Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; A254; Absorbance at 254Â nm; ALQ; Alquife soil; BTC; Breakthrough curves; CDE; Convection-dispersion equation; CSL; Composted sewage sludge; DOC; Dissolved organic carbon; EC; Electrical conductivity; FEN; Fenarimol; HIX; Humification index; HPLC; High
مقالات ISI کربن آلی حل شده (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; AOC; assimilable organic carbon; ATP; adenosine tri-phosphate; BB; building blocks; BP; biopolymers; CLSM; confocal laser scanning microscopy; ConA; Concanavalin A; DAPI; 4â²6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DO; dissolved oxygen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; D/R; drying/rewetting; SOC; soil organic carbon; SOM; soil organic matter; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; EA; erosional area; TA; transitional area; DA; depositional area; Soil erosion; Soil carbon dynamics; Rewetting; Bacteria; Fungi; Community compositi
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Peat catchment; Dissolved organic carbon; Particulate organic carbon; High resolution monitoring; Climate effects;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Atmospheric deposition; Dissolved organic carbon; Peatland; Phosphorus; Microbial enzyme activity
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; NT-H, no-till plot with high intensity; NT-L, no-till plot with low intensity; CT-L, chisel till plot with low intensitySoil erosion; Dissolved organic carbon; Vertical transport; Rainfall simulation
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Hydrologic manipulation; Dissolved organic carbon; Absorbance; Fluorescence; Freshwater diversion; Lake Pontchartrain; Pulsing;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Non-additive effect; Biodegradation; Litters; Dissolved organic carbon; NMR
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Black water masses; Biogeochemical cycles; Aquatic vegetation; Dissolved organic carbon;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Dissolved organic nitrogen; Sorption; Biodegradability; Dynamic exchange; Dissolved organic matter
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Surface runoff; Rainfall simulation; Agricultural soil;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Alpine grassland; Bacterial abundance; Soil carbon sequestration; Dissolved organic carbon; Fluorescence EEMs; Soil enzymes; Soil erosion; Wetland soil
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Lake; Sediment; Benthic flux; Dissolved organic carbon; EEM-PARAFAC;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; DOC; Drinking water treatment; Disinfection by-products; Climate change; Ecosystem services;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Soil priming effects; Flux and pool partitioning; Microbial biomass; Carbon sequestration; C turnover; Dissolved organic carbon; Isotopic approaches; Microbial growth strategies; Enzyme activities; Miscanthus;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Sea ice; Brine dynamics; Bacterial activity; Inorganic nutrients; Dissolved organic carbon
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Simulated climate change; Microbial biomass; CO2 enrichment; Warming; Microbial community; Rice paddy; SBR; soil basal respiration; MBC; microbial biomass carbon; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; T-RFLP; terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism; qP
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; AAIW; Antarctic Intermediate Water; AAIW3; Antarctic Intermediate Water of 3 °C; AAIW5; Antarctic Intermediate Water of 5 °C; AC; Agulhas Current; ACC; Antarctic Circumpolar Current; AOU; Apparent oxygen utilization; CDW; Circumpolar Deep Water; DOC;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Charge neutralization; Dissolved organic carbon; Fluorescence spectroscopy; Titanium tetrachloride; Zirconium tetrachloride; Zeta potential
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Boreal mire; Multiple stepwise regression calibration; Peatland; UV-visible light spectroscopy;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Covariance structure models; Bioaccumulation; Dissolved organic carbon; Sulfate; Methylmercury; Everglades;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Modeling; Nutrients; Hypoxia; Dissolved organic carbon; Light limitation; Gulf of Mexico;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Groundwater–surface water interaction; Karst; Floridan aquifer; Bank storage; Dissolved organic carbon; Trace metals
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Biodegradation; Quaternary alkylammonium salts; Gemini surfactants; Wastewater treatment; ACh-Cl; acetylcholine chloride; AnBUSDiC; test anaerobic biodegradation under sludge digester conditions test; ATMAC; alkyltrimethylammonium compounds; BAC; benzalko
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Bay of Puck; Seepage water; Dissolved organic carbon; Dissolved inorganic carbon; Carbon loads; Carbon budget; Baltic Sea; World Ocean
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Emerging pollutants; Human and veterinary pharmaceuticals; New analysis method; Sample preparation; Dissolved organic carbon; Online SPE-UHPLC-MS-MS;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Eutrophication; Microcystin; Degradation; Bacteria; Freshwater; MCs; microcystins; MC-LR; microcystin-LR; T-RFLP; terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; HPLC; high performance liquid chromatography; BSA; bovine s
