Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Bacterial surface adhesion; EPS; Emulsifying activity; Nutrient conditions; Scanning electron microscope;
مقالات ISI میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; MCW; microcrystalline wax; WM; wax matrix; APAP; acetaminophen; SEM; scanning electron microscope; Wax matrix; Microcrystalline wax; Acetaminophen; Temperature-sensitive release formulations; Spray congealing technique;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Hetero-aggregation; Nanoparticles; State diagram; Oppositely charged particles; Isoelectric point; OCP; oppositely charged particle; SEM; scanning electron microscope;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Alkali-glass particle reacted gel; Alkali-glass powder reacted gel; (ultra) small angle neutron scattering; Scanning electron microscope; X-ray computed tomography;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; LAM; laser-assisted machining; SLAM; selective laser-assisted milling; SEM; scanning electron microscope; FIB; focused ion beam; Glass; Brittle material; Laser-assisted machining; Precision cutting; Milling;
Gasification of diosgenin solid waste for hydrogen production in supercritical water
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Supercritical water; Diosgenin solid waste; Catalyst; Black liquor; Char; DZW; Discorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright; DSW; diosgenin solid waste; SEM; scanning electron microscope; SCW; supercritical water; SCWG; supercritical water gasification; LHV; lower
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; adhesive mixtures; dry-powder inhalers; press-on forces; abrasion; mixing; pulmonary drug delivery; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; AZFL; AstraZeneca fine lactose; d10; diameter at which 10% of the sample's mass is comprised of smaller particles; d
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; VC; vermicompost; VCBC; vermicompost biochar; CM; chicken manure; KW; kitchen waste; VFAs; volatile fatty acids; TVFAs; total volatile fatty acids; VS; volatile solid; TS; total solid; CMÂ +Â VC; chicken manure digestion with vermicompost; CMÂ +Â VCBC; ch
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; PBAB; poly (bisphenol A borate); BPA; bisphenol A; BA; boric acid; N2; nitrogen atmosphere; PRs; phenolic resins; C/C; carbon/carbon; PBA; phenylboronic acid; B4C; boron carbide; HBPs; hyperbranched polymers; PRB; poly(resorcinol borate); BZ; benzoxazine;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AuNP; gold nanoparticle; SH; sulfhydryl; AuP; AuNP binding peptides screened with a peptide array; GRAVY; grand average of hydropathy; SEM; scanning electron microscope; SPR; surface plasmon resonance; TEM; transmission electron microscopy; Au(III) reduci
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; FSSW; friction stir spot welding; RSW; resistance spot welding; IMC; inter metallic compounds; TPD; tool penetration depth; PT; peel test; CT; cross tension; BM; base material; HAZ; heat affected zone; TMAZ; thermo mechanical affected zone; SZ; stir zone;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Silicides; Solid solution hardening; Microstructure; X-ray diffraction; Scanning electron microscope;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; FCC; functionalised calcium carbonate; MFC; micro-fibrillated cellulose; PolyDADMAC; poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride); NaPA; sodium polyacrylate; SEM; scanning electron microscope; TLC; thin layer chromatography; Polyelectrolyte; Inkjet printing; Fu
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; BSE; backscattered electrons; BIRC; biologically-initiated rock crust; B-surface; uneven non-tectonic surface with a developed BIRC; C-surface; exposed surface of a tectonic fracture with a developed BIRC; EPS; extracellular polymeric substances; F-surfac
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AFM; atomic force microscopy; AQPz; Aquaporin Z; CFD; computational fluid dynamics; CNF; carbon nanofiber; DG; diethylene glycol; DMPC; 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; DVB; divinylbenzene; GO; graphene oxide; MBF; multibore hollow fiber; MD;
Recent advances in Prussian blue and Prussian blue analogues: synthesis and thermal treatments
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; CPs; coordination polymers; MOFs; metal-organic frameworks; PCPs; porous coordination polymers; PB; Prussian blue; PBAs; Prussian blue analogues; 1D; one-dimensional; 2D; two-dimensional; 3D; three-dimensional; PVP; polyvinylpyrrolidone; CTAB; cetlytrim
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; APAP; acetaminophen; AA; ascorbic acid; AFM; atomic force microscopy; CNTs; carbon nanotubes; CEA; carcinoembryonic antigen; CVD; chemical vapor deposition; Chox; cholesterol oxidase; Co3O4; cobalt oxide; CV; cyclic voltammogram; CD; cyclodextrin; DA; dop
