Keywords: جامدات فرار; Wastewater treatment; Remediation of clogging; Drainable porosity; Surface runoff; Volatile solids;
مقالات ISI جامدات فرار (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; ADp; preliminary anaerobic digestion; BMP; biochemical methane potential; B0; ultimate methane yield; Bu; heoretical methane yield; EPS; extracellular polymeric substances; khyd; apparent hydrolysis constant; HPLC; high performanc
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Algae; Anaerobic co-digestion; Biomass; Renewable energy; Waste paper; AD; anaerobic digestion; ANOVA; analysis of variance; F/I; feedstock/inoculum; KDP; potassium dihydrogen phosphate; MC; moisture content; RSM; response surface methodology; TS; total s
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AASS; anaerobic aerobic sequential system; AD; anaerobic digestion; WW; wastewater; FW; food waste; WAS; waste activated sludge; TS; total solids; VS; volatile solids; COD; chemical oxygen demand; SS; suspended solids; DO; dissolved oxygen; VFA; volatile
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Hydrochar; Biogas inhibition; Ammonium adsorption; Immobilization of microbial biomass; Co-digestion; RS; rice straw; HRS; hydrothermal pretreated rice straw; SP; solid product; VFA; volatile fatty acids; HTP; hydrothermal pretreatment; HTC; hydrothermal
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; AS; Activated Sludge; COD; chemical oxygen demand; CSTR; continuous stirred tank reactor; D1 and D2; digestate samples 1 and 2; GAE; gallic acid equivalent; GI; germination index; HRT; hydraulic retention time; OLR; organic loadin
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Pig; Manure; Volatile solids; Methane; Emissions; Model;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AO; anaerobic or anoxic/oxic process; A2O; anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process; CAST; conventional activated sludge treatment; CER; cation exchange resin; DI; deionized; EPS; extracellular polymer substance; EPS-Ca; product of EPS-Ca2+ interaction; EPS-Fe; pr
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Chemical composition; Binary mixture; Mixing ratio; Non-linear blending; Digestion kinetics; AA; Acetic acid; AD; Anaerobic digestion; ADF; Acid detergent fibre; ADL; Acid detergent lignin; AFBI; Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; AR; Agricultural resid
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Cellulose; Hemicellulose; Lignin; Anaerobic digestion characteristics; Methane yield; Microbial community analysis; AD; anaerobic digestion; AG; arabinogalactan; α-CE; α-cellulose; BD; biodegradability; CMY; cumulative methane yield; DMY; daily methane
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Pig carcase; Anaerobic digestion; Animal by-product; Carcase disposal; Fallen stock; AD; anaerobic digestion; ABP; animal by-products; BSE; bovine spongiform encephalopathy; CFU; colony-forming units; C:N; carbon:nitrogen ratio; EC; European Commission; E
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; ALK; alkalinity; CHONS; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur; COD; chemical oxygen demand; CSTR; continuously stirred tank reactor; C:N; carbon to nitrogen ratio; DGGE; denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; HAc; acetic
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Micrometeorological mass balance method; Tunable diode laser trace gas analyzer; Methane flux; Stored liquid dairy manure; Methane conversion factor; Arrhenius equation; Hysteresis of temperature response; Volatile solids; Acetic acid;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic degradation; OLR; organic loading rate; HRT; hydraulic retention time; SAO; syntrophic acetate oxidation; SAOB; syntrophic acetate-oxidising bacteria; VS; volatile solids; TS; total solids; VFA; volatile fatty acid; GC; gas chromatography; H
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; Anaerobic Digestion; BI; Biodegradability Index; COD; Chemical Oxygen Demand; TS; Total Solids; VS; Volatile Solids; Macroalgae residues; Extraction; Integrated biorefinery; Methane potential; Acclimatation; Anaerobic biodegradability;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; manure management; methane; nitrous oxide; volatile solids;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AAO; Anaerobic ammonium oxidation; AD; Anaerobic digestion; BOD; Biological oxygen demand; CFT; Carbon fiber textiles; COD; Chemical oxygen demand; DIET; Direct interspecies electron transfer; HRT; Hydraulic retention time; OLR; Organic loading rate; TAN;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; ADF; Acid detergent fibre; ADL; Acid detergent lignin; CL; Cellulose; CV; Cross validation; HC; Hemicellulose; MLR; Multiple linear regression; NDF; Neutral detergent fibre; RES; Non-lignocellulosic biomass fraction; rMSE; square root of the mean square e
