Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Cropping systems; Irrigation schedules; Grain yield; Evapotranspiration; Groundwater table; APSIM;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده عملکرد دانه
مقالات ISI عملکرد دانه (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Jointing; Booting; Low temperature; Photosynthesis; Biomass accumulation; Grain yield; Wheat;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Nanoparticles; Cadmium; Wheat; Grain yield; Biofortification;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Arsenic; Bioaccumulation; Water management; Fertilizer management; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Filtration; Grain mass; Grain number; Grain yield; Protein; Starch;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; AB; Aboveground biomass; CD; Cappelle Desprez; DS; Drought stress; HI; Harvest index; HT; Heading time; PH; Plant height; Pl; Plainsman V.; RDM; Root dry mass; RTND; Reproductive tiller number depression; SNSD; Seed number/spike depression; STI; Stress to
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Grain yield; Hill density; Machine transplanting; Nitrogen input; Rice;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Subsoil; Loosening + straw slurry; Bulk density; Compaction; Crop performance; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Grain yield; N management; N-use efficiency; Rice; Zero-tillage;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Biomass production; Direct seeding; Double-season rice; Grain yield; Short growth duration;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Azotobacter; Seed inoculated; Chemical fertilizer NPK; FYM; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Wheat straw; Fodder quality; Grain yield; Relationships; Variety;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Bamboo biochar; Rice straw biochar; Cold waterlogged paddy; Soil temperature; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; N; nitrogen; NNI; nitrogen nutrition index; AGN; aboveground nitrogen uptake; NUE; nitrogen use efficiency; UPE; nitrogen uptake efficiency; UTE; nitrogen utilization efficiency; Nf-min; final mineralized N in the 0-100-cm soil layer at harvest; Nloss;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Genetic gain; Source-sink ratio; Grain yield; Triticum aestivum;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Summer maize; Ridge and furrow planting pattern; Canopy structure; Photosynthetic characteristics; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Grain yield; NUE; Super hybrid rice; Ordinary hybrid rice; Inbred rice;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Plastic film mulching; Economic benefit; Grain yield; Soil water content; Nitrate;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Nitric oxide; Ozone; Wheat (Triticum aestivum); Reactive oxygen species; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; CDD; cooling degree days; FDD; freezing degree days; GNPP; grain number per pot; GYPP; grain yield per pot; LD10; the number of freezing days required for 10% mortality; LD20; the number of freezing days required for 20% mortality; LD50; the number of fre
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Water-saving rice; Ground cover rice production system; Plastic film mulching; Grain yield; Altitude; Temperature limitation;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Aerobic rice; Drought stress; Grain yield; Irrigation practices; Oryza sativa; Paddy;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Rice; Carbon isotope discrimination; Water supply conditions; Grain yield; Stomatal conductance;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Deep ploughing; Subsoiling; No tillage; Semiarid area; Soil water storage; Grain yield; Water use efficiency; Winter wheat; Loess plateau;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Barley; CO2 assimilation; Grain yield; Stomatal conductance; Water use efficiency;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Drought; Grain yield; Rice crop manager; Farmers' practices; Net income;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Dry matter accumulation; Dry matter translocation; Grain yield; Soil management; Rotational tillage;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; GHG emissions; Management practices; Grain yield; Net GWP; GHGI; SOC sequestration;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Winter wheat; Grain yield; Biomass; Grain number per m2; Water use efficiency;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Evapotranspiration; Groundwater; Grain yield; Remote sensing; Crop model; Alternative cropping system; Hebei plain;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Straw and nitrogen regimes; Soil structure; Deep root; Grain yield; Nitrogen efficiency;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Grain filling; Grain yield; Heat stress; Spike temperature; Winter wheat;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Oryza sativa; Plinthaquults; Grain yield; Water saving;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Smallholder farmers; TSP; Bradyrhizobiumsoil type; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Micro-rainwater harvesting; Root growth; Root-bleeding sap; Ear characteristics; Grain yield; Rainfall simulator;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Correlation; Fertilizer application; Grain yield; Groundwater depth; Soil; Enzyme;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Conservation tillage; Conventional tillage; Dryland agriculture; Grain yield; Soil properties; Tillage rotation;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Cultivation modes; Rainfall simulator; Grain yield; Root morphology; Root respiration rate; Soil water content;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Cultivar; Frost risk window; Grain yield; Modelling; Sowing date;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Soil erosion; Soil health degradation; Sustainable agriculture; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; integrated management strategy; grain yield; winter wheat; nitrogen use efficiency; nitrogen uptake efficiency; nitrogen utilization efficiency;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; %F; grain-filling percentage; G; grain weight; â³G/â³t; rate of grain weight increase; PG; potential grain weight; â³PG/â³t; rate of potential grain weight increase; SP; amount of stem reserve; W; whole-plant weight; â³W/â³t; rate of whole-plant wei
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Biomass production; Weed control; Grain yield; Nutrient uptake; Soil organic carbon; DayCent model;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; FW; Fast-winter; VSS; very-slow spring; MS; mid-fast spring; FS; fast-spring; MW; mid-winter; OFP; optimal flowering period; TOS; time of sowing; VD; vernal days; Grain yield; Optimal flowering period; Phenology; Time of sowing; Vernalisation; Wheat;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Agroecosystem; Drought; Grain yield; Infrared thermography; Spectral reflectance;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Soil respiration rate; Ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting; Simulated rainfall; Limited irrigation; Grain yield; WUE; Soil water content;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; AGB; above ground biomass; CC; chlorophyll content; COMP; index based on more than two reflectance bands; DVS; development stage; G; green; GDD; Growing Degree Days; GY; grain yield; INSEY; in-season estimate of yield; LAI; leaf area index; MSE; mean-squa
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Zinc biofortification; Cadmium; Antioxidants; Wheat; Grain yield;
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; Grain yield; Protein content; Protein quality; Loaf volume; SE-HPLC; size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography; SDS; sodium dodecyl sulphate; GxE; genotype by environment interaction; HMW-GS; high molecular weight glutenin subunits; LPP; large
Keywords: عملکرد دانه; ARI; anthocyanin reflectance index; Chl; chlorophyll; CRI; carotenoid reflectance index; δ13C; carbon isotope composition; GY; grain yield; NDII; normalized difference infrared index; NDRE; normalized difference red edge; NDVI; normalized difference vege