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; RTS; Roll-To-Swimm helical microrobot; PVD; physical vapor deposition; SEM; scanning electron microscope; Microrobot; Microfluidic chip; Force sensing; Particle manipulation;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; T50; temperature of toluene conversion reaches to 50%; SEM; scanning electron microscope; TEM; transmission electron microscopy; HRTEM; high resolution transmission electron microscopy; XRD; x-ray diffraction; H2-TPR; temperature-programmed reduction with
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Consortia system; In-situ detoxification; Rice straw; Bioethanol; CICC; China Center of Industrial Culture Collection; CrI; Crystallinity index; DNS method; 3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetry; ECNU; East China Normal University; FA; Ferulic Acid (4-hy
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; SS; silica sol; OA; octadecanoic acid; HDFS; heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrodecyltrichlorosilane; HTS; hexadecyltriethoxysilane; TEOS; tetraethoxysilica; HMDS; hexamethyldisilazane; HPW; high purity water; SEM; scanning electron microscope; AFM; atomic
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Fish innate immunity; Antioxidant defence; Quantitative proteomics; Antibacterial proteins; Waterborne pathogen; E.tarda; Edwardsiella tarda; IQCH; IQ motif containing H; MAC; Membrane Attack Complex; MS; mass spectrometry; 2DGE; two-dimensional gel elect
Review on the current practices and efforts towards pilot-scale production of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; MOFs; metal-organic frameworks; UiO; Universitetet i Oslo; HKUST; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; MIL; Matérial Institut Lavoisier; CPM; crystalline porous material; CPO; coordination polymer oslo; CAU; Christian Albrechts University; ZIF
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AND; Andrographolide; HA; hyaluronic acid; SLNs; solid lipid nanoparticles; NLCs; nanostructured lipid carriers; PS; particle size; PDI; polydispersity index; EE%; entrapment efficiency percent; DL; drug loading capacity; Q48; % Andrographolide released a
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AE; Acoustic emission; AHP; Analytic hierarchy process; CCD; Charge coupled device; CIGS; Copper-indium-gallium-selenide; DLIT; Dark lock-in thermography; EBIC; Electron beam induced current; EBSD; Electron backscatter diffraction; EDX; Energy-dispersive
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AC; activated carbon; ACF; activated carbon fiber; AO7; acid orange 7; DMPO; 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline; EDX; energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry; EPR; electron paramagnetic resonance; ICP-OES; inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry; NSC;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; WBPU; waterborne polyurethane; SEM; scanning electron microscope; IP; immobilized pellets; EW; effluent water; PCoA; principal coordinate analysis; HRT; hydraulic retention time; COD; chemical oxygen demand; NO3â-N; nitrate nitrogen; NH4+-N; ammonium ni
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; ADI; acceptable daily intake; AUC; area under the curve of blood concentration vs. time; DLS; dynamic light scattering; DMEM; Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; GI; gastrointestinal; IEC6
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; BAF; bioaccessible fraction; BARGE; Bioaccessibility Research Group of Europe; BSE; backscattered electron; CISED; non-specific sequential extraction coupled with chemometric analysis; CTM; Causeway Tholeiite Member; EDS; energy dispersive spectrometer; E
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; aBL; antimicrobial blue light; AgNPs; silver nanoparticles; AlPcCl; chloroaluminium phthalocyanine; AMP; ampicillin; AMPs; natural antimicrobial peptides; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; AgNPs; silver nanoparticles; AuNPs; gold nanoparticles; Au@Ag; coreshel
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; SEM; Scanning Electron Microscope; EDX; Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; CA; Contact Angle; CAH; Contact Angle Hysteresis; FTIR; Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy; Gas condensate; Wettability alteration; Gas wetting; Surface free energy; Endpoi
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Nanoparticles; Nanotoxicity; Phytotoxicity; Oxidative stress; Plants; Ecosystem; MNMs; manufactured nanomaterials; NPs; Nanoparticles; ENPs; engineered nanoparticles; QDs; quantum dots; AgNp; silver nanoparticle; PEI; polyethylenimine-derived; CuNps; copp
