing in dialogical systems
Keywords: تعامل; Dialogical systems; Interactivity; Distributed language; Distributed cognition; Values-realizing theory; Human interaction; Interaction analysis; Conversation analysis
Interactive electronic storybooks for kindergartners to promote vocabulary growth
Keywords: تعامل; Picture storybooks; e-Books; Extra-textual vocabulary instruction; Interactivity; Expressive vocabulary; Kindergarten
Who’s afraid of integrationist signs? Writing, digital art, interactivity and integrationism
Keywords: تعامل; Writing; Integrationism; Digital art; Interactivity; Human-computer interaction
Mediating roles of self-presentation desire in online game community commitment and trust behavior of Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
Keywords: تعامل; Self-presentation desire; Design quality; Interactivity; Personal innovativeness; Trust; Community commitment
Children playing branded video games: The impact of interactivity on product placement effectiveness
Keywords: تعامل; Perceptual fluency; Conceptual fluency; Video games; Interactivity; Children; Product placement
Red Bull “Gives You Wings” for better or worse: A double-edged impact of brand exposure on consumer performance
Keywords: تعامل; Brand exposure; Performance; Interactivity; Brand identity
Interaction and representational integration: Evidence from speech errors
Keywords: تعامل; Speech production; Speech errors; Interactivity; Phonetics; Lexical frequency; Mixture models
Investigating the affective quality of interactivity by motion feedback in mobile touchscreen user interfaces
Keywords: تعامل; User experience; Affective quality; Interactivity; Motion feedback; Mobile touchscreen user interface
Simultaneous exposure to a program and advertising content in an interactive context: Perceptual and semantic interference and reinforcement
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Multimedia; Simultaneous exposure; Perceptual interference; Semantic interference; Interactive digital television
Engagement, telepresence and interactivity in online consumer experience: Reconciling scholastic and managerial perspectives
Keywords: تعامل; Engagement; Telepresence; Flow; Interactivity; Internet; Involvement
Transparency laws and interactive public relations: An analysis of Latin American government Web sites
Keywords: تعامل; Web site; Public relations; Transparency; Interactivity; Usability; Relationship building; Symmetric communication; Government
The effects of interactive brand placements in online games on children’s cognitive, affective, and conative brand responses
Keywords: تعامل; Brand placement; In-game advertising; Online games; Interactivity
The role of interactivity in e-tailing: Creating value and increasing satisfaction
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Utilitarian and hedonic values; Online retailing; Satisfaction
Understanding consumer-to-consumer interactions in virtual communities: The salience of reciprocity
Keywords: تعامل; Virtual community; Reciprocity; Resource exchange theory; Interactivity; Structural route; Experiential route
FrameIDTV: A framework for developing interactive applications on digital television environments
Keywords: تعامل; Digital TV; Framework; Interactivity
Interactivity in multimedia learning: An integrated model
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Multimedia learning; Learner control; Guidance; Emotion; Motivation
Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Research Avenues
Keywords: تعامل; Mobile marketing; Retailing; Interactivity; Wireless; Strategy; Marketing communications
Knowledge search and people with high epistemic curiosity
Keywords: تعامل; Knowledge; Specialty; Preciseness; Diversity; Epistemic curiosity; Interactivity; Responsiveness; Communication richness
The Effectiveness of Telescopic Ads Delivered Via Interactive Digital Television: The Impact of the Amount of Information and the Level of Interactivity on Brand Responses
Keywords: تعامل; Telescopic advertising; Interactive television; Interactivity; Information processing; Brand recall; Brand attitude
Information Visualization, Web 2.0, and the Teaching of Writing
Keywords: تعامل; Web 2.0; Information visualization; Infovis; Data; Interactivity; Software
The use of an e-learning constructivist solution in workplace learning
Keywords: تعامل; E-learning; Constructivism; Workplace learning; Simulations; Interactivity
Between 2: Tango as interactive design
Keywords: تعامل; Interactivity; Tango; Dance; Culture; Engagement