Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Depressive-like behavior; CaMKII & CREB; Synaptic plasticity; Citalopram;
مقالات ISI محرومیت از خواب (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Bipolar disorder; Dopamine; Lithium; Positive Affect; Sleep deprivation; Social communication;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Conditioned place preference; Amphetamine; Sleep; Sleep deprivation; Rats;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Metaplasticity; Synaptic tagging and capture; Hippocampus; Sleep deprivation; Mouse;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Selective attention; attention; Event-related brain potentials; ERPs;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Judgment; Facial perception;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sensory reweighting; Sleep deprivation; Postural stability; Static posturography; Subjective sleep assessment;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Magnesium; Memory; Oxidative stress; BDNF;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Screen time; Children; Adolescents; ADHD; Gaming; Internet; Sleep deprivation; Addiction; Adiposity; Stress; Sedentary behavior; Hypertension; Depression;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep restriction; Sleep deprivation; Resistance exercise; Performance; Skeletal muscle health;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Effective connectivity; Brain signal complexity; Sleep deprivation; TMS-EEG; Vigilance; Fronto-parietal cortex;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; ANOVA; analysis of variance; AW; active wake; ChR2; channelrhodopsin2; DAB; 3â²-diaminobenzidine; EEG; electroencephalogram; EMG; electromyogram; ER; estrogen receptor; LD; light-dark; LED; light emitting diode; LFP; local field potential; NADPH; nicot
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Unethical behavior; Sleep deprivation; Depletion; Self-regulation; Power; Contemplation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Night shift work; Pain perception; Sleep deprivation; Mood;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Intermittent hypoxia; Chronic inflammation; Obstructive sleep apnea; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Rheumatoid arthritis; Psoriasis; Neuro-inflammation; Raynaud's phenomenon; Sleep deprivation; Obesity;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Default mode network; Working memory capacity; Independent component analysis; Functional magnetic resonance imaging;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Fatigue; Emergency medicine; Assessment; Simulation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Hearing loss; Rat; Cochlea; Interleukin-1; Corticosterone;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep; Dendritic spines; Synaptic plasticity; Structural plasticity; Sleep deprivation; Hippocampus; Memory; Long-term potentiation; Visual cortex; Motor cortex;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Children; Enuresis; Sleep; Sleep deprivation; Sleep problems;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Risk-taking; Decision making; Sleep; Sleep deprivation; Adolescents; Youth; BART; Balloon analogue risk task; DDT; Delayed discounting task; HDI; Highest density interval; ROPE; Region of practical equivalence; TIB; Time in bed; TST; Total sleep time;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Simulation; Sleep deprivation; Patient safety; Anaesthesia;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Circadian clock; Clock gene; Physiology; Metabolism;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Bipolar disorder; Depression; Chronotherapeutics; Sleep deprivation; Early response; Prediction of outcome;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; BDI; Beck Depression Inventory; CDT; cold detection threshold; CPM; Conditioned pain modulation; CPT; cold pain threshold; DMA; dynamic mechanical allodynia; HPT; heat pain threshold; ICHD; International Headache Classification; IMI; Innovative Medicines
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; allergic lung inflammation; airway neutrophilia; IL-17; mouse model; APC; Allophycocyanin; BALF; Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; CLN; Cervical lymph node; HS; Healthy sleep; IL-17R; IL-17 receptor; KO; Knockout; OVA; Ovalbumin; PBST; PBSâ
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Diabetes mellitus; Hypertension; Mortality; Meta-regression; Sleep deprivation; Vascular disease; CER; control event rate; CI; confidence interval; HR; hazard ratio; MOOSE; meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology; NOS; Newcastle-Ottawa sc
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Circadian clock; Sleep homeostasis; Sleep deprivation; Phase shift; Adenosine;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Vigilance; Speed of processing; Working memory; Sleep deprivation; Dynamic functional connectivity (fMRI); Global signal;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Emotional memory; Depression; REM sleep;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Acute stress; Cortisol; Sympathetic nervous system; HPA axis; Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal axis; Age differences;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- isoxazole propionic acid; ASI; Axon-spine interface; Ca2+; calcium; CNS; Central nervous system; CS-EP; Corticostriatal-evoked potential; DBS; deep brain stimulation; DA; Dopamine; DARPP-32; dopamine-regulated neuronal
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Emotional memory; Emotional reactivity; Empathy; Fear conditioning; REM sleep; Sleep deprivation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Phenotype; Vulnerability; Resilience; Sleep deprivation; Sleep restriction; Neurobehavioral; Subjective; Cognitive; Neuroimaging; Genetics; Sleep homeostasis; Individual differences; Circadian;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; cTBS; Glymphatic pathway; Peri-vascular space; Aquaporin-4;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Acute exercise; Sleep deprivation; Memory; Attention; Reaction time;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; AED; antiepileptic drug; CAP; cyclic alternating pattern; IED; interictal epileptiform discharges; nCAP; non-CAP periods; n-PSG; night polysomnography; SD; sleep deprivation; SD-EEG; sleep deprived EEG; SI; spike index; TLE; temporal lobe epilepsy; Tempor
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Vulnerability to sleep loss; Sleepiness; EEG spectrum; Sleep-wake regulation; Sleep deprivation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Cognitive; Sensorimotor; Resident; Anesthesiology; Shift work; Sleep deprivation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; sleep deprivation; simulation training; thinking skills;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleepiness; Daytime somnolence; Children; Narcolepsy; Obstructive sleep apnea; Sleep deprivation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Extinction; Fear conditioning; Fear potentiated startle; PTSD; REM sleep; Sleep deprivation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Exercise; Sleep deprivation; Depression; Serotonin; Norepinephrine; Striatum;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Emotion recognition; Facial expression; Perception;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Fatigue; Sleep deprivation; Heat exposure; Cognition;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep deprivation; Hippocampus; Curcumin; Stereology; Rat;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep; Stress; HPA axis; Cortisol; Sleep deprivation; Gender;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Excessive daytime sleepiness; Behavioral management; Sleep restriction; Sleep need; Sleep extension; Sleep debt; Sleep banking; Sleep deprivation;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Sleep; Preschool; Sleep disorders; Sleep deprivation; Pediatric sleep;
Keywords: محرومیت از خواب; Fatigue; Sleep deprivation; Transcranial direct current stimulation; Caffeine;