Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; ASTEC, accident source term evaluation code; ATHLET-CD, code for the analysis of thermal-hydraulics of leaks and transients with core degradation; NPP, nuclear power plant; RELAP5, code for the reactor excursion and leak analysis program; SFA, spent fuel
مقالات ISI NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; CS, concrete structures; DOE, department of energy; NEI, Nuclear Energy Institute; IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency; NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission; AIA, aircraft impact analysis; ACI, American Concrete Institute; ASM
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; CBS, computer based system; NPP, nuclear power plant; PHWR, pressurized heavy water reactor; SDS, Shutdown system; FAV, fast acting valve; LPIS, liquid poison injection system; HMI, human machine interface; LC, logic condition; RTOS, real time operating s
Optimal operation of hybrid-SITs under a SBO accident
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; SIT, safety injection tank; H-SIT, hybrid safety injection tank; SBO, station blackout; NPP, nuclear power plant; RCS, reactor coolant system; PAFS, passive auxiliary feedwater system; LOCA, loss of coolant accident; POSRV, pilot operated safety relief va
Analysis of low load transients for the Vandellòs-II NPP: Application to operation and control support
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; ANAV, Asociación Nuclear Ascó-Vandellòs; BE, best estimate; Cv, flow coefficient; FW, feed water; NPP, nuclear power plant; PWR, pressurized water reactor; UPC, Technical University of Catalonia
Study of long-term loss of all AC power supply sources for VVER-1000/V320 in connection with application of new engineering safety features for SAMG
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; BRU-A, steam dump to atmosphere (SDTAF); EOPs, Emergency Operating Procedures; KNPP, kozloduy nuclear power plant; LPP, low pressure pump; LPSIS, low-pressure safety injection system; MCP, Main Coolant Pump; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; PRZ, pressurizer; SAM
Historical insights in the development of Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty safety analysis
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; BEPU, Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty; CSAU, code scaling applicability and uncertainty; CFR, code of federal regulations; DBA, design basis accident; LBLOCA, large break loss of coolant accident; NPP, nuclear power plant; PDF, probability density function
Reliability estimation of structures under stochastic loading—A case study on nuclear piping
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; SSI, stress strength interference; P–S–N, probability, stress, number of cycles; NPP, nuclear power plant; pdf, probability density function; PGA, peak ground acceleration; OBE, operation based earthquake; S–N, stress, number of cycles; SSE, safe shutdown
Analysis of energy transition possibilities after the decommission of a nuclear power plant in Ignalina region in Lithuania
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; CHP, Combined heat and power; EU, European Union; HPP, Hydro power plant; INPP, Ignalina nuclear power plant; JSC, Joint Stock Company; LEI, Lithuanian Energy Institute; NPP, Nuclear power plant; PEA, Public energy alternatives; RES, Renewable energy sour
Potential improvement of CANDU NPP safety margins by shortening the response time of shutdown systems using FPGA based implementation
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; LOCA, loss of coolant accident; FPGA, field programmable gate array; HIL, hardware-in-the-loop; NPP, nuclear power plant; SDS1, shutdown system #1; AOO, anticipated operational occurrence; DBA, design based accident; PHT, primary heat transport; RIH, reac
Signal processing schemes for Eddy Current Testing of steam generator tubes of nuclear power plants
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; SG, Steam Generator; OD, Outside Defect; FBR, Fast Breeder Reactor; WT, Wall Thinning; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; ID, Inside Defect; RFECT, Remote Field Eddy Current Testing; PCA, Principal Component Analysis; SP, Support Plate
Development and application of an extensible engineering simulator for NPP DCS closed-loop test
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; RELAP5; Real-time; Engineering simulator; DCS; Closed-loop testAPI, application programming interface; BOP, balance of plant; DCS, digital control system; FNW, fluid network; FP, full power; GUI, graphic user interfaces; NPP, nuclear power plant; PID, pro
On the speed of response of an FPGA-based shutdown system in CANDU nuclear power plants
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; SG, steam generator; HIL, hardware-in-the-loop; SDS1, Shutdown System Number 1; I&C, instrument & control; NPP, nuclear power plant; EDA, electronic design automation; LOCA, loss of coolant accident; PLC, programmable logic controller; PDC, programmable d
Spent fuel rod splitting due to UO2 oxidation during dry storage: Assessment of the database
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; Rod splitting; UO2 oxidation; Dry storageBWR, Boiling Water Reactor; CANDU, Canada Deuterium Uranium; LWR, Light Water Reactor; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; PWR, Pressurized Water Reactor
Thermal hydraulic behaviors during loss of RHR system at mid-loop operation of Chinese 300 MWe PWR NPP
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; NPP, nuclear power plant; PWR, pressurized water reactor; PROV, pressurizer relief valves; RCS, reactor coolant system; RCP, reactor coolant pump; RHR, residual heat removal; RPV, reactor pressure vessel; RWST, refueling water storage tank; SG, steam gene
ASTEC application to in-vessel corium retention
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; ERVC, external reactor vessel cooling; HTC, heat transfer coefficient; IVR, in-vessel retention; NPP, nuclear power plant; RPV, reactor pressure vessel; SA, severe accident; SAM, severe accident management
Semi 2D modeling of the horizontal steam generator PGV-1000 using the RELAP5 code
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; Semi 2D model; Thermal-hydraulic Modeling; VVER-1000 NPP; Horizontal steam generator; RELAP5 codeBNPP, Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant; FSAR, Final Safety Analysis Reports; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; SG, Steam Generator
Integrating Safety Critical Software System in Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; PSA, Probabilistic Safety Assessment; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; SRGM, Software Reliability Growth Model; CASRE, Computer Aided Software Reliability Estimation; G–O Model, Goel–Okumoto Model; NHPP, Non-Homogenous Poisson Process; J–M Model, Jelinski–Morand
Evaluation of pipe whip impacts on neighboring piping and walls of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; ANL, Argonne National Laboratory; DOE, Department of Energy; ECCS, Emergency Core Cooling System; GDH, Group Distribution Header; LEI, Lithuanian Energy Institute; LWC, Lower Water Communication; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; RBMK, Russian Acronym for ‘Channe
Structural integrity analysis of an Ignalina nuclear power plant building subjected to an airplane crash
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; ALS, accident localization system; DOE, Department of Energy; DIF, dynamic increase factors; FE, finite element; NPP, nuclear power plant; INPP, Ignalina nuclear power plant; RBMK, Russian acronym for ‘Channelized Large Power Reactor’
Use of multiple objective evolutionary algorithms in optimizing surveillance requirements
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; EA, Evolutionary Algorithm; GA, Genetic Algorithm; HPIS, High-Pressure Injection System; MOEA, Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithm; MOGA, Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithm; MOP, Multiple objectives Optimization Problem; NPP, Nuclear Power Plant;
Possible genetic damage in the Czech nuclear power plant workers
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; AB.C., aberrant cells; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; IR, ionizing radiation; mSv, miliSievert, unit of the radiation equivalent dose; NPP, nuclear power plant; PAINT, protocol for aberrations identification and nomenclature; PBL, peripheral bl
RAMS+C informed decision-making with application to multi-objective optimization of technical specifications and maintenance using genetic algorithms
Keywords: NPP، نیروگاه هسته ای; Reliability; Availability; Maintainability and safety (RAMS); Cost; Testing and maintenance; Multiple criteria decision-making; Multi-objective optimization; AOT, allowed outage time; CDF, core damage frequency; DBA, design base accident; DG, diesel gener