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; Anaerobic digestion; Anammox; Anaerobic ammonium oxidation; BMP; Bio-methane potential; CHP; Combined heat and power plant; CSTR; Continuous stirred-tank reactor; DQY; Deqingyuan (location of large chicken farm in China); MWel; Installed electrical ca
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Pressurised anaerobic digestion; Nutrients recovery; Phosphorus; pH; Volatile solids; Microbial community;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; FW; food waste; VW; vegetable waste; LBR; Leach Bed Reactor; UASB; Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor; VFA; volatile fatty acid; AD; anaerobic digestion; CSTR; continuous stirred tank reactor; VS; volatile solids; TS; total solid; (COD); carbon oxyge
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AA; absolute abundance; AD; aerobic digestion; AnD; anaerobic digestion; ARGs; antibiotic resistance genes; DCA; detrended correspondence analysis; intI1; class 1 integron-integrase gene; MGEs; mobile genetic elements; MRGs; metal resistance genes; OTU; o
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; BMP; biochemical methane potential; E-nose; electronic nose; DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid; FAN; free ammonia nitrogen; FM; fresh matter; GC; gas chromatography; HDS; historical data set; HNR; high nitrogen input reactor; HRT; hydrau
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; SS-AD; solid-state anaerobic digestion; SS co-AD; solid state co-anaerobic digestion; L-AD; liquid anaerobic digestion; AMPTS; automatic methane potential test system; BMP; biochemical methane potential; F/I ratio; feedstock-to-in
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Anaerobic digestion; Soil; Simultaneous NaOH treatment; Corn straw; Methane yield; AD; anaerobic digestion; SS-AD; solid-state anaerobic digestion; LS-AD; liquid-state anaerobic digestion; S/I; substrate-to-inoculum; SA; soil addition; NSA; no soil additi
Keywords: جامدات فرار; BMP; Biochemical methane potential; CARBAP; African Research Centre on Bananas and Plantains; CRBP; Previous name of CARBAP; COD; Chemical oxygen demand; DM; Dry matter; FM; Fresh matter; GC; Gas chromatography; GN; Grande Naine; PHP; Plantations Haut Pen
Keywords: جامدات فرار; CSTR; Continuously stirred tank reactor; Dm; Dairy manure; HRT; hydraulic retention time; COD; Chemical Oxygen Demand; TS; Total Solids; VS; Volatile Solids; NH3-N; Ammonia Nitrogen; CH4; Methane; Biomass; Renewable energy; Waste management;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Constructed wetlands; Subsurface-flow; Clogging; Total solids; Volatile solids;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AS; Activated sludge; DC; direct current; DS; dry solids; DS,; dry solids at beginning of the test; DS,; dry solids at the end of the test; DSA®; Dimensionally Stable Anode, a registered trade mark of Industrie De Nora Milan; E; electric field (V/cm); ED
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Bomb calorimetry; Anaerobic digestion; Volatile solids; Biofuel; Chemical oxygen demand (COD); Bio-methane potential (BMP); BCV; net biological calorific value for biological degradation; BMP; bio-methane potential; CEP; chemical energy potential; COD; ch
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; BGY; billion gallons per year; CO2; carbon dioxide; C:N:P; carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus; DOE; Department of Energy; HTL; hydrothermal liquefaction; LCA; life cycle assessment; LEA; lipid-extracted algae; Mmt; million metric tons; TE
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Anaerobic digestion; Food waste; One-stage; Two-stage; Hydrogen; Methane; 1S-AD; one-stage anaerobic digestion system; 2S-AD; two-stage anaerobic digestion system; AD; anaerobic digestion; AS; activated sludge; CSTR; continuously stirred tank reactor; DOC
Keywords: جامدات فرار; GHG; Greenhouse gases; NGS; Next generation sequencing; CMC; Carboxy methyl cellulose; CMCase; Carboxy methyl cellulase; SSF; Solid-substrate fermentation; FAME; Fatty acid methyl esters; TSS; Total suspended solids; COD; Chemical oxygen demand; TP; Total
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; WWTP; wastewater treatment plants; SS; sewage sludge; OMW; olive mill wastewater; CW; cheese whey; CG; crude glycerol; TS; total solids; VS; volatile solids; T-COD; total chemical oxygen demand; d-COD; dissolved chemical oxygen de
