Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; C-DBPs; carbonaceous disinfection by-products; CF; chloroform; HALs; haloaldehydes; CSF; coagulation-sedimentation-filtration; DBPs; disinfection by-products; DCAcAm; dichloroacetamide; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DON; dissolved organic nitrogen; DWTPs
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده کربن آلی حل شده
مقالات ISI کربن آلی حل شده (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Pyrolysis; Biochar; Dissolved organic carbon; Extraction;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; CETW; Coagulation enhanced treatment wetland; DOC; Dissolved organic carbon; FS; Used to indicate ferric sulfate treatment; PAC; Used to indicate polyaluminum chloride treatment; Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; Allometrics; Nutrient; Plant mass; Agricultura
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Peatland; Net ecosystem carbon balance; Greenhouse gas; Dissolved organic carbon; Restoration; Drainage;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; A2O; anaerobic-anoxic-oxic; ACTM; Acetamiprid; ARB; antibiotic resistant bacteria; ARGs; antibiotic resistance genes; AZM; Azithromycin; BDL; below detection limit; BHT; 2,6-Ditert-butyl-4-methylphenol; BOD; biochemical oxygen demand; BTA; benzotriazo
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Mineralization processes; Non-cellular mineralization; Heterotrophic respiration; Dissolved organic carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Soil properties; Linear mixed effects model; Seasonal freeze-thaw soils;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Melting process; Dissolved organic carbon; Concentration; Light absorption characteristic; The Tibetan Plateau;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Polydimethylsiloxane; Seawater; Dissolved organic carbon; Equilibrium partition coefficient;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Bioavailability; Degradation; Dissolved organic carbon; Degradation rate coefficients; Dissolved organic nitrogen; Mineralization;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Fulvic acid; Androgen receptor; Estrogen receptor; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor; Nrf2;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Climate change; Dissolved organic carbon; Rainfall change; Soil respiration; Tropical forests;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Rainwater; Dissolved organic carbon; Bioavailability; Fluorescence EEM;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Denitrification; Nitrate; Phosphate; Plant-chips; Dissolved organic carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; ANOSIM; analysis of similarities; ANOVA; analysis of variance; CFU; colony-forming unit; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DSi; dissolved silicate; EC; electric conductivity; MRT; multivariate regression tree; NGS; next-generation sequencing; ORP; oxidation-
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Methylmercury; Dissolved organic carbon; Photoreactions; Kejimkujik National Park; Freshwater lakes;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; BD; bulk density; TP; total phosphorus; AP; available phosphorus; TK; total potassium; AK; available potassium; SOC; soil organic carbon; MBC; microbial biomass carbon; DOCâ; dissolved organic carbon; TN; total nitrogen; MBN; microbial biomass nitrogen;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Shale gas; Hydraulic fracturing; Flowback water; Dissolved organic carbon; Aerobic degradation;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Biomass; Liming; Release; Soil solution; Exchangeable cations; ANC; acid neutralisation capacity; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; dw; dry weight; GQC; groundwater quality criteria; ICP; inductively-coupled plasma; MS; mass spectrometry;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Land-use changes; Afforested ecosystem; Illumina sequencing; Soil microbial community; Soil respiration components; Dissolved organic carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Permafrost peatland; Dissolved organic carbon; Microbial biomass carbon; Nitrogen mineralization; Soil enzyme;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; BC; biochar; SOC; soil organic carbon; C; carbon; N; nitrogen; H; hydrogen; O; oxygen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; MBC; microbial biomass carbon; HS; humic substances; HA; humic acid; FA; fulvic acid; Hu; humin; LHS; humic-like substances; LHA; humic-l
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; DFe; dissolved iron; GA; gallic acid; DOM; dissolved organic matter; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DO; dissolved oxygen; ROS; reactive oxygen species; Iron; Phenolic acid; Complex; Photo-stability; Peatland; Geochemical iron cycling;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; 13C; Pyrogenic organic matter; Priming effect; Mean residence time; Enzymes; Forest soil; (13C DPMAS NMR); 13C Direct polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; (DOC); Dissolved organic carbon; (JP); Jack pine; (NOA); Norma
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Municipal organic waste; Anaerobic digestion; Digestate treatment; Nutrient and heavy metal elution; Dissolved organic carbon; Digestate properties;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Soil fauna; Litter chemistry; C and N fractions; Earthworm-microbe competition; Enzyme activities; NL; no litter; CL; clover; MA; maize stover; WH; wheat straw; RU; Rumex; BA; bagasse fiber; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DON; dissolved organic nitrogen;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Anammox; anaerobic ammonium oxidation; CL; cluster; COD; chemical oxygen demand; CSTR; continuously stirred tank reactor; DAMO; denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation; DO; dissolved oxygen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; GHG; greenhouse gas; GWP; global
