Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Discrete Fourier transform; Recursive discrete Fourier transform; Sliding discrete Fourier transform; Running Fourier transform; Spectral updating;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده تبدیل فوریه گسسته
مقالات ISI تبدیل فوریه گسسته (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Econophysics; Stock market resiliency; Discrete Fourier Transform; Window function; High-frequency data;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Identification and model reduction; Frequency weighted; Discrete Fourier transform; Gramians; Large scale complex systems;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Self-similar hierarchy; Periodic honeycomb; Brittle fracture; Discrete Fourier transform;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Compressed sensing; Discrete fourier transform; Frequency estimation; Robust Chinese remainder theorem; Undersampling;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; TFM; two-fluid model; TF; Fourier transform; HHT; Hilbert-Huang transform; WDM; Wellhead detection method; DDMWD; downhole detection method while drilling; DMOMR; detection method outside marine riser; FFT; fast Fourier transform; DFT; discrete Fourier tr
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Multiscale entropy; Image processing; Power spectrum; Discrete Fourier transform; Rat; Histological image;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Data stream; Ensemble classifier; Discrete Fourier Transform; Concept drift; Fourier spectrum; Feature selection;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Bupropion; Continuous wavelet transform; Derivative spectrophotometry; Discrete Fourier transform; Naltrexone; Signal processing;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; MSA; Multiple Sequence Alignment; HRV; human rhinovirus; PS; Fourier power spectrum; DFT; discrete Fourier transform; CPS; cumulative Fourier power spectrum; COI; cytochrome oxidase subunit I; HA; hemagglutinin; NA; neuraminidase; Cumulative Fourier power
On the non-standard distribution of empirical likelihood estimators with spatial data
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; 62M30; 62G20; Discrete Fourier transform; Frequency domain empirical likelihood; Periodogram; Stochastic sampling;
On the law of large numbers for discrete Fourier transform
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; primary; 60F15; secondary; 42A20; Law of large numbers; Discrete Fourier transform; Rate of convergence;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Error vector magnitude; Discrete Fourier transform; Fast Fourier transform; Quadrature amplitude modulation;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; 65T50; 42A38; Discrete Fourier transform; Sparse Fourier reconstruction; Sublinear sparse FFT;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Phasor Measurement Units; Discrete Fourier Transform; Least Squares; Discrete Wavelet Transform; IEEE C37.118.1; Real Time Digital Simulator;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Directional protection; Discrete Fourier transform; Positive sequence superimposed current; Single pole tripping;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Micro-texture; Discrete Fourier transform; Power spectral density; Root mean square roughness; Depth of surface smoothness; Friction;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Linear dynamic systems; System identification; Errors-in-variables models; Discrete Fourier Transform; Maximum likelihood identification;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Time-frequency localization; Three-band wavelet filter bank; Discrete Fourier transform; Discrete time Fourier transform; Prolate spheroid sequence;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Periodic microstructure; Multiscale analysis; Discrete Fourier transform; Three-point bending; Fracture toughness;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Phytoplankton bloom; Phenology; Phytoplankton functional types; Microplankton; Ocean color algorithms; Inter-comparison; CMIP5 Earth System Models; Discrete Fourier Transform;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; AEP; averaged evoked potential; BF; best frequency; CT; computerized tomography; DFT; discrete Fourier transform; ECoG; electrocorticography; ERBP; event-related band power; FDR; false discovery rate; FFR; frequency-following response; fMRI; functional ma
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; 11D79; 11P83; 11L03; 11A25; 42A16; Restricted linear congruence; Ramanujan sum; Discrete Fourier transform;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Experimental modal analysis; Coherence function; Frequency response function; Discrete Fourier transform; Response advancement error; Periodic extension;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Protein sequences similarity analysis; Discrete Fourier Transform; Dynamic Time Warping; Phylogenetic tree;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; CS; cyclostationary; SC; spectral correlation; SES; squared envelope spectrum; ACP; averaged cyclic periodogram; CMS; cyclic modulation spectrum; AT-CS; angle/time cyclostationary; OFACP; order-frequency averaged cyclic periodogram; OFCMS; order-frequency
