Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic Floor Muscles; Assessment; Ultrasound imaging; Palpation; Strength; Tone;
مقالات ISI عضلات کف لگن (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Botulinum toxin; Pelvic pain; Prostate; Pelvic floor muscles; Levator ani; Electromyography;
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; exercise; muscle strength; pelvic floor muscles; physical activity; pregnancy; urinary incontinence;
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic floor muscles; Levator ani; Pelvic girdle; Sacroiliac joint; Pubic symphysis;
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Defecation; Musculoskeletal; Pediatrician; Pelvic Floor; CI; confidence interval; FC; functional constipation; FI; fecal incontinence; GPE; global perceived effect; MFB; myofeedback; NRS; numeric rating scale; OR; odds ratio; PEG; polyethylene glycol; PFM
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; passive mechanics; pelvic floor muscles; pregnancy; rat;
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Dyspareunia; Lidocaine; Pelvic floor muscles; Physical therapy; Provoked vulvodynia;
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Dyspareunia; Pelvic Floor Muscles; Ultrasound; Provoked Vestibulodynia
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Estrogen receptors; Autoregulation; Brain; Sexual behavior; Cognition; Pelvic floor muscles;
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; cesarean delivery; magnetic resonance imaging; pelvic floor muscles; pregnancy; squirrel monkey; vaginal delivery;
Pelvic Floor Muscle Morphometry and Function in Women With Primary and Secondary Provoked Vestibulodynia
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Vulvodynia; Provoked Vestibulodynia; Pathophysiology; Pelvic Floor Muscles; Pain Onset; Ultrasound; Dynamometer; Primary Vestibulodynia; Secondary Vestibulodynia;
Pelvic muscles' mechanical response to strains in the absence and presence of pregnancy-induced adaptations in a rat model
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; birth injury; pelvic floor muscles; pregnancy adaptations; rat;
Independent Review ArticleA comparative study of transcutaneous interferential electrical stimulation plus behavioral therapy and behavioral therapy alone on constipation in postoperative Hirschsprung disease children
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; HD; Hirschsprung's disease; IF; interferential; PFM; pelvic floor muscles; RAIR; rectoanal inhibitory reflex; Constipation; Fecal soiling; Electrical stimulation; Children; Hirschsprung's disease;
What Does Electromyography Tell Us About Dyspareunia?
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Dyspareunia; Pelvic Floor Muscles; Electromyography; Muscle Tone;
Differences in the Biometry of the Levator Hiatus at Rest, During Contraction, and During Valsalva Maneuver Between Women With and Without Provoked Vestibulodynia Assessed by Transperineal Ultrasound Imaging
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Vulvodynia; Provoked Vestibulodynia; Dyspareunia; Ultrasound Imaging; Pelvic Floor Muscles;
Active and Passive Components of Pelvic Floor Muscle Tone in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia: A Perspective Based on a Review of the Literature
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Rovoked Vestibulodynia; Dyspareunia; Levator Ani; Tone; Tension; Hypertonicity; Pelvic Floor Muscles; Physical Therapy; Vulvodynia
Rééducation post-prostatectomie : analyse prospective de techniques non invasives
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Exercices proprioceptifs; Muscles du plancher pelvien; Posture; Prostatectomie; RééducationProprioception exercises; Pelvic floor muscles; Posture; Prostatectomy; Rehabilitation
The influence of positioning in urination: An electromyographic and uroflowmetric evaluation
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Patient positioning; Urination posture; Uroflowmetry; Electromyography; Dysfunctional voiding; Pelvic floor muscles;
Oxford Grading Scale vs manometer for assessment of pelvic floor strength in nulliparous sports students
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Oxford Grading Scale; Pelvic floor muscles; Sports students; Manometer; Nulliparous; Urinary incontinence
A differential suction electrode for recording electromyographic activity from the pelvic floor muscles: Crosstalk evaluation
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Electromyography; Pelvic floor muscles; Crosstalk; Levator ani; Electrode
Atypical Presentation of a Vaginal Epithelial Inclusion Cyst
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Vaginal mass; Vaginal cyst; Ischiorectal fossa; Epithelial inclusion cyst; Vaginal surgery; Bartholins duct cyst; Word catheter; Vaginal infection; Vaginal pain; Pelvic floor muscles
Is the Sexual Satisfaction of Postmenopausal Women Enhanced by Physical Exercise and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training?
