Keywords: رمپ; Reflex impairment; Scale loss; Vitality; Bycatch; Release mortality; RAMP; DFO; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; RM-LME; Repeated measures linear mixed effects model; LDA; Linear discriminant analysis;
مقالات ISI رمپ (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: رمپ; Left ventricular assist device; HeartMate; Ramp; Heart failure;
Keywords: رمپ; AM; adrenomedulin; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; AMY; amylin; AT; angiotensin type; β-CCT; beta-carboline-3-carboxylate-t-butyl ester; CT; calcitonin; CTR; calcitonin receptor; CLR; calcitonin receptor-like receptor; DZ; di
Keywords: رمپ; Ramp; hemodynamics; HVAD;
Keywords: رمپ; Facies analysis; Cenomanian-turonian; Paleoenvironments; Sequence stratigraphy; Ramp; Egypt;
Keywords: رمپ; CI; confidence interval; CoC; Commission on Cancer; HR; hazard ratio; NCDB; National Cancer Data Base; NCI; National Cancer Institute; NSCLC; non-small cell lung cancer; O/E; observed to expected ratio; RAMP; risk-adjusted margin positivity;
Keywords: رمپ; Catch-and-release mortality; Marine shore-based fisheries; Recreational fisheries; Reflex impairment; RAMP;
Keywords: رمپ; Sensory nerves; Transient receptor potential channels; Neuropeptides; Skin inflammation; Peripheral vasculature; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; CFA; Complete Freund's Adjuvant; CGRP; calcitonin gene related peptide; CLR; calcitonin receptor-like receptor; C
Keywords: رمپ; Basic Science Study; Surgical Technique; Three-dimensional; corrective osteotomy; patient-specific guides; humerus; capitulum; intra-articular; ramp; fan-shaped;
Keywords: رمپ; 3D echocardiography; hemodynamics; left ventricular assist device; ramp; unloadingAV, aortic valve; cfLVAD, continuous flow left ventricular assist device; CI, cardiac index; CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; LV, left ventricle/ventricular
Keywords: رمپ; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BSA; bovine serum albumin; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptide; CHO; Chinese hamster ovary; CLR; calcitonin receptor-like receptor; CNS; central nervous system; DAB; 3,3â²-diaminobenzidi
Keywords: رمپ; Forensic toxicology; Drug; Detection; Identification; Liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Tandem mass spectrometry; Data-dependent acquisition; Data-independent acquisition; Tandem mass spectral library; CID; collision-induced decomposition; DDA; da
Keywords: رمپ; Adrenomedullin; Fetal HPMEC; Hyperoxic injury; Inflammation; Akt; AM; adrenomedullin; Adm; adrenomedullin gene; ARDS; acute respiratory distress syndrome; BPD; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; CM-H2DCF-DA; 5-(and-6)-chloromethyl-2â², 7â²-dichlorodihydrofluor
Keywords: رمپ; Ramp; LVAD; LVEDD slope; unloading
Keywords: رمپ; Ramp; Wind power; Forecasting
Keywords: رمپ; Supersonic flow; Cavity; Shock train; Ramp; Offset; Oscillations;
Keywords: رمپ; Separation; Ramp; Experiment
Keywords: رمپ; RAMP; Gillnet; Troll; By-catch; Fisheries management; Biodiversity conservation; Comparative physiology;
Keywords: رمپ; Flow control; Optimization; Ramp
Keywords: رمپ; Ramp; Urban expressway; Computer-aided simulation; Data envelopment analysis; Analytic hierarchy process;
Keywords: رمپ; Angiogenesis; Antiangiogenic agents; Angiogenic cytokines/peptides; EC; endothelial cells; VEGF; vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGF Receptor; VEGFR; FGF; fibroblast growth factor; EGF; epidermal growth factor; epidermal growth factor receptor; EGFR;
Keywords: رمپ; Octopus; Enteroctopus dofleini; Discard mortality; Giant pacific octopus; North pacific; RAMP
An ADC BIST using on-chip ramp generation and digital ORA
Keywords: رمپ; Ramp; ADC; BIST; Test pattern generation; TIQ comparator; ORA; On-chip circuit;
αCGRP, another amyloidogenic member of the CGRP family
Keywords: رمپ; CGRP; Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide; CT; calcitonin; IAPP; islet amyloid polypeptide; GPCR; G-Protein Coupled Receptor; RAMP; Receptor Activity Modifying Protein; T2D; Type 2 Diabetes; MTC; Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma; MD; Molecular Dynamics; CD; Circul
