Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Rammed earth; Cement-stabilised; Corrosion potential; Sustainable building; Carbonation; Capillary absorption; Passivation; CL; crushed limestone; CSRE; cement-stabilised rammed earth; HCP; half-cell potential; IRA; initial rate of absorption; MDD; maximu
مقالات ISI توزیع اندازه ذرات (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Nanomaterials; Particle size distribution; Modification of mesoporous carbons; 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane; Multiple light scattering; Zeta potential;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Backscatter; Acoustic attenuation; Suspended sediment; Particle size distribution;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Particulate matter; Iron and steel industry; Chemical components; Particle size distribution;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Differentially weighted Monte Carlo; Operator splitting; Aerosol dynamics; Particle size distribution;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Polyethylene dust explosion; Particle size distribution; Flame propagation behaviors; Flame temperature;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Fukushima accident; Particle size distribution; Radiocesium; 40K; Riverbed sediment; Floodplain deposit;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Natural plant product; Direct compaction; Flowability; Compactibility; Statistic analysis; AR; angle of repose; AUTCC; area under tensile strength versus compaction force curve; CF; compaction force; ChP; Chinese Pharmacopeia; CR; compaction ratio; d(0.5)
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Tensile strength; Elastic modulus; Tablet compaction; Particle size distribution; Lubricant sensitivity;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Active bit vibration; Diamond coring drilling; Drill-off tests (DOTs); Acoustic emission (AE); Drilling performance; Penetration mechanism; Cutting size analysis; AE; Acoustic emission; DOC; Depth-of-cut; DOT; Drill-off test; FFT; Fast Fourier transform;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Clogging development process; Porosity; Horizontal runoff velocity; Seepage velocity; Particle size distribution;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Electromagnetic scattering; Aggregates; Ice; Microwave; Particle size distribution; Physical optics, Remote sensing; Single-scattering; Sub-millimetre; Voronoi tessellation;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Metal powder; Fluidized bed; Agglomeration; Particle size distribution; Solid surface viscosity; Modeling;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Twin screw wet granulation; Continuous processes; Residence time; Particle size distribution; Screw configuration; Granule morphology;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; SEM; scanning electron microscopy; X-ray CT; X-ray computed tomography; HSGs; hollow spherical granules; PSD; particle size distribution; AUC; area under the curve; MRT; mean residence time; Granulation; Rotary fluidized bed granulator; Controlled release
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; WRC; water retention capacity; CG; cryogenic grinder; UCG; ultra-centrifugal grinder; SMD; starch modification degree; PSD; particle size distribution; SEM; scanning electron microscopy; AFM; atomic force microscopy; TEM; transmission electron microscopy;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; C3A; tricalcium aluminate; C3S; tricalcium silicate; C-A-S-H CDW; construction and demolition waste; C-S-H; nano-pours gel of calcium-silicate-hydrate (CaO-SiO2-H2O); H; height; L; length; OFA; over-fire air; OPC; ordinary Portland cement; Prair; primary
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; ADF; Acid Detergent Fiber; ADL; Acid Detergent Lignin; ATR; attenuated total reflectance; FTIR; Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy; IRA; initial rate of absorption; MBV; moisture buffer value; NDF; Neutral Detergent Fiber; PSD; particle size distribu
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Magnetic field induced wetting; Contact angle; Particle size distribution; Nanofluids;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; AOB; ammonium oxidizing bacteria; ANAMMOX; anaerobic ammonium oxidation; CANON; complete autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite; DO; dissolved oxygen; HRT; hydraulic retention time; NOB; nitrite oxidizing bacteria; PDE; partial differential equation; P
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Crushable grains; Particle size distribution; Repetitive loading; Fractal feature; Coordination number;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Particle size distribution; Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient; Multivariate analysis; Principal properties; Multiple linear regression; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; APSD; Aerodynamic particle Size Distribution; DPI; dry powder inhaler; MLR; Multi