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Physical Exercise; Sexuality; Sexual Function; Menopause; Pelvic Floor Muscles;
Effect of a pelvic floor muscle training program on gynecologic cancer survivors with pelvic floor dysfunction: A randomized controlled trial
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Cancer survivor; Pelvic floor muscles; Rehabilitation; Quality of life
Does the presence of a vaginal probe alter pelvic floor muscle activation in young, continent women?
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Electromyography; Pelvic floor muscles; Stress urinary incontinence; Biofeedback; Muscle recruitment; Pelvic floor muscle training
Dose-Effect Relationships for Individual Pelvic Floor Muscles and Anorectal Complaints After Prostate Radiotherapy
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Anorectal toxicity; Dose-effect relationship; Fecal incontinence; Pelvic floor muscles; Prostate radiotherapy;
The role of lumbopelvic posture in pelvic floor muscle activation in continent women
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic floor muscles; Electromyography; Lumbopelvic posture; Postural control; Stress urinary incontinence; Low back pain; Lumbopelvic pain; Spinal stability
Original articleAssessment of pelvic floor muscle function in women with and without low back pain using transabdominal ultrasound
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic floor muscles; Low back pain; Transabdominal ultrasound;
Évolution de la force musculaire du plancher pelvien après exercices de type « danse du ventre »: Development of the pelvic floor muscle strength after belly dancing exercises
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Danse du ventre; Exercices pelviens; Plancher pelvien; Renforcement du plancher pelvienBelly dance; Pelvic exercises; Pelvic floor muscles; Strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles
Original articleAn alternative intervention for urinary incontinence: Retraining diaphragmatic, deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscle coordinated function
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic floor muscles; Randomized controlled trial; Urinary incontinence; Transversus abdominis;
Pelvic floor muscle strength and body self-perception among Brazilian pregnant women
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pregnancy; Pelvic floor muscles; Body self-perception
Dynamic assessment of the vaginal high-pressure zone using high-definition manometery, 3-dimensional ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic floor muscles
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; high-definition manometry; high-pressure zone; magnetic resonance imaging; pelvic floor muscles; ultrasound;
Women with stress urinary incontinence demonstrate motor control differences during coughing
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Coughing; Electromyography; Vaginal wall pressure; Motor control; Pelvic floor muscles; Stress urinary incontinence
Mechanisms of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function and the Effect on the Urethra during a Cough
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Acceleration; Cough; Image processing; Pelvic floor muscles; Ultrasound; Urethra; Velocity
Proposition d’un modèle fonctionnel de la continence pour le diagnostic et la rééducation de l’incontinence urinaire à l’effort
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Incontinence urinaire à l’effort; Muscles du plancher pelvien; Stabilisateurs lombo-pelviens; Bassin; Contrôle posturalStress urinary incontinence; Pelvic floor muscles; Lombo-pelvic stability; Pelvis-postural control
The reliability of surface EMG recorded from the pelvic floor muscles
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic floor muscles; Surface EMG; Reliability; Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction; Stress urinary incontinence; EMG biofeedback
Biomechanical model study of pelvic belt influence on muscle and ligament forces
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvic belt; Ligament forces; Sacroiliac joints; Pelvic floor muscles; Pelvic pain
Racial differences in pelvic floor muscle thickness in asymptomatic nulliparas as seen on magnetic resonance imaging-based three-dimensional color thickness mapping
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; levator ani morphology; magnetic resonance imaging; pelvic floor dysfunction; pelvic floor muscles; three-dimensional; race;
Which women do pelvic floor muscle exercises six months' postpartum?
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; pelvic floor muscles; postpartum training; urinary incontinence;
MRI-based registration of pelvic alignment affected by altered pelvic floor muscle characteristics
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Pelvis; Magnetic resonance imaging; Image registration; Pelvic floor muscles; Malalignment; Sacroiliac joint; Electrostimulation; in vivo
Investigation of transabdominal real-time ultrasound to visualise the muscles of the pelvic floor
Keywords: عضلات کف لگن; Real-time ultrasound; Transabdominal ultrasound; Pelvic floor muscles; Reliability; Validity;