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; BD; bulk density; SOC; soil organic carbon; MBC; microbial biomass carbon; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; POC; particulate organic carbon; KMnO4-C; permanganate oxidizable carbon; NCP; North China Plain; L; lability; LI; lability index; CPI; carbon pool i
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Seagrass; Wrack; Dissolved organic carbon; CDOM; Langmuir; Nitrogen; Connectivity; Sargassum;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Wetlands; Coagulation; Disinfection byproduct precursors; Dissolved organic carbon; Absorbance; Fluorescence;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved inorganic carbon; Dissolved organic carbon; Carbon isotope; River-lake continuum; Ouachita River Basin; Louisiana;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Solar irradiation; Soluble microbial products; Natural organic matter; Disinfection by-product formation; Sequential disinfection; DOM; Disolved organic matter; SMPs; Soluble microbial products; UAP; Utilization-associated product; BAP; Biomass-associated
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Soil organic carbon; Soil microbial biomass; 14C-labelling; Dissolved organic carbon; Depth; Mineralisation; Floodplain; Stoichiometry;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Hydrology; Sediments; Vertosols; Australia;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Carbon cycle; Mass balance; Dissolved organic carbon; Particulate organic carbon; LTER; GLEON;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; 16S rRNA gene; 18S rRNA gene; Mesopelagic and bathypelagic realms; Dissolved inorganic carbon fixation; Exoenzymatic activities; Submarine canyon; AMA; leucine aminopeptidase activity; AP; alkaline phosphatase activity; BGLU; beta-glucosidase activity; DI
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Biochar; Gaseous emission; Soil organic amendments; Nitrogen transformations; Nitrification inhibitors; BB; blood and bone mix; BS; biosolids; CM; chicken manure; CoM; cow manure; DCD; dicyandiamide; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; GWC; green waste compost
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; BDO5; biological demand of oxygen for five days; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; HM; heavy metal; HRT; hydraulic residence time; Q; water flow; RE; removal efficiency; SCW; stormwater constructed wetland; VFCW; vertical flow constructed wetland; Hydraulic
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Grazing intensity; Soil organic carbon; Carbon input; Carbon transformation; Soil respiration; Soil microenvironment; Ï; soil bulk density; AGB; aboveground biomass; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; MBC; microbial biomass carbon; PMC; potentially mineraliz
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Boreal; Trace elements; Biodegradation; Adsorption; Coagulation;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Estrogens; Dissolved organic carbon; Sorption; Aromaticity; Phenolic group; Removal;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Watershed; Land use and land cover; Stream water; Rwanda;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; A; upper mineral soil horizon; B; lower mineral soil horizon; BP; bulk precipitation; Corg; organic carbon; CT; control; DN; dissolved nitrogen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DOCcold and DNcold; DOC and DN concentration in cold water-extracts; DOChot and
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; ASL; above sea level; ASR; aquifer storage recovery; ATR; aquifer transfer recovery; BAR; basin aquifer recharge; BSL; below sea level; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; MAR; managed aquifer recharge; MIS; magnitude of intake stop(s); MSL; mean sea level; MT
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Buffalo grass; Arbuscular mycorrhiza; Weathering; Trace elements biogeochemistry; Basalt; Rhyolite; Granite; Schist; Dissolved organic carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Absorbance; Fluorescence; Monitoring; Surrogate parameter; Trace organic contaminants; Water quality; Wastewater; Water reuse; A254; UV absorbance at 254nm; AOPs; Advanced oxidation processes; ASI; Absorbance slope index; BDOC; Biodegradable DOC; BOD; Bio
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; MCAT-DNDC; Saline wetland; Dissolved inorganic carbon; Dissolved organic carbon; Particulate organic carbon; Burial carbon; CH4; Blue carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Pyrethroids; Gammarus pulex; Seasonality; Biomarkers; Pulse exposure; BSA; Bovine serum albumin; CYP; Cytochrome P450; DOC; Dissolved organic carbon; DTT; DL-dithiothreitol; ECOD; 7-ethoxycoumarin-O-dealkylation; EDTA; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid diso
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Bioflocculant; Mixed culture; Resource recovery; Industrial wastewater; Natural polyelectrolyte; Extracellular polymeric substances; B-EPS; Bound extracellular polymeric substance; CD; Charge density; CER; Cation exchange resin; COD; Chemical oxygen deman
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; AB; Alcian blue; AOM; Algal organic matter; ATR; Attenuated total reflection; CCAP; Culture collection of algae and protozoa; CCY; Culture collection yeseke; CEB; Chemical enhanced backwashing; Ch; Chaetoceros affinis; DAF; Dissolved air flotation; DOC; D