Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Diagnostic confidence; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Focal liver lesions; Clinical decision making
مقالات ISI ضریب انتشار آشکار (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Apparent diffusion coefficient; High resolution; Magnetic resonance imaging
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Chemotherapy; Diagnosis; Germinoma; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Magnetic resonance imaging; Cervical spinal cord; Intervertebral space; Diffusion tensor imaging; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Fractional anisotropy
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; Apparent diffusion coefficient; DWI; Diffusion-weighted imaging; EPO; Erythropoietin; MCA; Middle cerebral artery; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; PCA; Posterior cerebral artery; rhEPO; Recombinant human erythropoietin; TE; Echo time; TR; Repetition
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Cord; Imaging; Injury; Spinal; ADC; Apparent diffusion coefficient; CT; Computed tomography; DCE; Dynamic contrast-enhanced; DTI; Diffusion tensor imaging; FA; Fractional anisotropy; fMRI; Functional MRI; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; PET; Positron emi
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Uterine sarcoma; Magnetic resonance imaging; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Apparent diffusion coefficient
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; DSC; dice similarity coefficient; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; FDR; false discovery rate; fMRI; functional MRI; JLO; Judgment of Line orientation; MNI; Montreal Neurological Institute; ROCF; Rey-Osterrieth Comple
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; Apparent diffusion coefficient; CPR; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; DWI; Diffusion-weighted imaging; HLHS; Hypoplastic left heart syndrome; ICU; Intensive care unit; LCOS; Low cardiac output syndrome; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; TE; Echo time; T
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; CP; cerebral palsy; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; EM; electron microscopy; WM; white matter; CC; corpus callosum; AC; anterior commissure; IC; internal capsule; FH; fimbria hippocampi; CV; c
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Drying kinetics; Lignite; Superheated steam drying; Microwave drying; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Activation energy
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Positron emission tomography; Magnetic resonance; Sodium fluoride; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Lung cancer; Bone metastases; Dementia;
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Diffusion; Liver MRI; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Liver lesion detection; Liver lesion characterization; IVIM; Cirrhosis; Echo planar imaging;
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Stroke; apparent diffusion coefficient; magnetic resonance imaging; threshold;
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Cancellous bone; Apparent diffusion coefficient; ADC; Osteoporosis; Water diffusion;
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Boom Clay; Silica; Glass dissolution; Diffusion accessible porosity; Retardation factor; Apparent diffusion coefficient
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Time dependent models; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Surface chloride; Chloride transport; Fly ash concrete;
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Glioma; Recurrence; Imaging sensitivity; Spectroscopy; Apparent diffusion coefficient
Diagnostic performance of quantitative diffusion tensor imaging for the differentiation of breast lesions at 3â¯T MRI
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Quantitative MRI; Apparent Diffusion Coefficient; Diffusion tensor imaging; Breast MRI; 3â¯T;
Whole-tumor histogram analysis of non-Gaussian distribution DWI parameters to differentiation of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; IVIM; Intravoxel incoherent motion; ADC; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Dt; True molecular diffusion; f; Perfusion fraction; Dp; Perfusion-related diffusion; DDC; Distributed diffusion coefficient; AUC; Area under the curve; pNET; Pancreatic neuroendocri
Estimation of microvascular capillary physical parameters using MRI assuming a pseudo liquid drop as model of fluid exchange on the cellular level
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; CBF; cerebral blood flow; CBV; cerebral blood volume; VSI; vessel size index; TCL; total capillary length; MTT; mean transit time; ROI; region of interest; MCA; middle cerebral artery; RF; radio frequency; FLASH; fast
Literature ReviewPilocytic Astrocytoma of Fornix Mimicking a Colloid Cyst: Report of 2 Cases and Review of the Literature
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Colloid cyst; Fornix; Misdiagnosis; Pilocytic astrocytoma; ADC; Apparent diffusion coefficient; CSF; Cerebrospinal fluid; CT; Computed tomography; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; PA; Pilocytic astrocytoma;
Collateral circulation assessment within the 4.5â¯h time window in patients with and without DWI/FLAIR MRI mismatch
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Ischemic stroke; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Collateral; Fluid-Attenuated-Inversion-Recovery; Perfusion-weighted-imaging; Time from symptom onset; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; AUC; area under curve; CBV; cerebral blood volume; CBF; cerebral blood
Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the frontal sinus: A case report and literature review
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Sinonasal non-Hodgkin lymphoma; Frontal sinus; Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging; Apparent diffusion coefficient;
Utility of MR Angiography in the Identification of Prostatic Artery Origin Prior to Prostatic Artery Embolization
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; CPR; curved planar reformat; DS; digital subtraction; MIP; maximum intensity projection; MPR; multiplanar; PAE; prostate artery embolization;
Anisotropy of anomalous diffusion improves the accuracy of differentiating low- and high-grade cerebral gliomas
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; AUC; area under the curve; dMRI; diffusion MRI; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; FM; fractional motion; gFA; generalized fractional anisotropy; NAWM; normal-appearing white matter; ROC; receive
DWI in characterization of complex ovarian masses, would it help?
