Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; PVDF; polyvinylidene difluoride; 2DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; TEMED; N,N,Nâ²; Nâ²; tetramethylenediamine; Tris; 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl â1,3-propanediol; Complex; Ovotransferrin; Ovalbumin; Non-denaturing; Two-dimensional electrophoresis;
مقالات ISI الکتروفورز دو بعدی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; OSCC; oral squamous cell carcinomas; G-OSCC; gingival oral squamous cell carcinoma; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; CHAPS; 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate; DTT; dithiothreitol; LC-ESI-MS/MS; liquid chromatography-electr
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; AAT; α-anti-trypsin; AGP; α1-acid glycoprotein; ALG1; mannosyltransferase 1; ALG3; endoplasmic reticulum (ER) mannosyltransferase VI; ALG8; glucosyltransferase 2; ATP6V0A2; ATPase H + transporting V0 subunit a2; C
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Ceriporiopsis subvermispora; Polysaccharide sheath; Proteomics; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; White-rot fungi;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry; Flame atomic absorption spectrometry; Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry; Metalloproteomic; Type 1 diabetes; Two-dimensional electrophoresis;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; IBD; inflammatory bowel disease; KRT1; Keratin 1; HC; immunohistochemistry; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; MALDI-TOF; matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CD; Crohn's disease; UC; ulcerative coliti
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Tritrichomonas foetus; Bovine; Feline; Trichomoniasis; Quantitative proteomics; Cysteine protease; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Zymography;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; YSP; yellow sweet potato; PSP; purple sweet potato; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS; matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight/time of flight mass spectrometry; SP; starch phosphorylase; PGM; phosphoglucomutase; VP
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; ALDH; aldehyde dehydrogenase; BFD; blackfoot disease; CHAPS; 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethyl-ammonio]-1-propanesulfonate]; CK-1; type II cytoskeletal 1; CK-10; type I cytoskeletal 10; CSC; cancer stem cell; D.D. wate
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; MIA; maternal immune activation; Ig; immunoglobulin; Poly I:C; synthetic polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidilic acid; GD; gestation day; I.P.; intraperitoneally; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; CHAPS; 3-((3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonium)-1-propanesu
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Brain; Nucleus; Nuclear proteome; Mass spectrometry; Protein precipitation; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; IEF; isoelectrofocusing; IPG; immobilized pH gradient; FPR; False Positive Ratio; GO; Gene Ontology; DAVID; database for annotation visualization
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Heat stress; Dairy cows; Plasma proteome; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Inflammatory response;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Food authentication; Food quality; Proteomics; Mass spectrometry; Two-dimensional electrophoresis;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; AMA; α-amanitin; BBI; Bowman-Birk type bran trypsin inhibitor; CHX; cycloheximide; DTT; dithiothreitol; IEF; isoelectric focusing; LOX; lipoxygenase; MALDI-TOF/TOF; matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Drought tolerance; Leaf proteins; Protein-protein interaction; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Water stress;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Bovine muscle proteome; Stress-dependent proteome changes; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Bootstrap resampling method; Relative and fold change measures; Quantitative proteomics
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; AMI; acute myocardial infarction; ACS; acute coronary syndrome; 2DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; LC-MS; liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry; HDL; high-density lipoprotein; STEMI; ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; NSTEMI; non-ST segm
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Embryo implantation; Proteomics; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Mass spectrometry; Stathmin 1;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 1DE; one-dimensional electrophoresis; 2DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; BSA; bovine serum albumin; BY2; tobacco cultivar Bright Yellow-2; CBB; Coomassie Brilliant Blue; CHAPS; 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate; cPTIO; 4-carboxy
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; CCCP; carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone; CMXRos; chloromethyl-X-rosamine; COX; cytochrome-c-oxidase; DAPI; 4â²,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; ÎΨm; mitochondrial membrane potential; DMEM; Dulbecco's modified Ea
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Spermatozoa; proteome; fertilization; zona pellucida; two-dimensional electrophoresis;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Lactic acid bacteria; Sourdough; Albanian wheat cultivars; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; D; dough; DY; dough yield; FAA; free amino acids; HMW; high molecular weight; L; extensibility; LAB; lactic acid bacteria; LMW; low molecular weight; ME; met
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; GFP; green fluorescence protein; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; iTRAQ; isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation; GFP expression; Proteomic change; Unfolded protein response; Cytoskeleton modifications; Cellular immune response;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; OA; osteoarthritis; HA; hyaluronic acid; IAHA; intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid; H2O2; hydrogen peroxide; O2â; superoxide; SF; synovial fluid; ROS; reactive oxygen species; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; GAG; glycosaminoglycan; LC-
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Oat; Wheat; Reference material; Characterization; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; CWRS; Canada western red spring wheat; GF; gluten-free; HMW; high molecular weight; LMW; low molecular weight; MM; molar mass; RM; reference material; RP-HPLC; revers
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; PVDF; Polyvinylidene fluoride; IEF; Isoelectric focusing; TEMED,N,N,Nâ²; Nâ²-tetramethylenediamine; MALDI-TOF MS; Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry; Tris; 2-Amino-2-hydrox
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Beer; Proteomics; Genomics; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Mass spectrometry;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; ALPFC; anterolateral PFC; ANXA3; annexin A3; CUMS; chronic unpredictable mild stress; DLPFC; dorsolateral PFC; DPYSL2; dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 2; ETC; electron transport chain; GAPDH; glyceraldehyde-3-pho
