Keywords: عقب; Dorsal; Craniocervical; Neurenteric cyst; Pediatric;
مقالات ISI عقب (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: عقب; Stable isotopes; Balaenoptera physalus; Epidermis; Body position; Dorsal; Ventral;
Keywords: عقب; Meningioma; Hematoma; Subdural; Dorsal; Deficit;
Keywords: عقب; ANB; anterior neural boundary; A-P; anterior-posterior; BMP; bone morphogenetic Protein; CSPG; chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans; d; dorsal; dpf; days post fertilization; D-V; dorsal-ventral; Fgf; fibroblast growth factor; FR; fasciculus retroflexus; GABA
Keywords: عقب; A; anterior; BM; basement membrane; CF; Choroid Fissure; D; dorsal; Di; distal; E; embryonic; Fib; fibronectin; HA; hyaloid artery; HH; Hamburger and Hamilton embryonic stages; hpf; hours post fertilization; ILM; inner limiting membrane; L; lens; LAM; lam
Keywords: عقب; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; AI; anterior insula; aPFC; anterior prefrontal cortex; BOLD; blood oxygen level-dependent; CCN; core control network; CES; central executive system; d; dorsal; dACC; dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC; dorsal lateral p
Keywords: عقب; +; immunopositive; 4V; fourth ventricle; an; auditory nerve; ASD; autism spectrum disorder; ASt; stellate neurons in AVCN; AU; arbitrary units; AVCN; anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; CB; calbindin; CI; confidence interval; CR; calretinin; D; dorsal; DCN
Keywords: عقب; Dorsal; Epigenetics; H3K27me3; Hippocampus; Kdm6b; Proteomics; Sequencing; Stress; SWATH-MS; Transcriptomics; Ventral;
Keywords: عقب; Vision; Action; Dorsal; Optic ataxia; Visuomotor;
Keywords: عقب; Eriocheir sinensis; EsFABP3; Bacteria; Antimicrobial peptide; Dorsal;
Keywords: عقب; Dorsal; Crustins; White spot syndrome virus; Innate immunity; Macrobrachium rosenbergii;
Keywords: عقب; AChE; acetylcholinesterase; Avl; area ventrolateralis; BnH; bed nucleus of the hippocampus; c; caudal; d; dorsal; D; nucleus diagonalis; Dla; nucleus dorsolateralis anterior; Dma; nucleus dorsomedialis anterior; dp; nucleus of the dorsal peduncle of the l
Keywords: عقب; Surgical approach; Dorsal; Deep plantar tumours; PVNS; Synovial chondromatosis
Keywords: عقب; Spatial neglect; Attention; Eye movements; Dorsal; Ventral; Top-down control; Reference frames; Egocentric; Space representation; Stroke; Human;
Keywords: عقب; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; DH; dorsal hippocampus; GluN; glutamatergic ionotropic N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor; LTP; long-term potentiation; VH; ventral hippocampus; exercise; hippocampus; GluN receptor; aging; dorsal; ventral;
Keywords: عقب; Artroplastia; Interfalángica; Abordaje; Palmar; DorsalArthroplasty; Interphalangeal; Approach; Volar; Dorsal
Keywords: عقب; Arthroplasty; Interphalangeal; Approach; Volar; DorsalArtroplastia; Interfalángica; Abordaje; Palmar; Dorsal
Keywords: عقب; DTI; Probabilistic fiber tracking; Ventral; Dorsal; Pathway; Fronto-parietal;
Keywords: عقب; A; anterior; AAF; anterior auditory field; aes; anterior ectosylvian sulcus; AI; primary auditory cortex; AII; second auditory cortex; D; dorsal; dPE; dorsal posterior ectosylvian area; DZ; dorsal zone of auditory cortex; IN; insular region; iPE; intermed
Identification and functional analysis of immune deficiency (IMD) from Scylla paramamosain: The first evidence of IMD signaling pathway involved in immune defense against bacterial infection in crab species
Keywords: عقب; Scylla paramamosain; IMD; Relish; Dorsal; IMD signaling pathway;
The terrestrial fauna of the Late Triassic Pant-y-ffynnon Quarry fissures, South Wales, UK and a new species of Clevosaurus (Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia)
Keywords: عقب; BRSUG; Geological Museum, University of Bristol; NHMUK; Natural History Museum, London; ac; acrodont; ad; adductor; add; additional; ant; anterior; art; articular; bo; bony; c; crest; cap; capitellum; car; carpal; cen; centrum; cn; cnemial; col; column; c
Expression of the adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A2 (adgra2) during Xenopus laevis development
