کد مقاله کد نشریه سال انتشار مقاله انگلیسی نسخه تمام متن
4176407 1276296 2015 4 صفحه PDF دانلود رایگان
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله ISI
Prenatal diagnosis and obstetric management
ترجمه فارسی عنوان
تشخیص زودهنگام و مدیریت زایمان
کلمات کلیدی
موضوعات مرتبط
علوم پزشکی و سلامت پزشکی و دندانپزشکی پریناتولوژی (پزشکی مادر و جنین)، طب اطفال و بهداشت کودک
چکیده انگلیسی

Conjoined twins are rare, representing 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 200,000 live births, and the prognosis is generally poor. Accurate prenatal diagnosis by an experienced multidisciplinary team using a combination of imaging modalities allows parents to make fully informed choices. This may include termination of pregnancy, which is easier and safer at the earlier gestations at which diagnosis is now being made; continuing with the pregnancy but accepting that only palliative care is appropriate after birth; or planned intensive care and separation of the twins after birth. Delivery will invariably be by cesarean section in order to minimize the risk of peripartum harm to both mother and babies.

Database: Elsevier - ScienceDirect (ساینس دایرکت)
Journal: Seminars in Pediatric Surgery - Volume 24, Issue 5, October 2015, Pages 203–206
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