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Emulsion polymerization; In situ; Charge neutralization; Particle coagulation; Particle size distribution; Monodisperse;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Authigenic; Colloids; Nanoparticles; Particle size distribution; Particulate phosphorus;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Groats processing waste; Stabilization; Infrared irradiation; Vacuum-microwaves; Particle size distribution; Bread enrichment;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Gas metal arc welding; Numerical modeling; Particle size distribution; Shielding gas temperature;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Sequential rain sampling; Washout; Rainout; Particle size distribution; Major ions;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Wet granulation; dynamic image analysis; response surface methodology; agglomeration; breakage; BS; Big scrap (% w/w of wet granules with size between 10,000â¯Î¼m and 20,000â¯Î¼m); di; Particles diameter in the class “i”; DIA; Dynamic image analysis
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Particle size distribution; Particulate matter; NOx; Accumulation; Nucleation;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; SFW; sunflower waxes; NE; emulsion from normal sunflower wax; HOE; emulsion from high-oleic sunflower wax; BS; backscattering; S; span; Physical stability; Low methoxyl pectin; Emulsions; Particle size distribution; Rheology; Confocal microscopy; Normal s
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Solid-liquid suspension; Lattice-Boltzmann method; Discrete particle method; Particle size distribution; Two-way coupling; Agitated suspensions;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Urban area; Particle number and mass concentrations; Particle size distribution; Infiltration;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Differentially weighted operator splitting Monte Carlo; Multi-component; Aerosol dynamics; Compositional distribution; Computational efficiency; DSMC; direct simulation Monte Carlo; DWOSMC; differentially weighted operator splitting Monte Carlo; GDE; gene
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Crystallization; Image analysis; Fokker-Planck Equation; Particle Size Distribution; Model-based Control;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Anaerobic sludge; pH value; Particle size distribution; Rheology, Membrane performance, Ultrafiltration;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BCS; biopharmaceutical classification system; Da; Dalton; DCS; developability classification system; DLS; dynamic light scattering; DMPEG; polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether; HPLC; high performance liquid chromatogra
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Iron-based nanoparticles; Aerosol spray pyrolysis; Morphology; Particle size distribution; Evaporation theory;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Light scattering and backscattering coefficients; Backscattering ratio; Suspended particulate matter; Organic and inorganic fractions of particulate matter; Particle size distribution;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Dust explosion; Skewness; Polydispersity; Particle size distribution; PSD;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Dairy cows; Ration variability; Diet selection; Particle size distribution;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Tapered fluidized bed; Minimum fluidization velocity; Particle size distribution; Dimensional analysis; Modeling;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Comminution; Population balance; Particle size distribution; Specific breakage energy; Excess specific breakage energy distribution function (ESBEDF);
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; AC; Analytical centrifugation; AgNPs; Silver nanoparticles; AUC; Analytical ultracentrifugation; AuNPs; Gold nanoparticles; CCD; charge-coupled device; DAD; Diode-array detector; FFF; Field-flow fractionation; HPLC; High performance liquid chromatography;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; AA; ascorbic acid; AMDIS; automated mass spectral deconvolution and identification system; DHAA; dehydroascorbic acid; HPH; high pressure homogenization; HS-SPME-GC-MS; headspace-solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; LV; late
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Looping combustion; Gas-solid flow; Eulerian-Lagrangian approach; Particle size distribution; Dual circulating fluidized bed;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; DED; directed energy deposition; PSD; particle size distribution; FN; ferrite number; LENS®; laser engineered net shaping; PFR; powder feed rate; OM; optical microscope; EBM; electron-beam melting; RPM; rotations per minute; YS; yield strength; SLM; sele
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ASTM; American Society for Testing and Materials; CCD; charge-coupled device; DSA; density and sound velocity apparatus; PSD; particle size distribution; RSD; relative standard deviation; SCS; side crushing strength;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Spray drying; Solid dispersion; Amorphous; Poorly soluble drugs; Formulation; AFM; Atomic force microscopy; ANN; Artificial neural networks; ANOVA; Analysis of variance; API; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; ASD; Amorphous solid dispersion; ATC; Atorvast
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; Gas-solid flow; Fluidized bed; Wind cap; Particle size distribution; Pressure fluctuation;
Keywords: توزیع اندازه ذرات; API; active pharmaceutical ingredients; MCC; microcrystalline cellulose; MVDA; multivariate data analysis; PC; principal component; PCA; principal component analysis; PSD; particle size distribution; PSHD; particle shape distribution; R2; coefficient of d