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; WEOM; water extractable organic matter; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DTN; dissolved total nitrogen; DON; dissolved organic nitrogen; DOC/DON; the quotient of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved organic nitrogen; FCD; fresh cattle dung; SUVA254; speci
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; MPGB; microalgae and a bacterium; PBRs; photobioreactors; TN; total nitrogen; TP; total phosphorous; Chlorella vulgaris; Bacteria; Kinetic modeling; Ammonia removal; Municipal wastewaters;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; ATP; adenosine tri-phosphate; BOM; biodegradable organic matter; CFF; contact flocculation filtration; CFU; colony forming unit; DBF; deep bed filtration; DO; dissolved oxygen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; EBCT; empty bed contact time; HRT; hydraulic re
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; dissolved organic carbon; dissolved organic matter; absorption spectroscopy; fluorescence spectroscopy; estuaries; Jiulong Estuary;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Khasi mandarin; Microbial biomass; Nutrient cycling; Potentially mineralizable nitrogen; Soil enzymes;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; ACQ; alkaline copper quaternary; CA; copper azole; CCA; chromated copper arsenate; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; ICP-AES; induced coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy; MCA; micronized copper azole; MCQ; micronized copper quaternary; Mm3; millions
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; APT; advanced primary treatment; ASM; activated sludge model; BOD; biochemical oxygen demand; CEPT; chemically-enhanced primary treatment/sedimentation; CSO; combined sewer overflows; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DT; detention tank; FT; flocculant treat
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Recycled water; Bioavailability; Copper; Dissolved organic carbon; Complexation;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; HOCs; hydrophobic organic compounds; PAHs; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Kow; octanol-water partition coefficient; SPS; suspended sediment; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; PEDs; polyethylene devices; SPMDs; semi-permeable membrane devices; SPME; soli
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dairy manure; Anaerobic digestion; Co-digestion; Salinity; Nutrients; BOD; Biochemical oxygen demand; C; Total carbon; cBOD; Carbonaceous BOD; CH4; Methane; CO2; Carbon dioxide; Cl; Chloride ion; COD; Chemical oxygen demand; DM; Dry matter mass; DOC; Diss
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; AOPs; Advanced oxidation processes; CPCs; Compound parabolic collectors; DOC; Dissolved organic carbon; DOM; Dissolved organic matter; DW; Demineralized water; FQs; Fluoroquinolones; HPLC-DAD; High performance liquid chromatography with diode array detect
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; A; absorbance; a; Napierian absorption coefficient; BIX; fluorescence biological index; CDOM; chromophoric dissolved organic matter; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; DOM; dissolved organic matter; EEM; fluorescence excitation emission matrix spectroscopy; F
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Bacteria; Dissolved organic carbon; Freeze-thaw cycles; Fungi; Legacy; Spring-thaw; Recovery; Seasonally snow-covered ecosystems; Seed banks; Sub-zero conditions; Winter CO2 flux;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Particulate organic carbon; Molar C/N ratio; Spatial and seasonal variability; Yellow River;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; CPS; coarse pine sawdust treatment; FPS; fine pine sawdust treatment; OS; oak sawdust treatment; LCI; lignocellulose index; LOI; loss on ignition; MBC; microbial biomass carbon; NDF; neutral detergent fiber; PRB; permeable reactive barrier; ShrP; shredded
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Wetlands; Model; Carbon; Methane; CH4; DOC; Dissolved organic carbon; Carbon export; Greenhouse gas emission; Aerobic; Anaerobic; Diffusion; Ebullition;
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Shooting ranges; Pb; St. Augustine grass; Dissolved organic carbon; Rhizosphere; Mehlich-3 Pb
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; SC–AFC reactor; Anode oxidation; Fenton oxidation; Coagulation; Dissolved organic carbon
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Methylmercury; Environmental risk; Dissolved organic carbon; Microbial community; Nitrification
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Coloured dissolved organic matter; Eutrophic lakes; Remote sensing; Boosted Regression Trees
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Coastal upwelling; Dissolved organic carbon; Seasonal accumulation; Ría; NW Spain
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Dissolved organic carbon; Municipal wastewater; Phenol; Photocatalytic ozonation; Synergy; UV–vis and solar radiation
Keywords: کربن آلی حل شده; Black Sea; DOC; Dissolved organic carbon; GEOTRACES