Keywords: عقب; Adgra2; Gpr124; TEM5; Expression; Synteny; Xenopus laevis; a; animal; A; anterior; Adgr; adhesion G protein coupled receptor; Adgra2; adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A2; BA; branchial arches; BC; blastocoel; BL; blastopore lip; BP; blastopore; CG; cem
Research PaperA longitudinal DTI and histological study of the spinal cord reveals early pathological alterations in G93A-SOD1 mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Keywords: عقب; ALS; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; D; dorsal; DGM; dorsal gray matter; DL; dorsal left; DR; dorsolateral right; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; FALS; familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; LD; longitudinal diffusivity; MD; mean
ReviewIt takes nerve to fight back: The significance of neural innervation of the bone marrow and spleen for immune function
Keywords: عقب; ACh; acetylcholine; APC; antigen presenting cell; CGRP; calcitonin gene related peptide; ChAT; choline acetyltransferase; CLR; calcitonin receptor-like receptor; CMP; common myeloid progenitor; CNS; central nervous system; DC; dendritic cell; DMV; dorsal
Knowing me, knowing you: Resting-state functional connectivity of ventromedial prefrontal cortex dissociates memory related to self from a familiar other
Keywords: عقب; a; anterior; AG; angular gyrus; ATL; anterior temporal pole; d; dorsal; DAN; dorsal attention network; DMN; default mode network; FC; functional connectivity; HF+; hippocampal formation; Occ; occipital; Paracing; paracingulate gyrus; l; left; mPFC; medial
Neotropical Pseudachorutinae (Hexapoda: Collembola: Neanuridae): A comparative morphological study with emphasis on endemic taxa
Keywords: عقب; a.s.l.; above sea level; CM/MNRJ; Collembola Collection of Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; MNHN; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris-France; MZSP; Museu de Zoologia de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil; Antennae: AI
The embryonic development of hindbrain respiratory networks is unaffected by mutation of the planar polarity protein Scribble
Keywords: عقب; aCSF; artificial cerebrospinal fluid; CNQX; 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; crc; circletail; D; dorsal; E; embryonic day; epF; embryonic parafacial respiratory group; L; lateral; M; median; nA; nucleus ambiguus; nTS; nucleus of the solitary tract; P
Distinctive features of Phox2b-expressing neurons in the rat reticular formation dorsal to the trigeminal motor nucleus
Keywords: عقب; AHP; afterhyperpolarization; amp; amplitude; AP; action potential; 4-AP; 4-aminopyridine; BAC; bacterial artificial chromosome; Ccell; cell capacitance; CCHS; congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; DAB; 3,3â²-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride; DA
The Dorsal/miR-1959/Cactus feedback loop facilitates the infection of WSSV in Litopenaeus vannamei
Keywords: عقب; Litopenaeus vannamei; microRNA; miR-1959; Dorsal; Cactus; NF-κB pathway; Feedback loop;
Thalamic reticular nucleus in Caiman crocodilus: forebrain connections
Keywords: عقب; c; caudal; D; nucleus diagonalis; d; dorsal; DLA; dorsolateral area; Dla; nucleus dorsolateralis anterior; Dma; nucleus dorsomedialis anterior; dp; dorsal peduncular nucleus; FB; forebrain bundles; Gd; dorsal geniculate nucleus; Gv; ventral geniculate nuc
Biomechanical Evaluation of Scaphoid and Lunate Kinematics Following Selective Sectioning of Portions of the Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament
Keywords: عقب; Dorsal; interosseous; scapholunate; SLIL; volar
Stimulus size mediates Gestalt processes in object perception - evidence from simultanagnosia
Keywords: عقب; Simultanagnosia; Object perception; Object size; Dorsal; Ventral; Posterior cortical atrophy; Human;
Embryonic development of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
Keywords: عقب; A; anterior; A1; first abdominal segment; am; amnion; an; antenna/ae; cc; cercus/cerci; cho; chorion; co; coxopodite; D; dorsal; ect; ectoderm; ee; extra-embryonic region; end; endoderm; fe; femur; L; thoracic leg; la; labrum; LB; limb bud; me; mesectoder
Risk factors for early post-operative neurological deterioration in dogs undergoing a cervical dorsal laminectomy or hemilaminectomy: 100 cases (2002–2014)
Keywords: عقب; Cervical; Dog; Dorsal; Hemilaminectomy; Laminectomy