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; NSAID; Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug; COX; cyclooxygenases; Px; Piroxicam; CD; Circular Dichroism; DLS; Dynamic Light Scattering; SEM; Scanning Electron Microscope; FTIR; Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy; EPR; Electron Paramagnetic Resonanc
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AC; activated carbon; AD; anaerobic digestion; AAS; atomic absorption spectrometry; APAP; Acetaminophen; AQDS; 9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate; BB; bromothymol blue; BC; bacterial cellulose; BMCs; biochar-mineral complexes; BPA; bisphenol A; BTEX; benz
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; AAS; atomic absorption spectroscopy; AFM; atomic force microscopy; AIBN; azobisisobutyronitrile; AgNO3; silver nitrate; AlEt3; triethylaluminium; Al2O3; aluminium oxide; APTMS; (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane; APTS(APTES); (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; CB; Carbon Black; DMF; dimethylformamide; CNT; carbon nanotube; DMSO; dimethylsulphoxide; XRD; X-ray diffraction; UV-Vis; ultraviolet-visible; FTIR; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; SEM; Scanning Electron Microscope; CBMF; Carbon Black suspens
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; CNT; Carbon nanotube; DTG; derivative thermogravimetry; EF-GNR; edge functionalized graphene nanoribbon; FT; fracture toughness; GNP; graphene nanoplatelet; GNR; graphene nanoribbon; GO; graphene oxide; NCM; nanocomposite material; NM; nano material; PVAM
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Agarose gel; Compression; Solvent transportation; Glycerol; Scanning electron microscope;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; plasma electrolytic oxidation; palladium; CO oxidation; IR spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; scanning electron microscope
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Bryophytes; Copper tolerance; Nitroblue tetrazoliumchloride (NBT); 3,3â²-diaminobenzidine (DAB); Scanning electron microscopy; Element analysis; Reactive oxygen species (ROS); CEC; Cation exchange capacity; DAB; 3,3â²-Diaminobenzidine; EDTA; Ethylendiam
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Biochar; Adsorption; Microparticles; Methylene blue; Waste material; ASTM; American Society for Testing Materials; BC-PD; biochar-paper derived; BC-PM; biochar-pig manure; BC-PW; biochar-pinewood; MB; methylene blue; SEM; scanning electron microscope;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Milk protein concentrate; Succinylation; MPC–iron complex; Ultrafiltration; Stability; Scanning electron microscope
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; RCA; recycled concrete aggregate; NA; natural aggregate; HMA; hot mix asphalt; SEM; scanning electron microscope; VMA; voids in mineral aggregate; VV; void volume; DS; dynamic stability; MS; Marshall stability; Recycled aggregate; Concrete strength; Aspha
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; BOF slag; Hydration; Silicone resin; Material characteristics; Asphalt mixture; BOF; Basic Oxygen Furnace; HMA; Hot-mix Asphalt; SMA; Stone Mastic Asphalt; SEM; Scanning Electron Microscope; EPMA; Electron Probe Micro-analysis; TSR; Tensile Strength Ratio
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Nano-zeolite; Zeolite based nano-composite; Slow release fertilizer; Macro and micro-nutrients; AFM; Atomic Force Microscopy; DSC; Differential Scanning Calorimetry; EDX; Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy; EWC; Equilibrium Water Content; FTIR; Fourier
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Ti-foam; Freeze-casting; Plastic deformation; Young׳s modulus; Yield strength; Dislocations; EBSD; electron backscatter diffraction; XLPA; X-ray line profile analysis; SEM; scanning electron microscope; LAGB; low-angle grain boundary;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; MVOCs; microbial volatile organic compounds; SEM; scanning electron microscope; FSSST; Fungal Spore Source Strength Tester; EDX; Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; OPS; optical particle sizer; PBOA; primary biogenic organic aerosol; NADPH; nicotine ade
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Beam broadening; Thin films; Monte Carlo simulation; Transmission electron microscope; Scanning electron microscope
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Water stability; Microstructure; T2 relaxation; Comminuted meat; Myofibril proteins; Gelation; CPMG; Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill; FID; free induction decay; IPF; interfacial protein film; NMR; nuclear magnetic resonance; SEM; scanning electron microscope;
Keywords: میکروسکوپ الکترونی اسکن; Ph-Me(t); tri(phenyl)-trimethyl-cyclo-triphosphazene; Ph-Me(p); phenyl-methyl-polyphosphazene; PA6; polyamide 6; PS; polystyrene; ASA; acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate; SAN; styrene- acrylonitrile; PESU; polyethersulphone; PP; polypropylene; THF; tetrahydro