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; MRI; Complex ovarian masses; Diffusion-weighted MRI; Apparent diffusion coefficient;
Role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion weighted images (DWIs) in assessment of parotid gland masses with histopathological correlation
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Parotid; MRI; Diffusion; ADC value; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; DWI; diffusion weighted images; FNAC; fine needle aspiration and cytology; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; NOS; not otherwise specified; ROC; receiver operating characteristics; SD;
Preoperative evaluation of pelvine lymph node metastasis in high risk prostate cancer with intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; CI; confidence interval; CT; computed tomography; DCE; dynamic contrast enhancement; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; IVIM; intravoxel incoherent motion; LN; lymph node; mpMRI; multiparametric prostate MRI; PC; prostat
Accuracy of multiparametric MR imaging with PI-RADS V2 assessment in detecting infiltration of the neurovascular bundles prior to prostatectomy
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; CI; confidence interval; DCE; dynamic contrast enhancement; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; EPE; extraprostatic extension; IFSA; intraoperative frozen-section analysis; mpMRI; multiparametric prostate MRI; NPV; negati
Characterization of testicular germ cell tumors: Whole-lesion histogram analysis of the apparent diffusion coefficient at 3T
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Testicular neoplasms; Testicular germ cell neoplasms; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Histogram analysis;
Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification of prostate cancer Gleason score in central gland using multiparametric magnetic resonance images: A cross-validated study
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; AUC; area under the curve; AUCDCE; initial area under dynamic contrast-enhanced curve; CG; central gland; CI; confidence interval; DCE; dynamic contrast-enhanced; Ds; pure tissue diffusion; fp; volume fraction of pseud
Gastric cancer with synchronous and metachronous hepatic metastasis predicted by enhancement pattern on multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; CT; computed tomography; CTG; computed tomography gastrography; MDCT; multidetector computed tomography; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; HM; hepatic metastasis; MPR; multiplanar reconstruction; ROI; region of interest; ANOVA; analysis of variance; FD
Frequency of Acute and Subacute Infarcts in a Population-Based Study
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FLAIR; fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; MCSA; Mayo Clinic Study of Aging; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging;
Prediction of histological grade of endometrial cancer by means of MRI
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; EC; endometrial cancer; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; T2-WI; T2-weighted images; CET1-WI; contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images; DWI; diffusion-weighted images; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; N/U; neoplasm/uterus volume ratio; ROC; receiver-operat
T1 mapping on gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging predicts recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; AFP; alpha-fetoprotein; BCLC stage; Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage; CT; computed tomography; DW; diffusion-weighted; EM; extrahepatic recurrence; HBPI; hepatobiliary phase imaging; HCC; hepatocellular carcinoma; I
Preoperative histogram analysis of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) for predicting microvascular invasion in patients with single hepatocellular carcinoma
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; HCC; hepatocellular carcinoma; MVI; microvascular invasion; CT; computed tomography; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; ROI; region of interest; IVIM; intravoxel incoherent motion; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; AFP; Î
Value of 18F-FET PET in adult brainstem glioma
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; BSG; brain stem glioma; Cho; choline; CT; computed tomography; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; DWI; diffusion weighted imaging; FET; 18F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine; FLAIR; fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; GBM; glioblasto
