Keywords: تنظیم; Restoration; Health behaviors; Bereavement; Complicated grief; Adjustment; CG; caregiver; CR; care recipient;
مقالات ISI تنظیم (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: تنظیم; Psychosis; Postnatal; Trauma; Self-concept; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Social support; Coping; Adjustment; Stress; Breast cancer patient; Self-efficacy; GFI; Goodness of Fit Index; AGFI; Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index; CFI; Comparative Fit Index; NFI; Normed Fit Index; RMSEA; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; SRMR; St
Keywords: تنظیم; Self-disgust; Adjustment; Amputation; Body image; Prosthesis;
Keywords: تنظیم; Perceived parental psychological control; Shyness; Adjustment; China;
Keywords: تنظیم; Adjustment; Social capital; Multiunit; Dynamic capabilities;
Keywords: تنظیم; Social networks; Social support; Childhood adversity; Housing; Economic well-being; Adjustment; Care leavers; Israel;
Keywords: تنظیم; Adjustment; Attitudes and behavior toward expatriates; Expatriate; Expatriate success; Host-country national;
Keywords: تنظیم; D40; I13; L13; L65; Price competition; Dynamic; Adjustment; Pharmaceutical industry; Generic drugs; Brand-name drugs; Reference price; Generic substitution;
Keywords: تنظیم; National identity; Narratives; Adjustment; Immigrants; Majority group; Israel;
Keywords: تنظیم; Triphase; Adjustment; Composite-structure material; in-situ XRD; Sodium-ion batteries;
Keywords: تنظیم; Air pollutant levels; Trend; Statistical models; Adjustment; Meteorology; Emissions;
Keywords: تنظیم; Labor markets; Agent based simulation; Numerical simulation; Equilibrium; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Adjustment; somatische Dysfunktion; Subluxation; strukturelle Integrität; Obstruktion von Lebensflüssigkeiten; âgreater osteopathic lesion complex”; âcomplicated lesion”; âtotal lesion”; Epigenetik, Nervenzentren; Adjustment; somatic dysfunc
Keywords: تنظیم; Expatriate; Personality; Fit; Adjustment; Volunteering; Work; Abroad;
Keywords: تنظیم; Prisoners; Five factor personality model; Conscientiousness; Adjustment; Sweden;
Keywords: تنظیم; Polish migrants; UK; Food; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Foster care; Adjustment; Integration; Assessment; Well-being;
Keywords: تنظیم; Emotion socialization; Culture; Emerging adulthood; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Anxiety; China; Children; Kindergarten; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Foster care; Adjustment; Friends; School; Neighborhood; Biological family;
Keywords: تنظیم; Aircraft assembly; Normal measurement; Adjustment; Drilling and riveting; Kinematic model; Bracket length measurement;
Keywords: تنظیم; Personal initiative; Executive functions; Positive parenting; Positive development; Adjustment; Self-regulation;
Keywords: تنظیم; Geriatric; Psychosocial; Depression; Anxiety; Dementia; Adjustment; Rehabilitation;
Keywords: تنظیم; Variable payload; Balanced; Spring; Ground; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Virtual pivot; Bonnet polishing; R-Test; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Posttraumatic growth; Amputation; Adjustment; Trauma; Support group;
Keywords: تنظیم; Existential; Chronic conditions; Communication skills; Grief; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Adjustment; Genomics; Precision; Translation
Keywords: تنظیم; Tunnel; Monitoring; Deformation; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Longitudinal study; Cannabis use; Trajectories; Adolescence; Adjustment; Young adulthood;
Keywords: تنظیم; Climate change adaptation; Transformation; Adjustment; Turkey; Agriculture; Q-methodology;
Keywords: تنظیم; Food allergy; Children; Family; Mental health; Adjustment; CBT; cognitive-behavioral therapy; HRQOL; health-related quality of life;
Keywords: تنظیم; Intimate partner violence; Children; Resilience; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Psychosocial; Adjustment; Hematological cancer; Systematic review;
Keywords: تنظیم; 3D building models; Algebraic reasoning; Geometric constraints; Gröbner bases; Adjustment
Keywords: تنظیم; Adjustment; Children with special needs; Ecological systems analysis; Post-permanency; Public adoption;
Keywords: تنظیم; Autism; Typically developing sibling; Cross-culture; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Trait EI; Achievement; Adjustment; Coping; Social support; University transition; College transition; Mediation
Keywords: تنظیم; African American/Black; Adolescents; Adjustment; Cultural/ethnic/racial socialization; Ethnic/racial identity; Same-ethnicity/same-race friends
Keywords: تنظیم; Epilepsy surgery; Psychosocial follow-up; Adjustment; Quality of life;
Keywords: تنظیم; Bereavement; Depression; Resilience; Latent growth mixture modeling; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Adjustment; LCA; LCI; Local data; Ready mixed concrete;
Keywords: تنظیم; Affluence; Adolescence; Parent–child relationship; Organized activity involvement; Adjustment
Keywords: تنظیم; Mexican American; Romantic relationships; Adolescence; Latent class analysis; Adjustment;
Keywords: تنظیم; Youth at risk; Typology; School dropouts; Adjustment; Educational intervention; Disengagement;
Keywords: تنظیم; Filial responsibility; Emotional reactions; Post-migration role reversal; Family processes; Immigration; Adjustment
Keywords: تنظیم; Self-initiated expatriates; Expatriate academics; Foreign organizations; Adjustment; Performance; Satisfaction; Staffing; Local organizations; Cognition; New institutional theory; Language;
Keywords: تنظیم; Attachment; Teacher-student relationships; At-risk children; Adjustment; Behaviour problems;
Keywords: تنظیم; Recommendation problems; Query relaxation; Adjustment; Complexity