Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Gap junctions; Connexin 36; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Spinal cord; Neurodegenerative diseases;
مقالات ISI اتصالات شکاف دار (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Anterior pituitary; Cell junctions; Gap junctions; Folliculostellate cells; Hormones toxicants;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Connexin 30.2; Endothelial and smooth muscle vascular cells; Epithelial ductal cells; Gap junctions; Exocrine pancreas;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Nociception; Satellite glial cells; Purinergic P2X7 receptor; Adenosine triphosphate; Gap junctions;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; BC; bone cells; CH; chondrocytes; Cxs; connexins; Cx43; connexin43; EVs; extracelular vesicle; GJ; gap junctions; HSP90; heat shock protein 90; HCs; hemichannels; LY; lucifer yellow; MS; mass spectrometry; OA; osteoarthritis; RA; rheumatoid arthritis; SIL
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; HFOs; high-frequency oscillations; FRs; fast ripples; SE; status epilepticus; GJ; gap junctions; CX; Connexin; IP; intra-peritoneally; PILO; pilocarpine; VPA; valproate sodium; CBX; carbenoxolone; QUIN; quinine; Fast ripples; Epilepsy; Gap junction; Carbe
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Endothelin; Satellite glial cells; Trigeminal ganglion; Nodose ganglion; Superior cervical ganglion; Sympathetic ganglia; Calcium imaging; Gap junctions;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Satellite glial cells; Dorsal root ganglia; Gap junctions; Glial activation; Pain; Inflammation;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Connexins; Gap junctions; Diabetic retinopathy;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy; Desmosomes; Protein trafficking; Gap junctions; Ion channels; Zebrafish models; Buccal mucosa;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Ischemia; Action potentials; Gap junctions; Reentry;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Gap junctions; Intercellular communication; Connexin45; Carboxyl terminal domain; Dimerization; Protein-protein interactions;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; BMP15; bone morphogenetic protein 15; BPA; bisphenol-A; COC; cumulus cell-oocyte complex; GDF9; growth differentiation factor 9; MDMA; 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; THC; Î9-tetrahydrocannabinol; Oocyte; Cumulus cells; Gap junctions; Oocyte growth fa
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Gap junctions; Connexins; Heterotypic; Asymmetric flux; Computational model; Brownian dynamics simulation;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; antiarrhythmic; cardiac arrhythmias; drugs; gap junctions; myocardial infarction; scar homogenization;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Nanotubes; Gap junctions; Pseudospectrum; Stability; 15A90; 37N25; 92C05;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Fibroblasts; Heart; Arrhythmias; Gap junctions; Ion channels; Myocardial infarction;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Islets of Langerhans; Dielectric spectroscopy; Dielectric cell models; Cell aggregates; Membrane capacitance; Gap junctions;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Gap junctions; Connexin43; Atherosclerosis; Human aorta; Cell culture; Intracellular cholesterol accumulation
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; FASD; Connexins; Gap junctions; Astrocytes; Hyperexcitability; Astrocytic connexins; Prenatal alcohol exposure;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Connexins; gap junctions; endoplasmic reticulum (ER); ER stress; unfolded protein response (UPR); podocytes; nephrotic syndrome; kidney pathology; steroid-resistant; cytoskeleton; slit diaphragm; proteinuria; mutation; drug research; review;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; AD; Alzheimer's disease; Aβ; amyloid-β; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BCAO; bilateral carotid artery occlusion; Cbx; carbenoxolone; CM; conditioned media; Cx43; connexin43; Cxs; connexins; ECM; extracellular matrix; FGF1; fibroblast growth factor; GFAP;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; ADMA; asymmetric dimethylarginine; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CD73; cluster of differentiation 73; CDC2; cell division cycle 2; CFTR; cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; cGMP; cyclic guanosine monophosphate; CH; chronic hypoxia
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Migration; Invasion; Neural progenitor cells; Glioma; Gap junctions; Microenvironment; Connexin43;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; 17β-HSD; 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; MLHI; MutL Ecoli homolog 1; 2,5-HD; 2,5-n-hexandione; MMPs; Matrix metalloproteinases; AHr; Aryl Hydrocarbon receptor; MRP1; Multi-drug Resistance protein 1; Akr1c; Aldo-keto reductase family; NF-κβ; Nucle
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Skin; Connexin; Genetic disease; Inhibitor; Gap junctions; KID syndrome; Inflammation;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Glial cells; Olfactory bulb; Calcium waves; Gap junctions;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Mammary gland; Myoepithelial; Connexin; Gap junctions; Contraction; Lactation;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Anesthesia; Gap junctions; Decoupling; Consciousness; Cortical slice; Mouse
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Endothelial permeability; Pregnancy; Uterine artery; Vascular tone; Resistance artery; Gap junctions
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Alcoholism; Major depressive disorder; Prefrontal cortex; Postmortem; Immunohistochemistry; Gap junctions