IAPP in type II diabetes: Basic research on structure, molecular interactions, and disease mechanisms suggests potential intervention strategies
Keywords: رمپ; 2DIR; two-dimensional infra-red spectroscopy; AFM; atomic force microscopy; AGE; advanced glycation end; CD; circular dichroism; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptides; DMSO; Dimethyl Sulfoxide; EGCG; epigallocatechin gallate; EPR; electron paramagnetic r
The G protein-coupled receptors deorphanization landscape
Keywords: رمپ; GPCRs; G protein-coupled receptors; GRK; GPCR kinase; IUPHAR; International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology; BPS; British Pharmacological Society; CTR; Calcitonin receptor; CLR; CT Receptor-like; RAMP; Receptor Activity-Modifying Proteins; β2AR;
Genetic fidelity assessment in plants of Sechium edule regenerated via organogenesis
Keywords: رمپ; Important Mexican crop; Organogenesis; Genetic fidelity; RAMP; Chayote; In vitro conservation;
Cardiovascular effects of exogenous adrenomedullin and CGRP in Ramp and Calcrl deficient mice
Keywords: رمپ; AM; adrenomedullin; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptide; CLR; calcitonin receptor-like receptor protein; Calcrl; calcitonin receptor-like receptor gene; MAP; mean arterial pressure; RAMP; receptor activity modifying protein; dKO; double knockout; Adreno
Assessment of multi-trophic changes in a shallow boreal lake simultaneously exposed to climate change and aerial deposition of contaminants from the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada
Keywords: رمپ; AOSR; Athabasca Oil Sands Region; RAMP; Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program; PAC; polycyclic aromatic compound; DBT; dibenzothiophene; PPE; priority pollutant element; VRS-chla; visible reflectance spectroscopy chlorophyll-a; CRS; constant rate of supply
Sediments of the Dry Tortugas, south Florida, USA: Facies distribution on a ramp-like isolated carbonate platform
Keywords: رمپ; Carbonates; Sediments; Florida; Ramp; Holocene;
The effects of RAMPs upon cell signalling
Keywords: رمپ; Receptor activity modifying protein; G protein-coupled receptor; Signalling; Trafficking; Coupling; AM; adrenomedullin; AMY; amylin; CaSR; calcium-sensing receptor; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptide; CHO; chinese hamster ovary; CLR; calcitonin recepto
The nummulithoclast event within the Lower Eocene in the Southern Tethyan margin: Mechanisms involved, analogy with the filament event and climate implication (Kairouan, Central Tunisia)
Keywords: رمپ; Early Eocene; Ramp; Cyclones; Tempestites; Global warming; Nummulithoclast event;
Evaluating effects of catch-and-release angling on peacock bass (Cichla ocellaris) in a Puerto Rican reservoir: A rapid assessment approach
Keywords: رمپ; Catch-and-release mortality; Fish conservation; Recreational fisheries management; RAMP;
Endothelium-derived intermedin/adrenomedullin-2 protects human ventricular cardiomyocytes from ischaemia-reoxygenation injury predominantly via the AM1 receptor
Keywords: رمپ; AM; adrenomedullin; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptide; CLR; calcitonin-like receptor; HCMEC; human cardiac microvascular endothelial cell; IMD/AM-2; intermedin/adrenomedullin-2; RAMP; receptor activity-modifying protein; ROS; reactive oxygen species;
Novel insights on the relationship between T-tubular defects and contractile dysfunction in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Keywords: رمپ; TATS; Transverse-axial tubular system; AP; Action potential; E-C; Excitation-contraction; HF; Heart failure; HCM; Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; cTnT; Cardiac troponin T; VSD; Voltage sensitive dye; AOD; Acousto-optic deflector; RAMP; Random access mult
Evolution of vaulting strategy during locomotion of individuals with transfemoral amputation on slopes and cross-slopes compared to level walking
Keywords: رمپ; Gait deviation; Ramp; Side-slopes; Rehabilitation; Quantitative parameter; Amputation