Spinal Neurenteric Cyst in Association with Klippel-Feil Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review
Keywords: عقب; Congenital cyst; Endodermal cyst; Enterogenous cyst; Klippel-Feil anomaly; Neurenteric cyst; Spinal cyst; C; Cervical; D; Dorsal; DM; Diplomyella; ED; Extradural; EM; Extramedullary; F; Female; HV; Hemivertebrae; ID; Intradural; IM; Intramedullary; KS; Ky
Identification and molecular characterization of dorsal and dorsal-like genes in the cyclopoid copepod Paracyclopina nana
Keywords: عقب; Copepod; Paracyclopina nana; Dorsal; Lipopolysaccharide; Culture conditions;
Prenatal valproic acid exposure disrupts tonotopic c-Fos expression in the rat brainstem
Keywords: عقب; ASD; autism spectrum disorder; AVCN; anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; CN; cochlear nucleus; CNIC; central nucleus of the inferior colliculus; D; dorsal; DCIC; dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus; DCN; dorsal cochlear nucleus; E; embryonic; ECIC; ex
Regular ArticleThe pattern of Fos expression in the rat auditory brainstem changes with the temporal structure of binaural electrical intracochlear stimulation
Keywords: عقب; ABR; auditory brainstem response; AC; auditory cortex; async.; asynchronous; AVCN; anteroventral cochlear nucleus; bEIS; binaural EIS; c; contralateral; CIC; central core of the colliculus inferior; CN; cochlear nucleus; d; dorsal; DCN:; dorsal cochlear n
Median nerve fascicular anatomy as a basis for distal neural prostheses
Keywords: عقب; d; dorsal; FES; functional electrical stimulation; FM; flexor muscles of the forearm; FR; flexor retinaculum; MN; median nerve; MTE; muscles of the thenar eminence; n; sample size; p; palmar; PCB; palmar cutaneous branch; r; radial; S; skin; SPA; superfic
Multiple targets of the microRNA miR-8 contribute to immune homeostasis in Drosophila
Keywords: عقب; miR-8; U-shaped; Toll; Dorsal; Immune homeostasis; Drosophila;
Processing of spatial and non-spatial information reveals functional homogeneity along the dorso-ventral axis of CA3, but not CA1
Keywords: عقب; Dorsal; Ventral; Hippocampus; CA1; CA3; Recognition memory; Arc (Arg3.1); Immediate-early gene (IEG);
A vertex specific dorsal selector Dve represses the ventral appendage identity in Drosophila head
Keywords: عقب; Drosophila; Head; Antenna; Dorsal; Ventral;
Sexually dimorphic long-term effects of an early life experience on AMPA receptor subunit expression in rat brain
Keywords: عقب; ACTH; adrenocorticotropin; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; AMPARs; AMPA receptors; ANOVA; analysis of variance; Ba; basal amygdaloid nucleus; CeA; central amygdaloid nucleus; CRH; corticotropin-releasing hormone; dCA1; dorsal
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a dorsal homologue from Eriocheir sinensis
Keywords: عقب; Chinese mitten crab; Innate immune signaling; Dorsal; PAMPs;
A Schnurri/Mad/Medea complex attenuates the dorsal-twist gradient readout at vnd
Keywords: عقب; Drosophila; Morphogen gradients; vnd; Enhancers; Dorsal; Dpp;
Analysis of excitatory synapses in the guinea pig inferior colliculus: A study using electron microscopy and GABA immunocytochemistry
Keywords: عقب; D; dorsal; M; mitochondria; pa; punctum adherens; R; rostral; EM; electron microscopy; GABA-negative; gamma-aminobutyric acid immunonegative; GABA+; gamma-aminobutyric acid immunopositive; IC; inferior colliculus; ICc; central nucleus of the inferior coll
The advantages of the ventral approach to bulbar urethroplasty
Keywords: عقب; Bulbar urethral strictures; Urethroplasty; Approach; Dorsal; Ventral
Two-photon imaging of spinal cord cellular networks
Keywords: عقب; ACSF, artificial cerebrospinal fluid; EAE, experimental autoimmune encephalitis; GFP, green fluorescent protein; OGB-1, Oregon Green Bapta-1; SR101, sulforhodamine 101; ROI, region of interestSpinal cord; Two-photon; Calcium imaging; Sensorimotor; Dorsal
Reconstruction of Both Volar and Dorsal Limbs of the Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament
Keywords: عقب; Dorsal; ligament; reconstruction; scapholunate; volar
The Interosseous Muscles: The Foundation of Hand Function
Keywords: عقب; Interosseous; Dorsal; Palmar; Intrinsic; Foundation; Hand;