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Hybrid energy storage system; Photovoltaic generation; Ship rolling; Discrete Fourier transform; Particle swarm optimization;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Multisine signals; Drive-cycle; Li-ion battery; Equivalent circuit modelling; Sigmoid function; BMS; Battery Management System; DFT; Discrete Fourier Transform; ECM; Equivalent Circuit Model; EIS; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; EV; Electric Vehic
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Multisine signal; Drive-cycle; Li-ion battery; Equivalent circuit modelling; DFT; Discrete Fourier Transform; ECM; Equivalent Circuit Model; NCA; Nickel Cobalt Aluminium oxide; NL-ECM; Non-linear Equivalent Circuit Model; OCV; Open Circuit Voltage; pk-err
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Output-only modal analysis; Integration tests; Electrical submersible pump; β; Autoregressive Coefficients; Ît; Finite Time Difference; ξ; Damping Factor; Ï; Quadratic Mean Value; λ; Characteristic Equation Roots; λu; Dynamic Poles in u Mode; μ; Me
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; LR; low resolution; HR; high resolution; SNR; Signal-to-Noise Ratio; SR; super-resolution; PSNR; Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio; SSIM; Structural Similarity; MSE; Mean Square Error; EGI; Edge-Guided Interpolation; NEDI; New Edge-Directed Interpolation; GBA; G
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; 05B20; 65T50; 11L05Hadamard matrix; Discrete Fourier transform; Gauss sums; Eigenvalues
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Discrete Fourier transform; Ultracold atoms; Free flight evolution; Time of flight imaging; Far-field image; Solitons; Wavefunction; Classical field;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Sensor placement; Sensor location ranking; Sensitivity; Fisher Information; Radial Basis Function; Discrete Fourier Transform;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Spectrum matching; Similarity measure; Discrete Fourier transform
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Discrete Fourier transform; Interval type-2 radial basis function (IT2-RBF); Fuzzy logic; Friction stir welding of steel; Neural-fuzzy modelling; Online monitoring
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Active pipe-embedded building envelope; FDFD model; Frequency thermal response; Fourier series analysis; Discrete Fourier transform
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Discrete Fourier transform; Local stationarity; Nonlinear time series; Stationary bootstrap; Testing for stationarity;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Time delays; Delay systems; Discrete Fourier Transform; Frequency domain methods; Successive minimization
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Shape descriptor; Shape retrieval; Shape-DNA; Discrete Fourier transform
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Texture classification; Co-occurrence matrices; Rotation invariance; Digital circles; Discrete Fourier transform
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Brittle fracture; Kelvin foam; Fracture toughness; Discrete Fourier transform; Representative cell method
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Nearly whitening; Wide sense stationary; Discrete fractional Fourier transform; Discrete Fourier transform; L1L1 norm optimization; Nonconvex global optimization
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Time-frequency analysis; Eigendecomposition; Discrete Fourier transform; Discrete fractional Fourier transform; Fractional-order matrix;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Discrete Fourier transform; Quadratic variation; Microstructure noise; Periodogram; Spectral density; Whittle likelihood;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Finite element method; Fixed-point technique; Harmonic balance method; Discrete Fourier transform; Nonlinearity; Parallel computation;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Primary: 43A25; Secondary: 11T22; 20C05; Discrete Fourier transform; DFT; Eigenspaces; Uncertainty principle;
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; ECG; Biomedical signal processing and analysis; Classification; Machine learning algorithms; Neural networks; Support vector machine; K-nearest neighbor algorithm; Evolutionary-neural system; Genetic algorithm; Feature extraction and selection; Discrete F
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Crashes; Near-crashes; Safety-critical event; Naturalistic driving study; Discrete fourier transform
Decomposition matrices for the special case of data on the triangular lattice of G(2)
Keywords: تبدیل فوریه گسسته; Decomposition matrices; Discrete Fourier transform; G(2) group;