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Clostridium sp.; Proteome; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Mass spectrometry; 1,3-Propanediol;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Aniridia; Keratopathy; Tear fluid; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; LC-MS/MS; α-Enolase;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Proteins; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; LC/MS/MS; Fruit ripening and ethylene;
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Crassostrea; Antiviral; poly(I:C); Two-dimensional electrophoresis; C1q-domain containing protein
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans; Potassium ion response; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Glycocalyx; ATP synthase
C-phycocyanin reduces inflammation by inhibiting NF-κB activity through downregulating PDCD5 in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; C-phycocyanin; Anti-inflammation; Dynamic proteomics; Programmed cell death 5 protein; NF-κB pathway; C-PC; C-phycocyanin; SiLAD; 35S in vivo/vitro labelling analysis for dynamic proteomic; PDCD5; programmed cell death 5 protein; NF-κB; nuclear factor Î
Proteome of olive non-glandular trichomes reveals protective protein network against (a)biotic challenge
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Olea europaea; Olive; Trichomes; Non-glandular trichomes; Proteome; Two-Dimensional electrophoresis; Mass spectrometry;
Unraveling physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Chétoui) tolerance to drought and salt stresses
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; A; CO2-assimilation rate; ATP syn; ATP synthase; BSP; bark storage protein; C; control sample; Ci; intercellular CO2 assimilation; CA; carbonic anhydrase; Car; carotenoids; Chl; chlorophyll; D; drought-stressed sampl
Morpho-physiological and proteomic responses of Aegilops tauschii to imposed moisture stress
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Moisture stress; Physiology; Proteomics; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Wheat wild relative;
Insight into cellular proteome of Lolium multiflorum/Festuca arundinacea introgression forms to decipher crucial mechanisms of cold acclimation in forage grasses
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; ABS/CS; energy flux for absorbed energy/area of the photosynthetic sample; ABS/RC; energy flux for absorbed energy/reaction center; CA; cold acclimation; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; DI0/CS; energy flux for dissipated energy/area of the photosyn
Proteomic changes during adult stage in pre-optic, hypothalamus, hippocampus and pituitary regions of female rat brain following neonatal exposure to estradiol-17β
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Proteomics; Neonatal estradiol-17β exposure; Pre-optic area; Hypothalamus; Hippocampus; Pituitary; Two-dimensional electrophoresis;
Proteomic analyses for profiling regulated proteins/enzymes by Fucus vesiculosus fucoidan in B16 melanoma cells: A combination of enzyme kinetics functional study
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; MALDI-TOF; matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight; IPG; immobilized pH gradient; HTS; high-throughput screening; Fucoidan; B16 melanoma cell; Proteomics;
A characterization of structural proteins expressed by Bombyx mori bidensovirus
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; BmBDV; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Structural proteins; Leaky scanning translation; Virus-like particles;
Evaluation of silicon influence on the mitigation of cadmium-stress in the development of Arabidopsis thaliana through total metal content, proteomic and enzymatic approaches
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 2-D DIGE; two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; nESI-LC-MS/MS; nanoelectrospray ionization liquid chromatography-tamdem mass spectrometry; RP-nanoUPLC; reversed phase nano Ultra Performance L
Proteomic analysis of the compatible interaction of wheat and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici)
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Compatible interaction; Defense responses; Leaf; Powdery mildew; Primary metabolism; Triticum aestivum; Bgt; Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici; CBB; Coomassie Brilliant Blue; GS; glutamine synthetase; hpi; hours post infection; ICDH; Isocitrate dehydrogena
Validation of a new method by nano-liquid chromatography on chip tandem mass spectrometry for combined quantitation of C3f and the V65 vitronectin fragment as biomarkers of diagnosis and severity of osteoarthritis
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; OA; osteoarthritis; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; SELDI-TOF-MS; surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry; MALDI-TOF; matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization-time of flight; K&L; Kellgren and Lawrence; HV;
Saprotrophic proteomes of biotypes of the witches' broom pathogen Moniliophthora perniciosa
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Cacao diseases; Mycelia; Proteomic; Tandem mass spectrometry; Two-dimensional electrophoresis; Witches' broom disease;
Isolation and characterization of human CapG expressed and post-translationally modified in Pichia pastoris
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; CapG; Pichia pastoris; Heterologous expression; Post-translational modifications; Mass-spectrometry; Tumor; CapG; macrophage-capping protein, gelsolin-like; ABP; actin-binding protein; 2DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; PTM; post-translational modifica
Research articleProteomic comparison of Chelidonium majus L. latex in different phases of plant development
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Chemometrics; Defense-related proteins; Greater Celandine; Label-free protein quantification; Major latex protein; Milky sap; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; ABC transporters; ATP-binding cassette transporters; CDS; coding sequences; LRR; leucine-r
Research articleProteomics analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) grain based on iTRAQ reveals molecular mechanisms of poor grain filling in inferior grains
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Maize; Grain filling; Inferior grains; iTRAQ; Proteome; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; ADPase; ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase; ASR; abscisic stress ripening protein; DAP; days after pollination; DiAP; differentially accumulated protein; DW; dry wei
Research PaperProteomic analysis of developing wheat grains infected by powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici)
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; 1-Cys Prx; 1-Cys peroxiredoxin; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; AAT; aspartate aminotransferase; AlaAT; alanine aminotransferase; Bgt; Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici; DI; disease indices; DPA; days post-anthesis; MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS; matrix-assisted
Research articleChanges in the mitochondrial protein profile due to ROS eruption during ageing of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) seeds
Keywords: الکتروفورز دو بعدی; Elm (Ulmus pumila L.) seed; Ageing; Mitochondria; ROS; VDAC; Protein carbonylation; CDT; controlled deterioration treatment; CMXRos; MitoTracker Red CMXRos; cyt c; cytochrome c; 2-DE; two-dimensional electrophoresis; ETC; electron transport chain; H2DCFDA