Keywords: خزندگان; animal welfare; captivity; neuroendocrine; reptiles; stress
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده خزندگان
مقالات ISI خزندگان (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Madagascar; Dry forest; Habitat mosaic; Land use intensity; Plant cover; Threshold;
Keywords: خزندگان; Salmonellosis; Source attribution; MLVA; Case-control study; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Amphibians; Growing-season burn; Herpetofauna; Lizard; Prescribed fire; Plestiodon fasciatus; Reptiles; Terrestrial salamanders; Season of burn;
Keywords: خزندگان; Habitat diversity; Mammals; Birds; Reptiles; Terrestrial vertebrates; Watersheds;
Keywords: خزندگان; artificial insemination; conservation; endoscopy; reptiles; snakes; sperm extraction;
Keywords: خزندگان; Amphibian; Reptilian; Herpetological medicine; Reptiles; Amphibians; Ambulatory veterinary medicine; Mobile veterinary practice;
Keywords: خزندگان; CCVI; Climate Change Vulnerability Index; CMIP; Coupled Model Intercomparison Project; Herp; Herpetofauna (e.g. reptiles and amphibians); IPCC; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; IUCN; International Union for the Conservation of Nature; RCP; Repre
Keywords: خزندگان; Amphibians; Functional traits; Hurricane; Tropical dry forest; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Pain; Reptiles; Analgesia; Nociception; Multimodal analgesia; Opioid;
Keywords: خزندگان; Citizen science; Amphibians; Reptiles; Birds; Mammals;
Keywords: خزندگان; diet composition; insects; pellets; reptiles; small mammals;
Keywords: خزندگان; Corticosterone; Antipredator behavior; Reptiles; Life-history; Bactericidal ability;
Keywords: خزندگان; Agricultural landscapes; Bank; Habitat management; Rapid biodiversity assessment; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Vitamin D; Ultraviolet light; Nutrition; Welfare; Enrichment;
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Zoonosis; Salmonellosis; Mycobacteriosis; Chlamydiosis; Leptospirosis;
Keywords: خزندگان; Ophidians; Surgery; Reptiles; Squamate; Dystocia;
Keywords: خزندگان; RAS; reptile-associated salmonellosis; Salmonella spp.; Reptiles; Good hygiene practices;
Keywords: خزندگان; Indomalayan region; Fish; Reptiles; Mammals; Birds; Diet;
Keywords: خزندگان; REM sleep; Slow wave activity; Mammals; Reptiles; Amniotes; Zebrafish (Danio rerio); Roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans); Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster);
Keywords: خزندگان; Agricultural landscapes; Arboreal marsupials; Incidental representation; Marxan; Reptiles; Woodland birds;
Keywords: خزندگان; body size; disturbance; generalist; human modified landscape; reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Abundance; Amphibians; Environmental factors; Nestedness; Reptiles; Richness;
Keywords: خزندگان; Data Deficient; Extinction risk; IUCN Red List; Random forests; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Mojave and Sonoran Deserts; Reptiles; Biodiversity; Volunteers; Sustainability; Scientific rigor;
Keywords: خزندگان; Growth hormone; Growth hormone receptor; Eyes; Reptiles; Birds; Mammals;
Keywords: خزندگان; Mammals; Birds; Reptiles; Fire; Military training effects on biodiversity; South-Eastern Australia;
Keywords: خزندگان; Agricultural landscape; Arboreal marsupials; Birds; Management intervention; Reptiles; Temperate woodland
Keywords: خزندگان; Phylogenomics; Reptiles; Species-tree methods; Serpentes; Snakes; UCE
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Immunome; Pattern-recognition receptors; Evolution
Keywords: خزندگان; Qesem Cave; Israel; Small mammals; Reptiles; Biostratigraphy; Palaeoecology
Keywords: خزندگان; AChE; acetylcholinesterase; Avl; area ventrolateralis; BnH; bed nucleus of the hippocampus; c; caudal; d; dorsal; D; nucleus diagonalis; Dla; nucleus dorsolateralis anterior; Dma; nucleus dorsomedialis anterior; dp; nucleus of the dorsal peduncle of the l
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Embryonic development; Heart rate; Buddy®; Infrared radiation; Temperature
Keywords: خزندگان; O2; oxygen; Mb; myoglobin; P50; O2 tension at 50% saturation; PO2; oxygen tension; Hb; hemoglobin; ÎH; heat of oxygenation; NO; nitric oxide; Cys; cysteine; Mb-SNO; S-nitrosated Mb; DTT; dithiothreitol; FPLC; fast protein liquid chromatography; IEF; isoe
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Exotic animal trade; Ticks
Keywords: خزندگان; Electron transport system activity; Iberolacerta; Interaction; Metabolic rate; Podarcis; Reptiles
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Birds; Ticks; Amblyomma; Rickettsia; Honduras;
Keywords: خزندگان; Urban; Ecology; Lizards; Landscape; Land-cover; Urban heat island; Mitigation; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Amphisbaenia; Soil degradation; Salinization; Seagull influences; Soil compaction;
Keywords: خزندگان; Fish; Amphibians; Reptiles; Marxan; Connectivity; Endemic;
Keywords: خزندگان; Reptiles; Longevity; Fibroblast; Stress; Senescence;
Keywords: خزندگان; Amphibians; Reptiles; Biodiversity conservation; Forest disturbance; Indonesia;
Keywords: خزندگان; Birds; Large trees; Reptiles; Selective logging; Silviculture; Thinning; Vegetation structure;
Keywords: خزندگان; Pulmonoscopy; Endoscopy; Respiratory tract; Air sac; Pathology; Imaging; Snakes; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Dinosaurs; Reptiles; Early Cretaceous; East Asia; Stable isotopes; Climate; Ecology;
Keywords: خزندگان; Salmonella; Reptiles; Humans; Serotypes; Zoonosis; French Guiana
Keywords: خزندگان; Basal ganglia; Cortex; Dorsal thalamus; Dorsal ventricular ridge; Evolution; Reptiles;
Keywords: خزندگان; Amphibians; Reptiles; Threats; Declines; Canada; Conservation status;
Keywords: خزندگان; eastern water dragon; Intellagama lesueurii; kinship; reptiles; social evolution; social structure; spatial overlap;
Keywords: خزندگان; Conservation; Savanna; Fragmentation; Reptiles; Neotropics; Reserves;