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; AF; atrial fibrillation; Cx; connexin; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; GFP; green fluorescent protein; gj; junctional conductance; Gj; normalized junctional conductance; Gj,max; maximum junctional conductance; Gj,min; minimum junctional conductance; HEPES; 4-(2
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; AC; adenylyl cyclases; AD; Alzheimer's disease; AJ; adherent junctions; AMPAR; alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptor; APC; antigen presenting cell; APP; amyloid precursor protein; Aβ; amyloid beta peptide; CAM; cellular adhesion
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; IL-8; Chemokines; Neutrophils; Calcium; Gap junctions;
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Gap junctions; Heart; Chemical communication; Metabolic cooperation
The efficiency of heart protection with HTK or HTK-N depending on the type of ischemia
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Heart protection; Cardioplegia; Ischemia; Reperfusion; Gap junctions; Calcium;
Cochlear connexin 30 homomeric and heteromeric channels exhibit distinct assembly mechanisms
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Hearing loss; Cochlea; Connexin 26; Connexin 30; Gap junctions; Actin;
Mitochondrial Cx43, an important component of cardiac preconditioning
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Hemichannels; Gap junctions; Mitochondrial respiration; Mitochondrial metabolism; Radical oxygen species; Reperfusion injury;
Smooth muscle gap-junctions allow propagation of intercellular Ca2+ waves and vasoconstriction due to Ca2+ based action potentials in rat mesenteric resistance arteries
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; AP; action potential; SMC; smooth muscle cells; VGCC; voltage gated Ca2+ channels; MA; mesenteric artery; TEA; tetraethyl ammonium; 18β-GA; 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid; Intercellular Ca2+waves; Spreading vasoconstriction; Gap junctions; Mesenteric resistanc
Attenuation of mechanical pain hypersensitivity by treatment with Peptide5, a connexin-43 mimetic peptide, involves inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome in nerve-injured mice
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Nerve injury; ATP; Inflammasome; Gap junctions; Hemichannels; Connexins; Neuropathic pain;
Stroma cell-derived factor 1 and connexins (37 and 43) are preserved after vitrification and in vitro culture of goat ovarian cortex
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Vitrification; Cell proliferation; Preantral follicles; Gap junctions; Follicular activation;
Intracellular trafficking pathways of Cx43 gap junction channels
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; GJs; Gap Junctions; GJIC; Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication; CT; Carboxy-tail (C-terminus domain, CT-tail, Cx43-CT); Cx43; Connexin 43; CDS; Coding Domain Sequence; F-actin; Filamentous actin; kDa; Kilodalton; ID; Intercalated Disc; IRES; Interna
Monitoring gap junctional communication in astrocytes from acute adult mouse brain slices using the gap-FRAP technique
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Gap junctions; Glia; Connexins; Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching;
Interaction of arsenic with gap junction protein connexin 43 alters gap junctional intercellular communication
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Connexin 43; Cx43; HeLa-wt; HeLa Wild Type; HeLa-43; HeLa-wt cells stably transfected with Connexin 43; As; Arsenic; GJIC; Gap Junction Intercellular Communication; PBS; Phosphate Buffer Saline; GS; Goat Serum; Arsenic toxicity; Gap junctions; Connexin 43
Redox tuning of Ca2+ signaling in microglia drives glutamate release during hypoxia
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Excitotoxicity; Gap junctions; Inflammation; InsP3; ROS; Src tyrosine kinase;
Connexin 43 regulates the expression of wound healing-related genes in human gingival and skin fibroblasts
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; GFBLs; Gingival fibroblasts; SFBLs; Skin fibroblasts; Skin; Gingiva; Fibroblasts; Connexin 43; Gap junctions; Hemichannels;
The connexin 43 C-terminus: A tail of many tales
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Akt; protein kinase B; CCN; CYR61/connective tissue growth factor/nephroblastoma overexpressed; CDK1; cyclin-dependent kinase 1; CIP75; Cx43-interacting protein of 75Â kDa; CIP85; Cx43-interacting protein of 85-kDa; CK1; casein kinase 1; Csk; C-terminal c
Rapid upregulation of the hippocampal connexins 36 and 45 mRNA levels during memory consolidation
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Hippocampus; Memory consolidation; Gap junctions; Connexin; Passive avoidance task;
Recruitment of RNA molecules by connexin RNA-binding motifs: Implication in RNA and DNA transport through microvesicles and exosomes
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; Cxs; connexins; Cx26; connexin26; Cx43; connexin43; CL; cytoplasmic loop; CTD; C-terminal domain; EGFRvIII; epidermal growth factor receptor variant III; E1-E2; extracellular loops; GJs; gap junctions; GJIC; gap junction intercellular communication; MVs;
Resolvin D1 via prevention of ROS-mediated SHP2 inactivation protects endothelial adherens junction integrity and barrier function
Keywords: اتصالات شکاف دار; AJ; adherens junctions; CD; chow diet; CSN; cysteine sulfonate; DHA; docosahexanoic acid; EV; Evans blue; Frk; Fyn-related kinase; GJ; gap junctions; HUVEC; human umbilical vein endothelial cells; 15-LOX; 15-lipoxygenase; LSGS; low-serum growth supplement