Comparison of quantitative T2 and ADC mapping in the assessment of 3-nitropropionic acid-induced neurotoxicity in rats
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; MRI; Neurotoxicity; T2 Relaxation; Apparent diffusion coefficient; 3-Nitropropionic acid; Rat;
Advantages of high b-value diffusion-weighted imaging for preoperative differential diagnosis between embryonal and ependymal tumors at 3â¯T MRI
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; MR; magnetic resonance; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; DC-MIN; minimum absolute values of apparent diffusion coefficient; DWI; diffusion-weighted images; b-1000; bâ¯=â¯1000âs/mm2, standard b value; b-4000; bâ¯=â¯4000âs/mm2, high b value; 3â
The added value of qualitative and quantitative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) in differentiating benign from malignant breast lesions
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Breast MRI; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Apparent diffusion coefficient;
Whole-body diffusion-weighted MR and FDG-PET/CT in Hodgkin Lymphoma: Predictive role before treatment and early assessment after two courses of ABVD
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; HL; Hodgkin Lymphoma; FDG-PET/CT; fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography; iPET; interim-PET; ABVD; doxorubicin-bleomycin-vinblastine-dacarbazine; SUVmax; maximum standard uptake value; MR; magnetic resonance; DWI; diffusion-we
Quantitative MRI in post-operative paediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; pCMS; post-operative paediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome; ASL; arterial spin labeling; dMRI; diffusion MRI; PFS; posterior fossa syndrome; ECP; efferent cerebellar pathway; DRTC; dentato-rubro-thalamo-cortical; SMA; supple
Diagnostic Usefulness of Combination of Diffusion-weighted Imaging and T2WI, Including Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Breast Lesions
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Breast cancer; magnetic resonance imaging; diffusion-weighted imaging; apparent diffusion coefficient;
Utility of Clinical Parameters and Multiparametric MRI as Predictive Factors for Differentiating Uterine Sarcoma From Atypical Leiomyoma
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Uterine sarcoma; atypical leiomyoma; magnetic resonance imaging; apparent diffusion coefficient;
Imaging biomarkers guided anti-angiogenic therapy for malignant gliomas
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; 18F-FDOPA; 3,4-dihydroxy-6-[18F]-fluoro-l-phenylalanine; 18F-FLT; [18F]-fluoro-3-deoxy-3-L-fluorothymidine; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; AVOL; arterio-venous overlap; BBB; blood brain barrier; CBF; cerebral blood flow; CBV; cerebral blood volume;
Prostatic Artery Embolization with 250-μm Spherical Polyzene-Coated Hydrogel Microspheres for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms with Follow-up MR Imaging
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; BPH; benign prostatic hyperplasia; BPS; benign prostate syndrome; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; IIEF; International Index of Erectile Function; IPSS; International Prostate Symptom Score; kep; rate constant; Ktrans;
Discriminating Depth of Response to Therapy in Multiple Myeloma Using Whole-body Diffusion-weighted MRI with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; Multiple myeloma; depth of response; whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI; apparent diffusion coefficient;
Imaging manifestations of Behcet's disease: Key considerations and major features
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; BD; Behcet's disease; PTE; pulmonary thromboembolism; SVC; superior vena cava; BCS; Budd-Chiari syndrome; CNS; central nervous system; MeSH; Medical Subject Heading; DVT; deep vein thrombosis; CT; computed tomography; MR; magnetic resonance; CXR; chest
Mitophagy is activated in brain damage induced by cerebral ischemia and reperfusion via the PINK1/Parkin/p62 signalling pathway
Keywords: ضریب انتشار آشکار; PINK1; PTEN-induced kinase 1; i.p.; intraperitoneal; CCA; common carotid artery; ECA; external carotid artery; ICA; internal carotid artery; MCAO; middle cerebral artery occlusion; H&E; haematoxylin and eosin; LC3; Microtubule-associated protein 1 light c