Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Carbon stock; Viticulture; Erosion; Specific ultraviolet absorbance; NDVI;
مقالات ISI جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش (ترجمه نشده)
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در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Fluoroquinolone; Goethite; Humic acid; Fulvic acid; Specific ultraviolet absorbance; Hydrophobic interactions;
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; PACl; polyaluminum chloride; AOM; algae organic matter; IOM; intracellular organic matter; EOM; extracellular organic matter; dEOM; dissolved extracellular organic matter; MW; molecular weight; Al13; AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)127+; XPS; X-ray photoelectron spect
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Alum F; Ottawa River water coagulated with alum + a polymer, flocculated and floated; Alum S; Ottawa River water coagulated with alum + silicate, flocculated and settled; CIP; chemical clean in place; Da; Dalton; DAF; dissolved air floatation; DOC; di
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Unknown screening; Low molecular weight organic matter; Molecular characterization; Orbitrap mass spectrometry; Disinfection by-products; Reclaimed water; BOM; biodegradable organic matter; DATS; dialkyl tetralin sulfonate; DOM; dissolved organic matter;
Influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics on dissolved mercury (Hg) species composition in sediment porewater of lakes from southwest China
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Dissolved organic matter; Mercury; Methylmercury; Lake porewater; Sediment; Characterization; BIX; Biological Index; CDOM; Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter; CVAFS; Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy; DMeHg; Dissolved Methylmercury; DOC; Diss
An overview of the technology used to remove trihalomethane (THM), trihalomethane precursors, and trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) from water and wastewater
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; AC/NZVI; activated carbon/nanoscale zero-valent iron; AOB; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria; AOP; advanced oxidation process; BAC; biological activated carbon; BAF; Biological aerated filter; BDOC; biodegradable dissolved organic carbon; BGAC; biological granul
Molecular weight distribution of phosphorus fraction of aquatic dissolved organic matter
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Molecular weight ultrafiltration; Dissolved organic carbon; Dissolved organic phosphorus; Everglades Agricultural Area; Specific ultraviolet absorbance; Stormwater treatment areas;
Leaf litter age, chemical quality, and photodegradation control the fate of leachate dissolved organic matter in a dryland river
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Bioavailability; Dissolved organic matter; Dryland river; Floodplain; Leaf litter; Photodegradation; Pilbara; Specific ultraviolet absorbance
Colour formation from pre and post-coagulation treatment of Pinus radiata sulfite pulp mill wastewater using nutrient limited aerated stabilisation basins
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Al3+; aluminium; ASB; aerated stabilization basin; AMW; apparent molecular weight; BOD; biological oxygen demand (mg/L); DOM; dissolved organic matter; 13C CP NMR; 13Carbon cross polarization nuclear magnetic resonance; Da; Dalton; DOC; dissolved organic
Effect of landfill characteristics on leachate organic matter properties and coagulation treatability
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; Aluminum; Fluorescence excitation–emission matrix; Iron; Landfill leachate; Natural organic matter; Specific ultraviolet absorbance
Fractionation of the organic matter contained in leachate resulting from two modes of landfilling: An indicator of waste degradation
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; AT4; respiratory activity at the end of 4 days; BMP; biochemical methanogene potential; BOD5; biological oxygen demand at the end of 5 days; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DS; dry substances; HS*; humic-like substances; FA*; fulvic-like acids; HA*; humic-
Molecular size distribution of dissolved organic matter in water of the Pearl River and trihalomethane formation characteristics with chlorine and chlorine dioxide treatments
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; THMs; trihalomethanes; SUVA254; specific ultraviolet absorbance; DOM; dissolved organic matter; UF; ultrafiltration; RO; reverse osmosis; DBPs; disinfection by-products; THMFP; trihalomethane formation potential; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; RAC; resin
Indicating the parameters of the state of degradation of municipal solid waste
Keywords: جذب خاص اشعه ماوراء بنفش; BMP; biochemical methanogene potential; BOD5; biological oxygen demand at the end of 5 days; COD; chemical oxygen demand; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; OC; organic carbon; PC; paper-cardboards; PCA; principal component analysis; SUVA; specific ultraviole