Changes to transtibial amputee gait with a weighted backpack on multiple surfaces
Keywords: رمپ; Gait; Amputees; Load-bearing; Uneven; Ramp
Ligand-induced internalization, recycling, and resensitization of adrenomedullin receptors depend not on CLR or RAMP alone but on the receptor complex as a whole
Keywords: رمپ; Adrenomedullin; CGRP; CLR; RAMP; GPCR; Signaling
Cotranslational and posttranslocational N-glycosylation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum
Keywords: رمپ; ARMR; autosomal recessive mental retardation; CDG; congenital disorders of glycosylation; ERAD; ER-associated degradation; IEF; isoelectric focusing; LLO; lipid linked oligosaccharide; OST; oligosaccharyltransferase; RAMP; ribosome associated membrane pro
Evaluating the flexibility of a reflex action mortality predictor to determine bycatch mortality rates: A case study of Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) bycaught in Alaska bottom trawls
Keywords: رمپ; Bycatch mortality; Trawl; Chionoecetes; RAMP; Discard;
Comparing ELISA test-positive prevalence, risk factors and management recommendations for Johne's disease prevention between organic and conventional dairy farms in Ontario, Canada
Keywords: رمپ; BtSCC; average bulk tank somatic cell count; CI; confidence interval; COS; Canadian Organic Standards; CR; count ratio; HES; herd ELISA status; HP; high positive; ICC; intraclass correlation coefficient; IQR; interquartile range; JD; Johne's disease; Ln
Development of a HACCP-based approach to control paratuberculosis in infected Irish dairy herds
Keywords: رمپ; Paratuberculosis; Johne’s Disease; HACCP; RAMP; Risk assessment and management plans; Control; Monitoring
An update on the stereoselective synthesis of α-aminophosphonic acids and derivatives
Keywords: رمپ; α-Aminophosphonic acids; α-Aminophosphonates; Stereoselective synthesis; Three-component reaction; ABSA; 4-acetamidobenzenesulfonyl azide; Abu; aminobutyric acid; Ac; acetyl; ACE; angiotensin-converting enzyme; Ala; alanine; Ar; aryl; BINAP; 2,2â²-bis(
DNA fingerprints of living fossil Ginkgo biloba by using ISSR and improved RAPD analysis
Keywords: رمپ; Ginkgo biloba; Molecular markers; Inter-simple sequence repeat; Random amplified polymorphic DNA; RAMP; Genetic variation;
Functional differentiation of RAMP2 and RAMP3 in their regulation of the vascular system
Keywords: رمپ; AM; adrenomedullin; CLR; calcitonin receptor-like receptor; RAMP; receptor activity-modifying protein; GPCR; G protein-coupled receptor; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptide; DI-VE-RAMP2â/Â â; drug-inducible vascular endothelial cell-specific RAMP2â
Intermedin enhances sympathetic outflow via receptor-mediated cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in nucleus tractus solitarii of rats
Keywords: رمپ; IMD; intermedin; NTS; nucleus tractus solitarii; RSNA; renal sympathetic nerve activity; MAP; mean arterial pressure; HR; heart rate; SNA; sympathetic nerve activity; BP; blood pressure; AC; adenylyl cyclase; PKA; protein kinase A; CGRP; calcitonin gene-r
Crystal structure of Cmr5 from Pyrococcus furiosus and its functional implications
Keywords: رمپ; afCmr5; Cmr5 from Archaeoglobus fulgidus; ASU; asymmetric unit; Cas; CRIPSR-associated gene; Cmr; Cas-module RAMP; CRISPR; clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats; M.W.; molecular weight; PCR; polymerase chain reaction; PDB; Protein Data
An outer ramp to basin plain transect: Interacting pelagic and calciturbidite deposition in the Eocene-Oligocene of the Tuscan Domain, Adria Microplate (Italy)
Keywords: رمپ; Architecture; Ramp; Calciclastic submarine fan; Basin plain; Adria Microplate; Apennines;
Assessment of the genetic diversity and genetic relationships of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) in China using RAMP markers
Keywords: رمپ; Pomegranate; RAMP; Genetic diversity; Dendrogram
Numerical prediction on the interaction between the incident shock wave and the transverse slot injection in supersonic flows
Keywords: رمپ; Aerospace propulsion system; Transverse slot injection; Incident shock wave; Ramp; Supersonic flow