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Phosphorus recovery; Struvite; Pig slurry; Swine manure; Acidogenesis; Lactic acid fermentation; ANOVA; Analysis of variance; Ca; Calcium; LAB; Lactic acid bacteria; Mg; Magnesium; MgO; Magnesium oxide; N; Nitrogen; P; Phosphorus; T; Total; TS; Total soli
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Simultaneous ammonia stripping; High-solids thermophilic anaerobic digestion; Methane production from manure; Ammonia inhibition; AD; anaerobic digestion; SS-AD; solid-state anaerobic digestion; SSFW; source sorted food waste; TKN; Kjeldahl nitrogen; TAN;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; 3D-EEM; 3 Dimension Excitation Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopy; AD; anaerobic digestion; BMP; Biomethane Chemical Potential; CB; cardboard; COD; chemical oxygen demand; EPS; extra polymeric substances; FAN; free ammonia nitrogen; FW; food waste;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; BI; biodegradability index; BMP; biomethane potential; CSTR; continuous stirred tank reactor; BNG; bio-natural gas; SMY; specific methane yield; TMP; theoretical methane potential; TRL; technology readiness level; VFA; volatile fa
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; Anaerobic Digestion; COD; Chemical Oxygen Demand; COP; Coefficient of performance; GHG; Greenhouse gas; HRT; Hydraulic retention time; kWe; Kilowatts of electrical output; LCV; Lower calorific value; OLR; Organic loading rate; TPA; Tonnes per annum; T
Keywords: جامدات فرار; ADL; acid detergent lignin; AWC; available water content; DMY; above-ground dry matter yield; DMYirrigated; above-ground dry matter yield in irrigated plots; DMYrainfed; above-ground dry matter yield in rainfed plots; GAI; green area index; IPAR; cumulati
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Methane; Biogas; Pretreatment; Extrusion; Enzymatic hydrolysis; Corncob; AD; anaerobic digestion; A+FE; alkali and fast extrusion; A+FE+H; alkali and fast extrusion followed by enzymatic hydrolysis; BMP; biochemical methane potential; FE; fast extrusion;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; BMP; biochemical methane potential; DN; dissolved nitrogen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; EPS; extracellular polymeric substances; FTIR; fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; k; first-order rate constant; LB-EPS; lightly-bound
A swirling jet-induced cavitation to increase activated sludge solubilisation and aerobic sludge biodegradability
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Energy efficient; Sludge solubilisation; Swirling jet-induced cavitation; Sludge disintegration; Aerobic biodegradability; AC; acoustic cavitation; HC; hydrodynamic cavitation; COD; chemical oxygen demand; TCOD; total COD; PCOD; particulate COD; SCOD; sol
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Bioethanol; Digestate; Furans; Inhibition; Pretreatment; Pyrolysis; 5-HMF; Hydroxymethylfurfural; HPLC; High Pressure Liquid Chromatography; HRT; Hydraulic Retention Time; OLR; Organic Loading Rate; SA; Accessible Surface Area; TS; Total Solids; Vmi; Micr
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Light-emitting diodes (LEDs); Light source; Algal taxonomy; Microalgal biomass; Fermentative biogas; Methane; LED; light-emitting diodes; VS; volatile solids; TS; total solids; TC; total carbon; TOC; total organic carbon; TN; total nitrogen; TP; total pho
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Dynamic membrane; Mesh filtration; Membrane bioreactor; Anaerobic process; Flux; ADMBR; anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor; COD; Chemical oxygen demand; CFV; cross flow velocity; DM; dynamic membrane; DMBR; dynamic membrane bioreactor; J; flux; HRT; hy
Keywords: جامدات فرار; AD; anaerobic digestion; e; mathematical constant (2.718); GHGs; greenhouse gases; GP; gymnopilus pampeanus; M; methane cumulative production (mL/g VS) at time t (d); P; maximum methane production (mL/g VS); PS; Populus sawdust; R; maximum methane product
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Acidogenic fermentation; Acetic acid; Salinity inhibition; Methanogens; Acclimation; Ar; Argon; CH4; Methane; CO2; Carbon dioxide; COD; Chemical oxygen demand; CODCH4; Produced amount of CH4; CODVFA eff; Amount of COD present as volatile fatty acids in t
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Sewage sludge; Energy grass; Anaerobic co-digestion; Heavy metal speciation; Stabilization process; AD; anaerobic digestion; TS; total solids; VS; volatile solids; VFA; volatile fatty acids; C/N; carbon-to-nitrogen ratio; MFs; mobility factors;
Keywords: جامدات فرار; Denitrification; Digestate; N2O modelling; 15Nitrogen; Water filled pore space; Volatile solids